



Apr 15th 2010 | PORTLAND | From The Economist print edition


波特兰市长萨姆·亚当斯认为和波特兰最具可比性的城市是加拿大温哥华,然而“我们吸取阿姆斯特丹、赫尔辛基和斯德哥尔摩”这类城市的理念。波特兰市政规划专家伊森·塞尔泽则认为德国小城弗莱堡是最好的样板,同样都对循环利用,可持续发展,公共交通和普及自行车情有独钟。其他人选择苏黎世作为样板,和波特兰具有相同的雪山景致,有轨电车运行在齐整而古板的街道上,甚至都具有偏好直接民主和对安乐死持宽容态度的特征。 继续阅读“波特兰和“精英城市””





Apr 15th 2010 | PASCAGOULA, MISSISSIPPI | From The Economist print edition

沿着密西西比63号高速公路一路向南,就在帕斯卡古拉和墨西哥海岸北边不远处,眼前逐一呈现出别样的景象。(经过和Luochao版主研究地图,L版提议译作:站在途径63号高速路的一个小山丘顶上,就在…,一片远景便呈现了出来。)。一条褐色运河静静地从桥下淌过,交错划过旁边的一片种满棕榈树的狭长地带。自来水塔四处错落耸立,远处隐约可见起重机和铁架塔。这片地区,近看魅力无穷,远看风采不减。石油开采和造船业在这里都发展得热火朝天。然而,由于飓风袭击,这里的居住人口数量却逐渐减少。因此,地处该海岸的公司必须为其员工另觅其他住所,而公司安置的结果却并不总能让人满意。 继续阅读“看不见的手”





Apr 15th 2010 | CHICAGO | From The Economist print edition

近日的一个午后,十八岁的奥斯巴尔多·赫尔南德兹坐在汉考克高中学校辅导员办公室里,脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。汉考克高中位于芝加哥西南部,该校绝大部分学生都是美籍西裔。在伊利诺斯州西部蒙默斯学院今年的录取名单中,奥斯巴尔多幸运地成为了其中一名。这个来自移民家庭的孩子并不是家里唯一一位考上大学的,但却很可能是这个家庭中第一位能从大学顺利毕业的。 继续阅读“更上一层楼”

别了 呈领结状平衡的格局


别了 呈领结状平衡的格局


Apr 8th 2010 | WASHINGTON, DC | From The Economist print edition

对于一位总统来说,将其目标着眼于未来的最有效途径,就是向最高法院提名法官。由于最高法院的9名法官享有终身任职的权利,大概还由于最高法院的这个“终身制”的某种力量似乎有助于长寿,所以,使得总统提名法官的机会很少。奥巴马在其担任总统的初期,得到了第一个提名机会。去年夏天,他任命了首位拉美裔法官索尼娅•索托马约尔。而今,他可能将要获得第二个机会了。现今在最高法院任职时间最长的约翰•保尔•史蒂文斯法官,本月20日年满90岁,人们普通推测,他可能很快宣布退休。 继续阅读“别了 呈领结状平衡的格局”





Mar 31st 2010 | HUNT’S POINT, THE BRONX | From The Economist print edition

锅炉房通常给人的印象是脏而潮湿的,但是眼前这间却干净而凉爽。福克斯•泊恩特(Fox Point)是位于纽约市南布朗克斯区(该市最穷的区之一)的一幢崭新的包含47套单元的住宅楼。该区三分之二的居民曾经是无家可归的人,他们的房租由联邦住房和城市发展局为其负担,其余三分之一是低收入家庭。这间锅炉房内装有一个微型燃气汽轮机系统,可自发电并提供热能。它通过再利用排到空气中的热能,在降低成本的同时又减少了碳排放量。 继续阅读“绿色纽约”







Mar 25th 2010 | WASHINGTON, DC | From The Economist print edition

如果说政治要讲究势头的话,那本周对于奥巴马而言真是再好不过了。民主党一直期待在11月的中期选举中再取得胜利,现在成功履行了医改的承诺,到时也可以借此大力宣传了。但是在3月21日众议院的投票中,民主党只以219票对212票的微弱优势取胜,也许很容易就会出点儿岔子,毕竟这只是这个双局赌博的第一局而已,11月前没人会知道谁能笑到最后。选民们因为民主党最终通过议案给他们奖励呢?还是像共和党所期望的那样,惩罚民主党用卑鄙的手段硬让政府接管了这个国家无法负担的工作呢? 继续阅读“奇迹还是怪物?”




