Lynching in Kenya

A routine crime

Jun 18th 2009 | NAIROBI
From The Economist print edition

Mob justice is alarmingly common but few seem to mind

A LYNCHING took place recently outside an ironmonger’s shop in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital. It was close to one of the city’s fancier shopping centres, early in the morning, with commuters streaming down the road on foot. A man had his mobile phone stolen but managed to lay a hand on the thief just long enough for the crowd to close in. His two accomplices waded in to rescue their man but the mob engulfed them. Stones rained down. Boulders crushed their heads and chests. Then the crowd moved on, became commuters once more, and the police removed three bodies.



Kim family saga: third and final act
Jun 18th 2009
From The Economist print edition

North Korea’s dictator is on the way out; take aim at his successor

BRUTAL, pot-bellied and unpredictable: the same adjectives are always together on the larder shelf when editorial writers describe Kim Jong Il. But how helpful are they any more? There’s no quibbling over Mr Kim’s brutality. He runs his country like a gulag, and a Kim-made famine killed a twentieth of the population in the 1990s. As for pot-bellied, the description no longer holds, since, after a presumed stroke last summer, the Dear Leader looks frail, and as gaunt as his underfed subjects.



Middle East & Africa

Israel and America

A test of friendship

Jun 11th 2009 | JERUSALEM
From The Economist print edition

Picking up the gauntlet thrown down by Barack Obama

Big bad Obama wants to blow their house down

IN AN interview before his address to the Muslim world in Cairo on June 4th, President Barack Obama urged honesty in the American-Israeli dialogue. “Part of being a good friend is being honest,” Mr Obama said. On June 14th it will be Binyamin Netanyahu’s turn. The Israeli prime minister is due to give his reply to Mr Obama’s unwelcome demands that Israel freeze settlements, accept the principle of the two-state solution and get on with negotiations with the Palestinians to bring it about.

6月4日,美国总统巴拉克.奥巴马在埃及开罗面向对穆斯林世界发表讲话. 而在此之前的一次访谈中,奥巴马敦促美以对话中应相互”坦诚”. “做为好朋友,坦诚相待是题中之义.”奥巴马说. 6月14日就要看本雅明.内塔尼亚胡的了. 奥巴马要求以色列冻结定居点修建,接受两国原则,同时与巴勒斯坦谈判以促成协议. 以色列总理即将就上述几点做出回应.


Egypt’s pigs 埃及的猪

What a waste  

May 7th 2009 | CAIRO
From The Economist print edition

Is it wise to kill the capital’s rubbish-ridding pigs?  

IN A city not much noted for efficiency, Cairo’s traditional rubbish collectors, or Zabbaleen, have long been something of a paragon. While failing to keep Egypt’s teeming capital very clean, the Zabbaleen, nearly all of them members of Egypt’s 6m-plus Coptic Christian minority, do an excellent job of processing waste. Trucking refuse to the half-dozen rag-picking settlements that ring the city, they carefully sift out recyclable glass, paper and plastic. The rest is fed to pigs.


[2009.4.16] One winner, many losers 一人功成万骨枯

Indonesia’s election results

One winner, many losers


Apr 16th 2009 | JAKARTA
From The Economist print edition

The president on course for re-election

IN THE week after Indonesia’s parliamentary election on April 9th, the much-criticised election commission tabulated less than 7.5% of the estimated 123m votes cast. But five independent “quick counts”, based on samples of several thousand polling stations, produced almost identical results. So no surprises are expected.


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