Blocking out the sirens’ song不要被海妖之歌蛊惑

A special report on financial risk


Blocking out the sirens’ song


Moneymen need saving from themselves


Feb 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

Illustration by Tim Marrs
Blocking out the sirens' song

RISK antennae twitch after a crisis. Bankers, regulators and academics, shaken from their complacency, jostle to identify the next tempest. Right now gusts are blowing from several directions. Many countries’ fiscal positions are deteriorating fast after costly interventions to shore up financial systems and restore growth. There is talk of demanding collateral even on deals with formerly unimpeachable sovereign entities. Recent terrorist incidents have raised the spectre of external shocks.

危机之后, 风险天线开始四处探指。银行家,市场监管者和学者们从他们的洋洋得意中惊醒过来,争论着下一轮金融风暴将如何到来。而今风暴的气息来自多个方面。在运用代价高昂的抢救金融系统措施过渡干预金融系统和支持恢复经济增长之后,很多的国家的财政状况开始急剧恶化。传说现在即使和之前未陷入经济危机的国家之间的交易也开始需要抵押。而新近的恐怖袭击事件也引发了对海外股权市场的恐惧。

Yet at least a fragile sort of optimism has surfaced, born of ultra-cheap money and relief at having avoided a depression. In some markets fresh bubbles may be forming. Stockmarkets have rebounded sharply. America’s, though still well off their peaks, are up to 50% overvalued on a historical basis. Banks are once again throwing money at hedge funds and private-equity firms (though with tougher margin requirements). Issuance of structured-loan funds, which a few months back looked dead, is booming. Investment banks’ profits, and bonus pools, are back near pre-crisis levels. International regulators have been issuing warnings to chief executives about a return of irrational exuberance. Banks have been ordered to run stress tests involving a sudden jump in interest rates, in preparation for central banks’ withdrawal of monetary adrenaline.


Many will already be doing this as they try to show that they have learnt their lessons. Like the best chess players, bankers insist that they are now concentrating as hard on avoiding mistakes as on winning. Those that sidestepped the worst mortgage-related landmines now top the industry’s new order. Blackrock’s Mr Fisher defines risk as “deviation from objective”, on the upside as well as the downside. If your models tell you that a security is safer than its returns imply, as with CDOs, that might just suggest hidden risks.


Fancy mathematics will continue to play a role, to be sure. But finance is not physics, and markets have an emotional side. In their struggle with the quants, those who would trust their gut instinct have gained ground.


Learning to tie knots

Governments are taking no chances. Bloomberg counts some 50 bills and other serious proposals for financial reform in America and Europe. Leaders in America’s Senate hope to pass new rules by March. But there are limits to what can be expected from regulators and supervisors. Like bankers, they have blind spots. As the mortgage fiasco showed, they are vulnerable to capture by those they police.

政府不想冒任何风险。 根据彭博社的统计, 欧美各国政府一共通过了50多个法案和其他重要的议案。美国参议院的领导人希望在3月前通过一些新的法案。.我们期望监管者能干的事毕竟还是有限度的。比如银行业,监管者们就有自己的盲区。像在抵押贷款危机中所体现出来的那样,监管者很容易被那些接受监管的人所俘虏。

Their job will be made easier if new rules tackle incentives for the private sector to take excessive risk. It is human behaviour, more than financial instruments, that needs changing, says Mr Mauboussin of Legg Mason. Like Odysseus passing the sirens, bankers need to be tied to a mast to stop them from giving in to temptation. Pay structures should be better aligned with the timescale of business strategies that run for a number of years and should not reward “leveraged beta”, unremarkable returns juiced with borrowed money. In securitisation, originators will have to disclose more information about loan pools and hold a slice of their products.

如果新的规矩能打消(tackle)私人部门过分承担风险的激励动因,那么他们(参议院)的工作也许会简单很多。就像美盛集团的马博新先生所说,需要改变的与其说是金融工具, 不如说是人的行为。像奥德赛经过塞壬海妖时所做的那样,银行家们需要被绑在桅杆上来避免他们屈从于诱惑。薪酬结构最好跟行之数年的企业战略的时段互相挂钩, 而不是拿来酬庸“杠杆贝塔”,酬庸那种用借来的钱灌水的原本稀疏平常的回报。在证券行业,发起人将必须披露关于贷款池的更多信息而且自身必须持有一定该产品。

Some of the worst abuses in securitisation stemmed from the use of credit ratings. Rating agencies systematically underestimated default risk on vast amounts of debt, resulting in puffed-up prices and a surfeit of issuance. Paid by issuers, they had every incentive to award inflated ratings and keep the market humming: average pay at the agencies rose and fell in tandem with the volume of asset-backed issuance (see chart 7).


