Jailhouse blues 监狱愁容

California’s prisons

Jailhouse blues

California must reduce its prisons’ overcrowding and cost. But how?

Feb 11th 2010 | LOS ANGELES | From The Economist print edition

ONE never quite knows whether Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s governor, is joking or serious. So it is with his three most recent ideas for solving one of the state’s biggest problems: its prisons. They are overcrowded, to the tune of about 40,000 inmates according to a federal court, and often inhumane. And they are too expensive, exacerbating California’s desperate budget crisis.


The governor’s wildest thought experiment has California paying Mexico to build prisons and house California’s inmates in them. This is “totally silly” and probably unconstitutional, says Joan Petersilia of Stanford Law School. Almost as silly is his proposal to amend the state constitution to mandate reversing the current shares of the state budget that go to prisons and universities. The fact that 9.5% of spending now goes to prisons while only 5.7% goes to universities—25 years ago, prisons got 4% and universities 11%—is indeed a harsh indicator of California’s fall from grace. But there is no logical reason to pit two parts of the state budget against each other constitutionally when legislators are perfectly capable of doing the allocating.

州长设想的大胆实验是由加州付钱给墨西哥,修建监狱,安置加州的狱囚。斯坦福大学法学院的琼•皮特尔斯连(Joan Petersilia)说,这简直“蠢到家了”,而且很可能违宪。他的另一建议也同样愚蠢。他建议修改州宪法,要求重新配置州对监狱和大学的现行财政预算份额。而现在的财政预算中有9.5%划给监狱,大学只有5.7%。(25年前,监狱系统有4%,大学有11%。)这一事实清楚说明加州现已名誉扫地。但既然立法委员可以把财政预算的分配做得如此完美,那么比较这两方面的政府财政预算从宪法角度讲也就没有多少合理性。

However, Mr Schwarzenegger’s third proposal should be taken seriously. It is to privatise more of California’s prisons. He has already expanded a contract with Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the oldest and largest private prison operator, to house about 8,000 of California’s 167,000 inmates, mostly out of state. California is one of 25 states which, along with the federal government, put some inmates in private prisons. Mr Schwarzenegger wants to do more of it.


He has two reasons. First, private companies can expand capacity faster than government bureaucracies, and adding space is part of the answer to overcrowding. Ms Petersilia estimates that it takes seven years to build a new state prison in California, but only one year to open the equivalent private facility, through leasing, converting or building.


Second, private prisons sometimes have lower costs, if they can keep prison-guard unions at bay. California’s happens to be the most powerful in the nation. About 70% of a prison’s costs go on personnel, and California’s guards not only have the highest wages but the most generous pension and health-care benefits. The union, which habitually spends lots of money on campaigns for judicial and legislative elections, as well as on ballot measures, will of course fight the proposal.


But privatisation is not a long-term solution, says John Roman of the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC. For big savings, a state would have to cut services to inmates, from drug treatment to counselling, whether the prison is public or private. Such cuts, however, leave inmates less prepared to re-enter society and more likely to end up behind bars again.

但是监狱私有化并非长久之计,华盛顿特区的智囊团城市研究所的约翰•罗马(John Roman)说。要削减费用的话,州政府就不得不削减对囚犯提供的从药物治疗到心理咨询的一系列服务,不管监狱是政府设立的抑或私营的。但是,这些措施只会让囚犯在重新融入社会时准备更不充分,很可能会再次走上被告席。

This is why Ms Petersilia emphasises another policy, agreed during last year’s budget deal. California has had a high recidivism rate (of 70%) in part because every released inmate used to be placed on parole and many were returned to prison for small violations such as missing appointments or failing alcohol tests. Since January 25th only dangerous ex-convicts are placed on parole, and they only go back to prison if they commit new crimes. Whether this will reduce overcrowding is yet to be seen, but it should help.


【1】Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is a company that manages public prisons and detention centers, and has concessions for many others. The company is the largest private corrections company in the United States and manages more than 60 facilities with a designed capacity of 85,000 beds. CCA was incorporated in 1983 by three businessmen and is based in Nashville, Tennessee.
From: wikipedia


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