


Apr 15th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

没有什么世俗文件能(像美国宪法一样)得到如此广泛的尊敬.迄今,美国宪法还常常模棱两可,没有明确的含义.因此,阐释这些”模糊地带”的最高法院至关重要.正是如此,大法官约翰·保罗·史蒂文斯——最高法院中的自由派支柱——的退休引发激烈的政治争执.最高法院规定行为的边界.言论自由是否包括火烧国旗的自由?史蒂文斯大法官——他是二战的退伍军人——可不这样认为.可是谁知道继任者会怎么想呢?其他事情上同样如此. 继续阅读“最高法院法官花落谁家?”





Mar 31st 2010 | From The Economist print edition


一般情况下,收益率曲线是向上倾斜的,并且长期收益率处于短期收益率上方。这是很容易理解的:当债权人将其资金长期借给贷款人的时候,他们当然会要求得到更高的回报。反转的收益率曲线,也就是短期收益率处于长期收益率上方,通常被当做是经济衰退的预兆,在次贷危机爆发之前收益率曲线的形状就是这样的。 继续阅读“危险的收益率曲线”



Mar 30th 2010 | From The Economist online

1998年3月,可口可乐装瓶公司宣布任命一位跌破众人眼镜的董事人选加入董事会∶这位就是前重量级拳王Evander Holyfield(如上图),他因耳朵的一小块曾遭另一位拳王Mike Tyson咬下来而声名大噪。当时他不是唯一一位在董事会享有席次的顶尖运动员:美国职篮球星Michael Jordan曾担任太阳眼镜制造商Oakley公司的董事。过去廿五年,其他运动明星亦尝试担任美国企业的董事,包括网球选手Billie Jean King,1999年加入Altria董事会(后更名Philip Morris),女子高尔夫球选手Nancy Lopez,2006年成为果酱制造商J.M. Smucker的董事之一。 继续阅读“名人效应”





Mar 31st 2010 | From The Economist print edition

以国土、人口与潜在财富而论,印尼在其所在地区一直显得鹤立鸡群。这个群岛国家跨越了世上最繁忙的海上通道。东南亚国家联盟由十个国家组成,而印尼人口约2.31亿,占东盟的五分之二。印尼人口结构年轻、受教育程度高,油气、矿产与森林资源丰富,棕榈种植面积广大,发展远景看好。东盟运作机制以协商一致闻名,但私下却以印尼为首。 继续阅读“印尼在世界上的地位”




Mar 24th 2010 | From The Economist online


批评家往往会把马塞尔·杜尚的小便池(冠以“泉”这个名字)称作是20世纪最重要的艺术作品。但是其作为收藏品的地位却一直不及它作为一个概念的价值。这件作品的出现向艺术作品本真性的观念提出了质疑——那是在1917年,杜尚第一次购买了这件大批量生产出的排水装置,并在上面签上了“R.马特”。现在,在杜尚去世了40年后,关于这件作品正当性的问题依然切题,因为人们发现未经授权的小便池正在意大利的市场上流通。艺术界喜欢看似矛盾、实则有其深意的观念性表达,但是似乎可能有人会朝这些未授权的小便池撒尿了。 继续阅读“疯狂的(杜尚)小便池”





Mar 17th 2010 | From The Economist print edition


马斯特里赫特艺术博览会是欧洲最具影响力的装饰艺术盛会。不过今年的展会面临了一个新问题:虽然不至于平庸到不值一提,但展品大多都很普通。交易商意识到在经济萧条时期很难淘到上等的新品,大多数展品甚至在展会上反复出现。比如伦敦艺术商西蒙·迪金森带来参展的“洛雷当乡村别墅风景”。这幅由安东尼奥·格瓦尔基(注:似应弗朗西斯科·格瓦尔基,威尼斯风景画家)绘于18世纪的杰作,已经是第四次出现在马斯特里赫特的会场上。去年冬天,另一位交易商带着这幅画到纽约参展,却没有吸引到购买者。 继续阅读“竞买荷兰,各自为战”