An obvious way to deal with this would be to eliminate the agencies’ official “nationally recognised” status, opening the business to unfettered competition. Raters would then have to persuade investors of their competence, rather than relying on a government imprimatur. This, in turn, would force investors themselves to spend more time analysing loans. Oddly, proposed reforms fall far short of this, with no sign of anything tougher on the horizon. CreditSights, a research firm, awarded ratings firms its “Houdini was an Amateur” award for 2009.


Nor, alas, is there much appetite to tackle some of the public policies that contributed to the crisis. The non-recourse status of mortgages in large parts of America, for instance, gives the borrower a highly attractive put option: he can, in effect, sell the house to the lender at any time for the principal outstanding. An even bigger problem is the favourable tax treatment of debt relative to equity. Phasing this out would discourage the build-up of excessive leverage. But the idea has little political traction.


There are, to be sure, risks to rushing reform. Post-crisis regulation has a long history of unintended consequences, from the pay reforms of the early 1990s (when new limits on the deductibility from corporate tax of executive salaries merely shifted the excesses to bonuses) to key parts of the Sarbanes-Oxley act on corporate governance. Another danger is the pricing of risk by regulation, not markets. The credit-card act passed in America last year leaves providers with a choice between underpricing for some products, which is bad for them, or restricting their offerings, which is bad for consumers.


Most would agree, however, that markets need both tighter rules and better enforcement. The biggest question mark hangs over the fate of those institutions whose collapse would threaten the system. America’s proposal to cap banks’ size and ban proprietary trading has fortified those calling for radical measures to tackle the “too big to fail” problem.


The virtues of scepticism


By itself, though, the plan does little to back up Barack Obama’s promise to stop such firms from holding the taxpayer hostage. Proprietary trading and investments are a small part of most big banks’ activities and played only a minor role in the crisis. Nor does the plan cover brokers, insurers or industrial firms’ finance arms, all of which had to be bailed out. To persuade markets that the giants no longer enjoy implicit state guarantees, whether they are banks or not, policymakers will need to present a cocktail of solutions that also include tougher capital and liquidity standards, central clearing of derivatives and credible mechanisms to dismantle firms whose losses in a crisis would overwhelm even a strengthened safety buffer.

尽管这些计划本身并不能帮助巴拉克 奥巴马兑现他的诺言,奥巴马总统曾承诺不会再让大公司把纳税人作为牺牲品。所有权交易和投资仅仅是大银行业务中很小的一部分而且在经济危机中也不扮演什么重要的角色。而那些必须被取缔的经纪人,保险家,或者产业公司们的经济武器却不在此列。为了向市场证明这些产业巨头们(无论他们是不是银行)不再享受暗中的政府支持,政策的制定者们需要推出一项混合计划,该计划必须包含严格的资本和流动性标准,衍生产品的中央结算。以及可靠的机制来取消那些无论安全缓冲机制多么完善遇到危机便一败涂地不可收拾的大公司的出现。

Together, intelligent regulatory reforms and a better understanding of the limitations of quantitative risk management can help to reduce the damage inflicted on the financial system when bubbles burst. But they will never eliminate bad lending or excessive exuberance. After every crisis bankers and investors tend to forget that it is their duty to be sceptical, not optimistic. In finance the gods will always find a way to strike back.



Kabuki economics 夸张的日本经济

Japan’s fragile economy 日本脆弱的经济

Kabuki economics 夸张的日本经济

A set of positive indicators hides troubling realities 一组表现优异的宏观经济指标暗藏着许多令人不安的现实。

Feb 18th 2010 | TOKYO | From The Economist print edition

Kabuki economics
Kabuki economics

PICK a number, any number. Statistics released this week show that the Japanese economy staged a vigorous rebound in the fourth quarter of last year. Real gross domestic product grew by 1.1% from the previous quarter, which amounted to an annualised rate of 4.6% (see chart). The economy is growing, but the closer you look the murkier things get.

