



写于2010年3月18日 摘自《经济学人》杂志印刷版


1962年,联合国创建了世界粮食计划署以拯救世界人口的生命,而自那时起,该组织机构就发展成为了援助界的泰斗,被一些处于同等水平上的类似机构嫉妒并憎恶。据它报道,每年它的援助对象涉及73个国家,总计9000万人口。然而,一些人仍质疑,它是否在按照起人道主义规范来实现其高尚的目标。 继续阅读“当喂饱饥民成为政治工具”

Get out of our canoe 从我们的独木舟上滚开!(最新修改)

Canada’s Mohawks

Get out of our canoe

When a Canadian is not a Canadian

Feb 25th 2010 | OTTAWA | From The Economist print edition

THE dozen chiefs who make up the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake expected criticism when they began presenting eviction notices this month to 25 non-natives living on their 13,000-acre (5,260-hectare) reserve just south of Montreal. They hoped Canadians would understand their desire to protect a threatened language and culture, and refrain from interfering in internal Mohawk affairs. But many saw their action as a racist and illegal denial of Canada’s constitutional Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Despite centuries of coexistence, the First Nations, as Canada’s indigenous people call themselves, and other Canadians still live in mutual incomprehension. For a start the Mohawks do not see themselves as Canadians.

The council passed a bylaw in 1984, supported by the majority of the reservation’s 8,000 residents, which stipulated that a person must have at least four Mohawk great grandparents to live or own property there. Any Mohawk who marries a non-native must leave. “Everyone knows the law: if you marry out, you stay out,” says Joe Delaronde, a spokesman for the council. “If we don’t protect who we are, we will become Canadian citizens.”

Not such a terrible fate, you might think. But the leaders of many First Nations have been fighting assimilation for centuries. The Kahnawake reserve was originally set up by the French in 1716, when the Mohawks were their allies against the British. Shortly afterwards, some French traders were asked to leave. There have been many evictions since. A more prosaic reason is that First Nations receive federal money for social services only for officially registered natives. Yet there has also been a long history of intermarriage and adoption of non-natives. “Everyone in the community has mixed ancestry,” says Matthieu Sossoyan, an anthropologist.

Canada’s minister of Indian affairs admits the evictions make him “uncomfortable” but says he can do nothing because First Nations have the right to say who lives on reserves. The chiefs say that rather than the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, their relations with non-natives are governed by the Two-Row Wampum Treaty, agreed with Dutch traders in the 17th century. (The wampum, or beaded belt, showed two parallel lines on a pale background.) This called for mutual non-interference. “We stay in our canoe and you steer yours,” says Mr Delaronde.
加拿大印第安人事务部长坦承,驱逐事件让他“感到不安”,但无能为力。因为,原住民有权决定谁在居留地居住。酋长们说,与其遵守《权利和自由宪章》,倒不如尊崇确定与非土著人关系的条约《the Two-Row Wampum Treaty》(易洛魁联盟与荷兰政府代表于17世纪签订,The wampum也叫 beaded belt,表示在灰白背景下的两条平行线)。该条约主张互不干涉。德拉龙德先生对此表述为:“我划我的独木舟,你开你的大洋船”。


Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重



Mad, bad and dangerous to know


Jan 14th 2010

From The Economist print edition

Monetary folly is the latest affliction visited on North Korea’s people by the world’s worst government


JUST over a month ago North Korea announced a currency reform. All notes and coins in circulation were replaced by a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won. New currencies for old, as Ghana and others have shown, can send a strong signal from governments breaking with an inflationary past and putting sound money back into citizens’ pockets. In North Korea things are different. As Nicholas Eberstadt, a scholar of the country, puts it, the state has “a deep philosophical problem” with money in anyone’s pockets but its own.

就在一个月前,朝鲜宣布进行货币改革。所有流通中的纸币和硬币都被新货币所取代,新朝鲜圆的面值是旧币的100倍。根据加纳和其他地方的经验显示,货币的更新换代是政府发出的强烈信号,即打破过往的通货膨胀,使得公民再次拥有健全货币。而朝鲜的情况则恰恰相反。就像朝鲜问题学者Nicholas Eberstadt指出的那样,朝鲜政权不放心把钱放在任何人的口袋里,除了自己本身,这是个“深刻的哲学问题”。

继续阅读“Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重”

Retail v e-tail in America
传统零售与网络零售 美国对决

Bleak Friday

Nov 26th 2009 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition

Bricks-and-mortar shops struggle to win customers back from virtual ones



Jangling nerves

Oct 22nd 2009 | BAGHDAD
From The Economist print edition

As the Americans prepare to go and an election looms, anxiety is rising again
美军撤离 选举在即 忧虑又生



History wars

Oct 15th 2009
From The Economist print edition

A truce is unlikely to herald lasting peace between Japan and its neighbours

JAPAN’S nearest neighbours have long been less ready than has the rest of Asia to forgive and forget the country’s aggressive past: a brutal colonisation of Korea in 1905-45 and a creeping occupation of China from 1931 leading to total war. Both projects were pursued ruthlessly and entailed civilian massacres, torture and slavery in factories, mines and military brothels.


Swine flu in Egypt

Panic or foresight?

Oct 1st 2009 | CAIRO
From The Economist print edition

Egyptian officials are being unusually zealous in their battle for public health


Thailand’s lèse majesté law

Treason in cyberspace

Jul 2nd 2009 | BANGKOK
From The Economist print edition

The battle over the royal family between government and opposition goes online

ON YOUTUBE, he was “thaiman 8”, a prolific poster of crude videos that mocked Thailand’s royal family. These days Suwicha Thakhor goes by another identity: inmate in Bangkok’s Khlong Prem prison. In April he was sentenced to ten years in jail after pleading guilty to lèse majesté, the crime of defaming or threatening the Thai crown. Since 2005 this century-old law has enjoyed a renaissance, netting politicians, scholars, activists and an Australian author. Recently, it seems to have got more coercive.

在Youtube上,他是“thaiman 8”,一个经常发布粗俗视频,嘲弄泰国王室的用户。这些日子,Suwicha Thakhor 获得了另一个身份——曼谷孔普雷监狱的住客。今年四月,他被指控冒犯君主——一项试图侮辱或威胁泰王的罪行,获刑十年。自2005年以来,这项有百年历史的法律“再发神威”,获罪者包括政客、学者、异议分子以及一位澳大利亚作家。最近,它似乎变得更加生猛。

Argentina’s mid-term election

The glass empties for the Kirchners

Jun 18th 2009 | BUENOS AIRES
From The Economist print edition

Recession and political mistakes by the first couple point to a change in the balance of power. But will Argentina at last acquire a more coherent opposition?