Mar 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition 

现代意义上的大学最早出现在德国,但其领先地位早已让与了其它国家,尤其是美国。在往昔涌现出大量的诗人和思想家的这片土地上,如今正陶醉于其培训烤面包、修电器等技工的“双元制”教育体系。没有进入大学的青少年可以申请就读于3年制的培训机构。这些机构采用课堂教学与企业的实习教学相结合的教学方式。这种教育体系的结果使德国各行各业的产品——无论是理发还是小轿车,质量全都上乘。教育部长沙范夫人说,双元制“使德国成为世界出口冠军”。学员(德语Azubis)在这里不只是取得了专业资格证书,他们的实际水平也是名符其实的。 继续阅读“德国教育,尚需努力”



Mar 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
一片在口中咀嚼时会油脂四溢的软骨是否合你胃口呢?如果是的话,那你一定会喜欢鲸鱼肉。不只是口感,鲸鱼肉还能让你体验到长年积累的水银。想想看,这些聪慧的鲸鱼在被猎捕时所受的折磨; 还有那赶尽杀绝的军事和工业手法。日本的捕鲸行为是,套一句王爾德(Oscar Wilde)的话说,那难以形容的恶追差堪食用的肉。 继续阅读“不是捕鲸而是沉陷”



Mar 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
卡珊德拉所受的诅咒是别人永远都不会相信她的警告。笃信日本政府债末日论的人命运没那么糟: 他们只是预言的太早了。
这是为什么呢?最主要的关键是,日本政府并不依赖外国人来融资。他们公债只有4%是由境外的人所持有。虽然这些债券的收益是不值一提,但是在减计通胀后仍然是正数,这是因为该国家长期的通货紧缩。既然短期利率几乎是零,而东京股市只有1989年最高点的四分之一,日本国内投资人当然觉得公债是一堆烂货里最好的选择。 继续阅读“日本的未来启示录”

World Wide Wait全球等待


World Wide Wait

The faster the internet becomes, the slower it loads pages

Feb 12th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

EVER noticed how long it takes for web pages to load these days? You click on a link and wait and wait, and then wait some more, for the content to trickle in. If nothing has happened after ten seconds or so, your impatient correspondent hits the browser’s stop button followed by the reload key. In desperation, he sometimes loads the link into a second or even a third browser tab as well, and bombards the website’s server with multiple requests for the page. If that fails, he gives up in disgust and reads a newspaper instead.

Back in the early days of the internet, when most web users relied on dial-up connections, browsers were crude and web graphics were clumsy GIF files, eight seconds was considered the maximum people would stick around for a page to load. To increase “stickiness”, web designers pared their HTML code to the bone, collated their style-sheet data and JavaScripts into single files for more efficient caching elsewhere on the web, used fewer graphics and embraced the PNG and JPEG picture formats, with their smaller file sizes, as soon as they became available. Compared with text, pictures really were the equivalent of 1,000 words, at least when it came to the time taken to transmit them.

When your correspondent hand-coded The Economist’s first website back in 1994, a typical web page was about 50 kilobytes in size and dial-up modems could transfer no more than three kilobytes a second. To stay under the “eight-second rule”, pictures were kept to a minimum, so no page took more than three or four seconds to begin loading and never longer than 20 seconds to complete. The irony is that, with broadband nowadays more or less everywhere, overall connection speeds have gone up by leaps and bounds, yet the time taken to load web pages seems only to have got longer.

Your correspondent is admittedly near the end of the road for a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection. But even at three miles (5km) from the local telephone exchange, the speed of his broadband connection has inched up over the past few years from 65 kilobytes a second to more than 90 kilobytes a second—as the local line has been tweaked and legacy equipment like echo-cancelling coils removed from its junction boxes.

Sure, he could get 650 kilobytes a second or more from a cable connection. But that would mean ditching his otherwise excellent satellite-TV service. Besides, optical fibre is slowly working its way up his hillside. He could soon have access to the internet at more than six megabytes a second—providing he is prepared to pay $140 a month instead of $21 for his existing DSL connection.