The bounce in fourth-quarter GDP partly reflects the economy’s starting point. In the previous quarter growth had been nil, having been readjusted downward twice, from an initial estimate of 1.2% in November and a revised one of 0.3% in December. (If the latest numbers are to be believed, Japan’s GDP ended up contracting by 5% last year.)
去年第四季度国内生产总值的回升在一定程度上可以看成是经济发展的起点。上一季度(指2009年第三季度——译者注)的经济增长率为0%,(该季度经济)增长年率向下调整了两次——一次是从1.2%(11月)下调到0.3% (12月),后又从0.3%(12月)下调到0%。(1.2%和0.3%均是按年率计算所得,若以0.3%的年率为计算基础,则第三季度环比经济增长率为0.0749%。根据第三季度年增长率为0,得出该季度经济环比增长率为0%——译者注)(如果最近的数据可信,那么2009年日本国内生产总值会以缩水5%收官)

(这里的-5%与前面的季度环比增长率的年率计算和季度环比增长率的计算都没有关系,其计算公式为A*(1+R)^y=B 其中A为计算增长率的期前数,B为期末数,R为增长率,y为所覆盖到的年份数,此处A为2008年日本国内生产总值,B为2009年日本生产总值 R即为这里要求解的-5%,y等于1. 如果第四季度(the latest number)的环比增长率今后不改动,那么日本2009年全年的GDP不会变动,故可求出2009年的经济增长率——译者注)

Similar revisions are possible this time round. Japan’s number-crunchers continually update the economic numbers using new information and eschew statistical methods to smooth the figures, as in other countries. Like Japanese kabuki theatre, in which characters use exaggerated gestures to energise the audience, the country’s statistics unrealistically magnify both good news and bad.

The uncertainties do not end there. The big drivers of growth last quarter were domestic demand, which contributed 2.1 percentage points to annualised GDP growth, and exports, which contributed 2.2 percentage points. (The balance came from public-sector demand.) This might suggest that Japan’s economy is gradually rebalancing away from a dependence on external demand. Not so.

Nearly all the growth in consumer spending came from durable goods like cars and electronic gadgets, which have benefited from government subsidies introduced last year. These subsidies are ending in September (for cars) and December (for electronics and appliances). Once durable goods are removed from the data, consumer spending in the fourth quarter was flat. That is unsurprising. Wages are falling and unemployment, though below its peak of 5.7% last July, remains above 5%, high by Japanese standards. Household consumption fell in 2009 as a whole but sales of beansprouts, a classic belt-tightening purchase in Japan, jumped by more than 10%.

What about investment? Capital expenditure rose by 1% in the final three months of 2009, the first increase in seven quarters. But that came after a cumulative 25% decline since mid-2008. Firms’ capacity-utilisation rate, which measures the usage of existing equipment, is low. This suggests that capital expenditure has stabilised but not recovered, says Hiroshi Shiraishi of BNP Paribas.
那投资如何呢?资本开支在2009年最后一个季度上升了1%,是七个季度以来的首升。但那是在经历了自2008年中期以来累计下跌25%之后出现的。企业的产能利用率——用来测量现有设备的利用程度——处于低位。这表明资本开支一直稳定但是并没有恢复,法国巴黎银行的Hiroshi Shiraishi如是说。

That leaves exports, Japan’s normal route out of recessions. Exports produce the bulk of corporate profits, even though domestic consumption accounts for about 60% of GDP. The recovery is fragile here too. The country’s biggest export destination last quarter was China, sales to which increased by 43% in December alone. As Beijing tamps down on bank lending to address potential overheating, that number may yet turn out to be another illusion.
剩下的就是出口了,它是日本摆脱经济衰退的正规之路。日本的出口带来了丰厚的企业利润,尽管国内需求在GDP中的比重约占到60%。 经济复苏(的基本面)依旧脆弱。去年第四季度日本最大的贸易出口对象是中国,单单在12月,日本对中国的贸易额就上升了43%。 随着中国政府打压银行信贷来应对可能出现的经济过热,那一数据还可能最终证明是另一番幻影。


The spectre that haunts Europe 徘徊在欧洲的幽灵

Europe’s financial crisis

The spectre that haunts Europe

A bail-out for Greece will not be the end of the euro area’s fiscal troubles

Feb 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

AS FINANCE ministers from the European Union gathered in Brussels for a two-day “informal” summit on February 11th, there was only one topic on the agenda: how best to help Greece avoid defaulting on its debts while, at the same time, reassuring bond markets that other euro-area countries with big budget deficits, such as Ireland, Portugal and Spain, were still safe bets.


