[2008.05.22] Indiana McCain rides again 印第安纳麦凯恩再次策马扬鞭


Indiana McCain rides again

May 22nd 2008
From The Economist print edition

The Republican cannot dismiss the question of his age with a few jokes

JOHN McCAIN is a master of jesting about his advanced years. He says people only turn up to watch him to see if he needs a “drool cup”. He amusingly called a young voter who asked about his age a “little jerk”. On May 17th he appeared on “Saturday Night Live” to claim that “I have the courage, the wisdom, the experience and, most importantly, the oldness necessary.”
在拿自己的高龄开玩笑方面,约翰麦凯恩算得上一位行家里手。他说人们来看他只是想瞧瞧他是否需要一只 “口水杯’’ .他将一位询问他年龄的青年选民戏称为“小傻瓜”。5月17号,在 <<周六夜现场>>做节目时,他声称:“我拥有所必需的胆识,智慧,经验,更重要的是,我的岁数够大。”
继续阅读“[2008.05.22] Indiana McCain rides again 印第安纳麦凯恩再次策马扬鞭”

[2008.05.22] Close but no cigar 几近结束,但无法庆祝

The Democrats

Close but no cigar

May 22nd 2008 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition

The contest that refuses to die

ON MAY 20th both Democratic candidates had a chance to declare themselves winners. Hillary Clinton, speaking in Louisville, Kentucky, celebrated her two-to-one victory over Barack Obama in the state. A little later Mr Obama, speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, the state that turned him into a front-runner back in January, celebrated the fact that he was “within reach” of locking up the nomination.

Mrs Clinton’s gigantic victory in Kentucky has steeled her determination to run the race to the very end. She will contest the three remaining primaries (in Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota). She will also present a vigorous case to a special meeting of the Democratic National Committee on May 31st that the votes in Florida and Michigan should be counted. She told supporters in Louisville that she would keep campaigning until the party had a nominee—“whoever she may be”.
克林顿夫人在肯塔基州的大胜更加坚定了她战斗到底的决心。她会参加剩下的三场初选(波多黎各,蒙大拿和南达科他)。并且在民主党全国委员会5月31日的特 殊会议上据理力争,要求将佛罗里达和密歇根的投票计入统计。她告诉路易斯维尔的支持者,自己会继续竞选,除非党内提名最终确定——“不管她是谁”。
继续阅读“[2008.05.22] Close but no cigar 几近结束,但无法庆祝”

[2008.05.17] The mystery of violence 暴力之谜

Urban crime

The mystery of violence

May 15th 2008 | CHICAGO
From The Economist print edition

Chicago’s continuing fight against gangs and guns

APRIL was a cruel and bloody month in Chicago. “We want futures, not funerals!” students shouted at a rally on April 1st. But more funerals followed. The most violent weekend, April 18th-20th, saw no few than 36 shootings—15 of them gang-related—and nine deaths. As Chicago prepares for the summer, when violence usually tends to rise, two questions linger: what has caused this outburst, and what can be done about it?
在 芝加哥,四月是残酷血腥的一月。“我们要未来,而不是葬礼!”学生们在四月一号的一次集会中这样喊到。然而更多的葬礼接踵而来。四月十八日到四月二十日这 个最暴力的周末,发生了不少于三十六起枪击案-其中十五起与黑帮有关-并导致九人死亡。芝加哥即将迎来夏天,而暴力通常随之上升。这里有两个问题:什么导 致了暴力行为的暴发?我们能对此做些什么?
继续阅读“[2008.05.17] The mystery of violence 暴力之谜”

[2008.05.17]Lexington: Why not both? 为何不两人都要?


Why not both?

May 15th 2008 2008年5月15日
From The Economist print edition 经济人印刷版

The dubious case for a Democratic dream team

BACK in March Barack Obama compared the Democratic primary to a “good movie” that has lasted “half an hour too long”. The movie has long since gone bad, and half an hour has dragged into an eternity. Surely it is high time to roll out the Hollywood ending.

继续阅读“[2008.05.17]Lexington: Why not both? 为何不两人都要?”

[2008.02.14]The Democratic race-His to lose 奥巴马还会输吗?

The Democratic race民主党竞选

His to lose奥巴马还会输吗?

Feb 14th 2008 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition


Barack Obama is now the clear front-runner for the Democratic nomination


ON SATURDAY February 9th an overflowing crowd of Virginians got a chance to see the Democratic presidential candidates giving duelling speeches at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Richmond. More interesting than anything the candidates said, however, was the detritus afterwards. The crowds stripped the place clean of Obama signs, tearing every last one off the walls. Hillary signs were abandoned on chairs and trampled under foot.


继续阅读“[2008.02.14]The Democratic race-His to lose 奥巴马还会输吗?”

[2008.02.07] half-way there

America’s election

Half-way there
Feb 7th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The Republicans, at least, seem to have found a decent candidate

                         Illustration by Kevin Kallaugher
WINSTON CHURCHILL, that famous half-American, once said that his mother’s countrymen could always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting the available alternatives. His words would apply well to the Republican Party just now. Having lengthily lionised “America’s mayor”, Rudy Giuliani, looked longingly at Reagan-lite Fred Thompson, flirted with millionaire Mitt Romney and sung along with preacherman Mike Huckabee, the party’s voters have sensibly plumped for John McCain, the only Republican whom pollsters give a chance of keeping the White House out of Democratic hands (see article). It is possible—just—to imagine Mr McCain failing to carry the nomination after Super Tuesday, which saw him win three times as many delegates as his nearest rival, Mr Romney, who suspended his campaign. But that would now require spectacular intervention by the Almighty on behalf of the admittedly pious Mr Huckabee.

继续阅读“[2008.02.07] half-way there”

[2008.01.10] America’s election-Up in the air

America’s election-Up in the air

Jan 10th 2008
From The Economist print edition

America wants change; it just can’t work out what sort of change


IF A week is famously a long time in British politics, five days can be an eternity in America. On January 3rd Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton by roughly 17,000 votes, out of around 220,000 cast, in Iowa’s Democratic caucus at the start of the presidential nominating season. It was the vote that launched a thousand editorials: the charismatic young black senator was compared to Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King and even Ronald Reagan. France’s Libération hailed the man who “will restore America’s image in the world”. The nomination, not to mention the presidency, seemed Mr Obama’s not by election but by global acclamation.
在英国政治中,如果说一周的时间就能够因为其旷日持久而变得著名;那么在美国,五天就已经可以说成是永恒了。1月3 日在衣阿华(Lowa)举行的民主党候选人选拔会议中,Obama在总数为220000张选票中以 17000张的优势在总统提名选季开端时刻击败了希拉里克林顿。此次投票结果引发了数千篇社论,将这个魅力十足的青年黑人议员与杰克肯尼迪、马丁路得金,甚至是里根相提并论。法国自由报以”有可能重新树立美国国际形象”的标题盛赞此人。抛开总统任职不提,Obama此次获得的竞选提名对他而言似乎意味着全球的赞赏。

继续阅读“[2008.01.10] America’s election-Up in the air”