Mar 25th 2010 | DETROIT | From The Economist print edition


三月二十三日,底特律人集聚在城市中心的大礼堂。那里有:市议会领袖Charles Pugh先生,当地知名慈善机构斯格曼基金会(Skillman Foundation)会长Carol Goss先生,以及消防员、记者、成群的普通百姓都挤进了会场。市长Dave Bing先生准备按原计划进行关于城市状况的第一次讲演。整个底特律都很期待他的讲演。 继续阅读“底特律的未来”




Mar 18th 2010 | WASHINGTON, DC | From The Economist print edition


但是如今的通胀究竟被抑制在何种状态呢?令人沮丧的是,最近的一组数据均能够为联储中鸽鹰两派的观点提供依据。鹰派质疑长时间将利率维持在低位的必要性,鸽派则反之。 继续阅读“价格谜团”

Back in the game 新奥尔良: 阴影消散,活力重现

New Orleans

Back in the game

Feb 11th 2010 | NEW ORLEANS | From The Economist print edition

Two sorts of good news from an unhappy city


Something to celebrate at last

NEW ORLEANS is used to big weekends, but the last one stood out. On February 6th voters elected a new mayor, Mitch Landrieu, in a landslide more dramatic than any in memory. The next day the city’s beloved football team, the Saints—famous mostly for bumbling—won the Super Bowl for the first time in their 43-year existence.


To those monumental happenings the annual bacchanal of Carnival, now in full swing, seemed an appropriate backdrop. The day after the big game New Orleanians walked around in a blissful haze, with schools, courts and workplaces operating at half-strength, and strangers greeting one another with hugs and the team’s signature chant: “Who dat!” All this has given the city a dose of optimism it sorely needs. A bit of the old swagger is back.

在这些具有纪念碑意义的事件发生的同时,一年一度的狂欢节正如火如荼地举行着,似乎是一道很合适的背景。球队问鼎的第二天,新奥尔良人走上了街头,街上充满喜悦的气氛,学校、法院以及其它工作场所此刻都是半歇工状态,陌生人遇见会拥抱,并且高唱代表球队的标记性口号:“Who dat!” 这些东西对于这座城市来说是一剂快乐良药,而快乐正是它迫切需要的东西。原来的那个神气活现的家伙又回来了。

It is hard to know how much to connect the Saints’ success to that of Mr Landrieu, the state’s lieutenant-governor, who snapped up 66% of the vote. But there is a common theme to both results: cross-racial unity in a city that was once staunchly segregationist, and which in more recent times has experienced an uneasy detente between wealthy whites who control most of the city’s economic affairs and powerful blacks who run its politics.


The election of Mr Landrieu, a scion of Louisiana’s most prominent political clan and a surprise late entry into the race, may signal a departure from all that. Mr Landrieu is white. But his family has always been popular across racial lines, in part because his father, Moon Landrieu, was the first mayor to put blacks in positions of real power at City Hall. (Moon Landrieu was also the city’s most recent white mayor; he left office in 1978. One of his daughters, Mary, is Louisiana’s senior senator.)


Still, the latest election was uncharted territory. Mr Landrieu won overwhelmingly among both blacks and whites; early analysis suggests he won 70% of the white vote and 63% of the black vote. It was a remarkably unanimous verdict considering that New Orleanians have historically voted along racial lines. Just over a year earlier, of course, Americans had elected a black president, a result that clearly shook up the old patterns.


It is hard not to read Saturday’s results as a rebuke to Ray Nagin. The outgoing mayor was barred from running by a term limit, but he was certainly on voters’ minds. Four years ago Mr Landrieu lost to Mr Nagin in a tight election after Mr Nagin made a naked appeal to black voters’ racial loyalties. In that election, Mr Landrieu managed to get only about one in five black votes.


Since then, however, blacks and whites alike have become increasingly dissatisfied with Mr Nagin. His approval rate was recently estimated at a dismal 20%. These low numbers have several causes. They stem partly from the city’s halting recovery after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. But they are also a result of Mr Nagin’s habit of dividing his constituents. He tends to suggest that any criticism of him is racially motivated; he mutters darkly about a “shadow government” and a conspiracy to install whites in offices once held by blacks. Last weekend, New Orleanians of all colours and walks of life seemed to say: let’s move on. That is reason for celebration.