As The Economist went to press, only the basic elements of a possible backstop for Greece had emerged. Pride is at stake, so it will be a “European solution”, with the IMF limited to an advisory role. It will be a joint effort led by France and a somewhat reluctant Germany, the country with the deepest pockets. Berlin frets that a rescue will only encourage further profligacy.


Acting in concert limits the political fallout that comes from rescuing countries. It helps put pressure on Greece for more reforms and cuts in public spending as conditions of the bail-out. But the need for co-ordination makes it hard to act decisively, and leaves bond markets nervous. Funding will be limited, perhaps just enough to help Greece meet its immediate obligations (euro 20 billion of its debts fall due in April and May). Help may take the form of a guarantee on refinancing bonds or an outright purchase of those bonds by Greece’s rescuers.


There is talk that one reason to keep the IMF out is that its chief, Dominque Strauss-Kahn, may be a rival to President Nicolas Sarkozy in the French elections in 2012 (see article). If Europe snubs the IMF, it may eventually need to set up a clone—a European Monetary Fund—to deal with future funding crises. That idea has little support for now, it seems. The ad hoc response to the Greek crisis may partly reflect a fear that a formal set-up with a staff, budget and the ability to raise funds in capital markets would be too close to a fiscal union for many countries to stomach.


For some, the rescue of Greece marks a new wave of the global financial crisis. The first was about the solvency of banks; this one is about the solvency of sovereign countries. Yet Greece’s public-finance problems were brewing long before the rich world’s banks started to falter. When it joined the euro in 2001, its public debt was already more than 100% of GDP. Despite a long boom spurred by low interest rates inside the euro, Greece did little to tackle its persistent deficits.


After its new government admitted, last October, that its budget shortfall would be 13% of GDP, more than twice previous forecasts, Greece’s cost of borrowing started to pick up. Bond investors were further unnerved by the revelation that Greece’s debt had been understated by keeping unpaid bills off the books. With the country’s credibility shot, even the tough austerity programme announced earlier this month could not rally confidence.


Talk of a bail-out brought some calm to financial markets, though there is a risk that the lack of detail may trigger fresh paroxysms. The yield on ten-year Greek bonds fell below 6% the day before the EU gathering: in late January it had risen above 7%. The euro, which had been falling steadily against the dollar, perked up a bit.


Some euro-crats (and more than a few people in Greece) feel the euro zone has been picked on by speculators. They point out that its debt burden is no worse than in other parts of the rich world. The OECD reckons public debt in Britain and America will be higher than in the euro zone by 2011, as a proportion of GDP. The problem for the euro area is that it has trouble-spots, like Greece, with worse than average finances, and no means (until now) to tap the credit of their thriftier brethren.


Even that may be too kind a comparison. Bond investors have worried most about countries with big borrowing needs adding to an already high stock of debt. In future, they may fret more about the longer-term prospects for GDP growth. Sluggish economies cannot sustain a big debt burden for ever; and the euro-zone countries with the most bloated debt burdens also face severe obstacles to growth. Fixing public finances is just the beginning of a much-needed programme of reforms.



Percy Cradock 驻华大使珀西•柯利达(最新修改)

Percy Cradock

Sir Percy Cradock, ambassador to China, died on January 22nd, aged 86


Feb 11th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

WHEN the registry filled up with smoke, and he realised the building was on fire, Percy Cradock knew it was time to leave. The date was August 22nd 1967. For months, both tension and noise had been gradually increasing. Drums, gongs and loudspeakers blaring revolutionary songs had made earplugs standard issue in the British Mission in Beijing. The diplomatic round had gone on much as normal; but dinner with the Danish chargé d’affaires, amid the gleam of silverware, had also featured scenes outside the window of people being dragged out of buses and beaten in the street. Now mobs of Red Guards were storming the mission as Mr Cradock, then political counsellor, and the rest of the staff retreated. There was only one thing for it. He raised his arms “in a generally reassuring way” and cried, “We’re coming out.”