A 70-fold increase in speed for a sevenfold increase in price would seem a bargain. But your correspondent is not sure that more raw speed will solve the glacial loading problem. Even with his wimpy DSL connection, pages are rendered quickly enough once the website’s servers (and all the other computers along the route, plus those used to host adverts, graphics and miscellaneous layout bits) start giving his browser’s request some attention. The trouble is getting their attention in the first place.

Before two computers can exchange information, they have to agree to talk to one another. Under normal conditions, this requires the user’s computer to send a request to the host computer, which then sends a response back to the user. Only after this “handshaking” is complete can the exchange of data commence. The time taken for this round-trip of request and acknowledgment determines the network’s latency.

The latency cannot be less than the distance the electromagnetic signal has to travel divided by the speed of light. For instance, your correspondent’s home in Los Angeles is 400 miles from a colleague’s in San Francisco. In theory, then, the shortest round-trip between the two locations is 4.3 milliseconds. But if you “ping” the other computer, you’ll get a round-trip time of typically 700 milliseconds. That is still pretty quick, but it shows just how much time is spent waiting around for the various servers involved to handle the request.

There are many places along the way where the message can get bogged down. Queues can build up at routing servers that switch data packages along different routes to their destinations depending on the traffic. Worst of all, the DNS (Domain Name Server) computers used by your ISP can be overwhelmed as they try to translate the names of all the websites subscribers want to visit (say, www.economist.com) into their actual internet addresses ( If you know it, try using the website’s numerical address rather than its verbose URL (Universal Resource Locator) name. That can sometimes halve the response time.

The bottlenecks—whether at the DNS translators, the routing computers or the host’s own servers—stem largely from the way the mix of internet traffic has changed faster than the infrastructure used to carry it. Websites that were once just 50 kilobytes of text and tiny pictures now come with music, video and animated graphics. YouTube, Hulu, iTunes and BitTorrent have much to answer for.

It is even worse on the mobile phone companies’ proprietary networks. Carriers are struggling to keep up with demand as subscribers use their smart-phones to check Facebook, stream videos from YouTube and play interactive games. Where a mid-range smart-phone would consume about 100 megabytes of data a month, more advanced models like the Apple iPhone or Motorola Droid, with fully fledged browsers and access to thousands of downloadable applications, tend to consume over 500 megabytes a month. With the imminent arrival of tablet computers like the iPad, which come with wireless modems, the appetite for downloadable data could hit a gigabyte a month (see the lead story in this week’s Business section).

And this is just the beginning. On the internet, the average latency for corporate websites in America is currently around 350ms, according to the Network Weather Report operated by the University of California, Los Angeles. Google’s latency is 150ms, Facebook’s 285ms and YouTube’s 515ms. Such latencies will have to come down considerably if the next generation of internet applications, such as telepresence, high-definition video streaming and remote surgery, are to fulfil their promise.

The future is beckoning. Netflix has just announced an on-demand video-streaming service offering full high-definition picture quality (so-called 1080p, which has 1,080 lines in its picture) with 5.1-channel surround sound. Each stream being watched will require a megabyte a second of bandwidth and a latency of less than 60ms if it is to deliver crisp, pin-sharp video and pristine sound.
未来在向我们招手。Netflix公司最近宣布提供一项按需订制的视频流服务,提供高清画质(即1080p,显像行有1080行 )和5.1声道环绕声。每个放映的视频流要求带宽1M/s,延时60毫秒以下,才能提供流畅清晰、音质纯正的视频。

For the internet service providers, that means stepping up investment substantially. But adding a lot more routers to the internet would complicate matters hugely and do little to solve the latency problem. If anything, it would actually increase the number of potential bottlenecks.

A better solution might be to light up more of the “dark fibre” installed during the heady days of the dotcom boom, but left lying unused beneath the streets since the bubble burst nearly a decade ago. That is what a number of securities firms have been quietly doing. When shaving a millisecond off the time needed to execute automated trades can increase revenue by $100m, there is plenty of incentive to build private optical networks with latencies approaching zero.

Indeed, Google said this week that it was not going to hang around waiting for the telecoms industry to build the new optical web. The company is planning a low-latency fibre network that will be capable of delivering speeds of over 100 megabytes a second for communities of 50,000-500,000 people. With luck, other internet service providers everywhere will get the message.