Jailhouse blues 监狱愁容

California’s prisons

Jailhouse blues

California must reduce its prisons’ overcrowding and cost. But how?

Feb 11th 2010 | LOS ANGELES | From The Economist print edition

ONE never quite knows whether Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s governor, is joking or serious. So it is with his three most recent ideas for solving one of the state’s biggest problems: its prisons. They are overcrowded, to the tune of about 40,000 inmates according to a federal court, and often inhumane. And they are too expensive, exacerbating California’s desperate budget crisis.


The governor’s wildest thought experiment has California paying Mexico to build prisons and house California’s inmates in them. This is “totally silly” and probably unconstitutional, says Joan Petersilia of Stanford Law School. Almost as silly is his proposal to amend the state constitution to mandate reversing the current shares of the state budget that go to prisons and universities. The fact that 9.5% of spending now goes to prisons while only 5.7% goes to universities—25 years ago, prisons got 4% and universities 11%—is indeed a harsh indicator of California’s fall from grace. But there is no logical reason to pit two parts of the state budget against each other constitutionally when legislators are perfectly capable of doing the allocating.

州长设想的大胆实验是由加州付钱给墨西哥,修建监狱,安置加州的狱囚。斯坦福大学法学院的琼•皮特尔斯连(Joan Petersilia)说,这简直“蠢到家了”,而且很可能违宪。他的另一建议也同样愚蠢。他建议修改州宪法,要求重新配置州对监狱和大学的现行财政预算份额。而现在的财政预算中有9.5%划给监狱,大学只有5.7%。(25年前,监狱系统有4%,大学有11%。)这一事实清楚说明加州现已名誉扫地。但既然立法委员可以把财政预算的分配做得如此完美,那么比较这两方面的政府财政预算从宪法角度讲也就没有多少合理性。

However, Mr Schwarzenegger’s third proposal should be taken seriously. It is to privatise more of California’s prisons. He has already expanded a contract with Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the oldest and largest private prison operator, to house about 8,000 of California’s 167,000 inmates, mostly out of state. California is one of 25 states which, along with the federal government, put some inmates in private prisons. Mr Schwarzenegger wants to do more of it.


He has two reasons. First, private companies can expand capacity faster than government bureaucracies, and adding space is part of the answer to overcrowding. Ms Petersilia estimates that it takes seven years to build a new state prison in California, but only one year to open the equivalent private facility, through leasing, converting or building.


Second, private prisons sometimes have lower costs, if they can keep prison-guard unions at bay. California’s happens to be the most powerful in the nation. About 70% of a prison’s costs go on personnel, and California’s guards not only have the highest wages but the most generous pension and health-care benefits. The union, which habitually spends lots of money on campaigns for judicial and legislative elections, as well as on ballot measures, will of course fight the proposal.


But privatisation is not a long-term solution, says John Roman of the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC. For big savings, a state would have to cut services to inmates, from drug treatment to counselling, whether the prison is public or private. Such cuts, however, leave inmates less prepared to re-enter society and more likely to end up behind bars again.

但是监狱私有化并非长久之计,华盛顿特区的智囊团城市研究所的约翰•罗马(John Roman)说。要削减费用的话,州政府就不得不削减对囚犯提供的从药物治疗到心理咨询的一系列服务,不管监狱是政府设立的抑或私营的。但是,这些措施只会让囚犯在重新融入社会时准备更不充分,很可能会再次走上被告席。

This is why Ms Petersilia emphasises another policy, agreed during last year’s budget deal. California has had a high recidivism rate (of 70%) in part because every released inmate used to be placed on parole and many were returned to prison for small violations such as missing appointments or failing alcohol tests. Since January 25th only dangerous ex-convicts are placed on parole, and they only go back to prison if they commit new crimes. Whether this will reduce overcrowding is yet to be seen, but it should help.


【1】Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is a company that manages public prisons and detention centers, and has concessions for many others. The company is the largest private corrections company in the United States and manages more than 60 facilities with a designed capacity of 85,000 beds. CCA was incorporated in 1983 by three businessmen and is based in Nashville, Tennessee.
From: wikipedia