Some would call it surrender. Mr Cradock knew, on the contrary, that it was the only realistic response. Confrontation would be useless. Besides, having made that concession, he went no further. He was asked by the Guards, as they beat him round his back and shoulders, to cry “Long Live Chairman Mao!” He refused, “and fortunately the demand was not pressed.” Forced to bow his head in the ritual kowtow, he kept trying to raise it. He was asked afterwards why he could not make just one small gesture of obeisance. He replied, with that opaque courtesy beloved of both Chinese officials and Whitehall mandarins, that it could not be done.


He was a figure who might have been at home in the Middle Kingdom, where professional scholar-officials, with the equivalent of his double starred firsts in English and law from Cambridge, kept the vast realm ticking like clockwork. Like them he was low-key but razor-sharp, happy to let ministers have their say first, but with an impish glint in his eye, or a slow steepling of his fingers, that showed he had instantly grasped the danger, or the absurdity, of a situation.


His regret was that he could not always lead others to grasp it too; that they could not learn to see things from the Chinese point of view. “Know your enemy” was his motto, as well as the title of his book about a late stint as chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. But for the British governments he served from the 1960s to the 1990s, China was simply unfathomable. Even he—on his scattered tours of duty in 1962, 1966-69, 1978-84 (as ambassador) and secretly thereafter—found the changes baffling. One decade uniformed crowds would be chanting to Mao as the red sun shining in their hearts; the next, “louche young men in T-shirts” proclaimed Deng Xiaoping’s drive to open and modernise. In one dispatch, in his literary way, he resorted to Auden to describe the fading of the Cultural Revolution in 1968:

而他的遗憾是,他不能总是也让别人领悟;他们总是不能学不会从中国的角度看问题。“了解你的敌人” 是他的箴言,这也是有关他随后担任联合情报委员会主席期间生活的一本书的名字。但是对于他二十世纪六十年代至九十年代他任职的英国政府而言,中国简直就是深不可测。即使在他看来——他先后于1962年,1966-1969年,1978-1984年(担任驻华大使)到中国任职,之后又秘密来过——中国的变化也让人迷惑。十年前,统一着装的人群高唱毛主席是他们心中的红太阳,十年后,“身着T恤的不受人尊敬的时髦青年”成了邓小平的改革开放事业的标志。他在1968年的一封信中,引用了奥登(Auden)的诗从字面上,描写下文化大革命的消退

The vases crack, the ladies die,
The Oracles are wrong:
We suck our thumbs or sleep; the show
Is gamey and too long.


Beneath it all, however, he believed China preserved a self-sufficiency, secrecy and superiority that would not change, and had not done since Britain had been dismissed as “a handful of stones in the Western Ocean”.


Giving up Hong Kong

His fascination was first sparked by reading Arthur Waley’s[1] translations from the Chinese at school. He stayed intrigued after years of meetings with Chinese leaders who smoked, spat or pickled themselves with mao-tai. A Beijing autumn, calm and golden, with persimmons hanging like lanterns in the trees, would enchant him. But the romance of China was soon eclipsed by the struggle to live, as a free-thinking foreigner, within the communist system. China was, he confessed, an addiction with him. But it was also “an acquired taste, much of it bitter”.

第一次让他对中国着迷的是在学校里读到的阿瑟•韦利(Arthur Waley)翻译的一些作品。在年复一年与抽烟、斗嘴、狂饮茅台的中国领导的各种会议中,他仍保持着这种痴迷。北京之秋,平静的金黄色,挂在树上的柿子像一个个灯笼,让他心旷神怡。但是作为共产主义体制下保持自由思想的外国人,他不得不为了生活而斗争,这种对中国的美好情愫也很快被侵蚀掉了。他坦承,中国让他上瘾了。“虽然有几分苦涩,但我已经习惯了。”

The toughest episode—though also, in his view, a triumph—came in 1983-84, with the talks that arranged the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty. Sir Percy, as he now was, eschewed a showdown. Britain “had virtually no cards”; it was therefore essential to make a deal, while pressing for whatever freedoms could be salvaged. Margaret Thatcher, still fiery from the Falklands war, at first disagreed with him; popular newspapers talked of betrayal. Chris Patten, who became governor of Hong Kong in 1992, pressed democracy a good deal too much for Sir Percy, who knew it would unnecessarily upset the Chinese. He accused him, in Prospect magazine, of a “fatal miscalculation”.

最艰难的一段时间——尽管在他眼里,这也是一种胜利——是1983——1984年。当时,要和中国政府就香港回归的问题进行一系列谈判。尽管他当时身为珀西爵士,他仍回避了谈判的最后交锋。英国“事实上已经没有牌了”,因此,必须要达成协议,但仍为能够保存一些自由而努力,不管自由能到何种程度。撒切尔夫人,当时还没能从马岛战争的怒火中走出来,起初和他意见相左;大众媒体也给他扣上了背叛的帽子。对于珀西爵士而言,基利斯•彭定康(Chris Patten),也就是后来的1992年香港总督要求的民主太难了,珀西知道,没必要激怒中国。珀西甚而在《观点》杂志上谴责彭定康,斥之为“分析重大失误”。

This was uncharacteristic. Sir Percy usually made his points, and got his way, stealthily and quietly. He would steal upstairs, when foreign-policy adviser at Number 10, to watch Wimbledon on television; he would travel incognito to Beijing, once to negotiate the new Hong Kong airport, and would be snapped pacing in the grounds of the Summer Palace, looking much like George Smiley. But he was provoked into open war with Mr Patten by his very hatred of confrontation. Dealing with China and its arcana imperii was a matter for professionals, not politicians. And his method was not surrender, though it might look as though he had put his hands up, or made a cringing kowtow to the Chinese. It was just, as he saw it, a nod in their direction, in a coolly realistic way.

这不是他的性格。通常,珀西爵士会阐明他的观点,然后离开,悄悄的安静的离开。在他还是唐明街10号的外交政策顾问时,他会偷偷上楼,观看电视中播出的温布尔登网球比赛;有一次在协商香港的新机场时,他会悄悄到北京旅游,在颐和园的庭院里踱步时被人拍到,就像乔治•斯迈利(George Smiley)一样。但这一次,他被激怒了,以他极其厌恶的对峙方式和彭定康进行了公开的对决。和中国及其帝国奥秘打交道是专家的事,而非政客的事。而且,他的办法也不是屈服,尽管当他举起双手,或者向中国人屈膝叩头时,看上去很像。正如他说看到的一样,这不过是按照他们的要求点头而已,这种方式冷静而现实。

[1] 阿瑟韦利(Arthur Waley)是20世纪初英国的汉学大师。

[2] 间谍乔治•斯迈利(George Smiley),一个小说里的人物,是侦探史上最为郁郁不得志的一个人。在圈内斯迈利是有口皆碑的反间谍高手,可惜他既不懂作秀,也没生了一张英俊脸孔,所以光环完全被007遮住;他虽屡破奇案,但不会搞好人际关系,所以一直都只是情报处的一个小小职员。


Cinderella’s moment 灰姑娘的非常时刻

A special report on financial risk

Cinderella’s moment

Risk managers to the fore

Feb 11th 2010
From The Economist print edition
Illustration by Tim Marrs

Illustration by Tim Marrs
Risk managers to the fore

IN A speech delivered to a banking-industry conference in Geneva in December 2006, Madelyn Antoncic issued a warning and then offered some reassurance. With volatility low, corporate credit spreads growing ever tighter and markets all but ignoring bad news, there was, she said, “a seemingly overwhelming sense of complacency”. Nevertheless, she insisted that the firm she served as chief risk officer, Lehman Brothers, was well placed to ride out any turbulence, thanks to a keen awareness of emerging threats and a rock-solid analytical framework.
2006年在日内瓦举行的金融会议上,Madelyn Antoncic作了一个演讲,其间她发出了警告但随后又给出了一些安慰。随着低波动率,企业的信用利差越来越小(紧),而市场几乎是忽略所有不利信息,正如她所说的:“似乎是一种压倒性的自满”。然而,她坚持她作为首席风险官所效力的雷曼兄弟公司,因着对可能出现的风险有敏锐的体察和坚如磐石的分析框架,是有能力渡过任何动荡。

Behind the scenes, all was not well. Ms Antoncic, a respected risk manager with an economics PhD, had expressed unease at the firm’s heavy exposure to commercial property and was being sidelined, bit by bit, by the firm’s autocratic boss, Dick Fuld. Less than two months after her speech she was pushed aside.
而幕后所有的一切皆不尽如人意。受人尊敬拥有经济学博士学位的Antoncic女士,对公司商业用房地产贷款存在的巨大风险敞口表达了不安但却被公司独裁的老板Dick Fuld逐渐边缘化。在她发言不到两个月后就被排挤冷落了。

Lehman’s story ended particularly badly, but this sort of lapse in risk governance was alarmingly common during the boom. So much for the notion, generally accepted back then, that the quality of banks’ risk regimes had, like car components, converged around a high standard. “The variance turned out to be shocking,” says Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase.
雷曼的故事以无比恶劣的结局结束了,但这种风险管理的失误在繁荣期却是惊人地普遍。当年普遍存在一种观念, 认为银行的抗风险机制的质量就象汽车零部件一样达标甚高, 这个观念到此休矣。 因为结果发现, 有的银行距离高标准的差距大的惊人,正如摩根大通的行政长官Jamie Dimon所言。

The banks that fared better, including his own, relied largely on giving their risk-managing roundheads equal status with the risk-taking cavaliers. That was not easy. In happy times, when risk seems low, power shifts from risk managers to traders. Sales-driven cultures are the natural order of things on Wall Street and in the City. Discouraging transactions was frowned upon, especially at firms trying to push their way up capital-markets league tables. Risk managers who said no put themselves on a collision course with the business head and often the chief executive too.
At some large banks that subsequently suffered big losses, such as HBOS and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), credit committees, which vetted requests for big loans, could be formed on an ad hoc basis from a pool of eligible members. If the committee’s chairman, typically a business-line head, encountered resistance from a risk manager or other sceptic, he could adjourn the meeting, then reconstitute the committee a week or two later with a more pliable membership that would approve the loan.
Another common trick was for a business line to keep quiet about a proposal on which it had been working for weeks until a couple of hours before the meeting to approve it, so the risk team had no time to lodge convincing objections. Exasperated roundheads would occasionally resort to pleading with regulators for help. In the years before the crash the Basel Committee of bank supervisors reportedly received several requests from risk managers to scrutinise excessive risk-taking at their institutions that they felt powerless to stop.

Many banks’ failings exposed the triumph of form over substance. In recent years it had become popular to appoint a chief risk officer to signal that the issue was receiving attention. But according to Leo Grepin of McKinsey, “it was sometimes a case of management telling him, ‘you tick the boxes on risk, and we’ll worry about generating revenue’.”
许多银行的倒闭揭示了重形式而不重实质的问题。近几年来,任命首席风险官逐级变得风行起来,但这只不过是对外表示风险问题正在受到重视。但据麦肯锡的Leo Grepin所言:“这种情况只不过是形式,管理层借此通知他(风险官)‘你只要给抗风险注意事项前头的空格通通打钩就行,赚钱的事我们来操心。’”

Since 2007 banks have been scrambling to convince markets and regulators that they will continue to take risk seriously once memories of the crisis fade. Some are involving risk officers in talks about new products and strategic moves. At HSBC, for instance, they have had a bigger role in vetting acquisitions since the bank’s American retail-banking subsidiary, bought in 2003, suffered heavy subprime-mortgage losses. “Everyone should now see that the risk team needs to be just as involved on the returns side as on the risk side,” says Maureen Miskovic, chief risk officer at State Street, an American bank.
自从2007年以来,银行纷纷说服市场和管理者一旦危机记忆淡化他们将继续实行高风险政策。在谈论新产品和战略举措时也提到了风险官。比如,在汇丰银行,自从2003年收购了美国零售子公司并饱受巨大的次级抵押货款损失后,风险官在审批收购时则扮演了重要的角色。“现今每一个人都要明白风险小组既需要利润方也需要风险控制方”,波斯顿金融街一家美国银行的首席风险官Maureen Miskovic如是说。

Glamming up
Ms Miskovic is one of an emerging breed of more powerful risk officers. They are seen as being on a par with the chief financial officer, get a say in decisions on pay and have the ear of the board, whose agreement is increasingly needed to remove them. Some report directly to a board committee as well as—or occasionally instead of—to the chief executive.
Miskovic女士是这类新型更有权势的风险官之一。他们正被视为与首席财务官相提并论,在薪酬决策上有发言权,董事会听他们的话,要罢风险官的职务越来越多地要经过董事会的同意。风险官的有些报告不但呈递给CEO 也直接呈递给董事会——偶然情况下, 这些报告不呈递给CEO, 但是直接给董事会。

For many, the biggest task is to dismantle cumbersome “silos”, says Ken Chalk of America’s Risk Management Association. Risks were often stuffed into convenient but misleading pigeonholes. Banks were slow to refine their approach, even as growing market complexity led some of the risks to become interchangeable.
对许多风险官司而言,他们最大的任务是拆除繁琐的“孤岛”,美国风险管理协会的Ken Chalk如是说。风险常被轻易界定而误导方向。银行在修正方向是很迟钝的,日益增长的市场复杂性导致了一些风险交错产生。

Take the growth of traded credit products, such as asset-backed securities and CDOs made up of them. Credit-risk departments thought of them as market risk, because they sat in the trading book. Market-risk teams saw them as credit instruments, since the underlying assets were loans. This buck-passing proved particularly costly at UBS, which lost SFr36 billion ($34 billion) on CDOs. Many banks are now combining their market- and credit-risk groups, as HSBC did last year.

For all the new-found authority of risk managers, it can still be hard to attract talent to their ranks. The job is said to have the risk profile of a short option position with unlimited downside and limited upside—something every good risk manager should avoid. Moreover, it lacks glamour. Persuading a trader to move to risk can be “like asking a trapeze artist to retrain as an accountant”, says Barrie Wilkinson of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy.
所有新欣的风险经理机构依然难以吸引人才加入其中。这份职业本身的风险特征就像空头期权(头寸)一样,正回报有限, 负回报(即损失)无限,这是每一个优秀的风险经理人都应尽量避免的。此外,它缺乏魅力。说服一个交易员转而关注风险“犹如把一个空中飞人再培训成一个会计师。”,奥纬咨询的咨询师Barrie Wilkinson如是说。

A question of culture
Besides, there is more to establishing a solid risk culture than empowering risk officers. Culture is a slippery concept, but it matters. “Whatever causes the next crisis, it will be different, so you need something that can deal with the unexpected. That’s culture,” says Colm Kelleher of Morgan Stanley. One necessary ingredient is a tradition of asking and repeating questions until a clear answer emerges, suggests Clayton Rose, a banker who now teaches at Harvard Business School.
此外,建立牢固的风险文化要比授权给风险官要难得多。文化是个难以把握的概念,但它重要。“无论是什么引起下轮的危机,那将是不同的。因此你需要一些对不可预知事项应变的能力,那就是文化。” 摩根斯坦利Colm Kelleher认为。“其中一个必要的因素就是要有询问和不断怀疑的传统,直到一个清晰答案出现”,Clayton Rose—现在哈佛商学院教书的银行家如此建议道。

The tone is set at the top, for better or worse. At the best-run banks senior figures spend as much time fretting over risks as they do salivating at opportunities (see article). By contrast, Lehman’s Mr Fuld talked of “protecting mother” but was drawn to the glister of leveraged deals. Stan O’Neal, who presided over giant losses at Merrill Lynch, was more empire-builder than risk manager. But imperial bosses and sound risk cultures sometimes go together, as at JPMorgan and Banco Santander.
这种声音出自高层也许更好也许更糟。在经营最好的银行内,高层们在面对令人垂涎欲滴的良好机会时也会花许多时间来考量风险。相反,雷曼的Fuld先生谈到“保护根源”时更多是为杠杆交易的光芒所吸引。对美林的巨大损失负责的Stan O’Neal,相对于风险管理者他更是一个狂热的帝国建造者。但是有时帝国老板也能和健全的风险文化融为一体,比如摩根大通和西班牙的坦桑大通银行。

A soft-touch boss can be more dangerous than a domineering one. Under Chuck Prince, who famously learned only in September 2007 that Citigroup was sitting on $43 billion of toxic assets, the lunatics were able to take over the asylum. Astonishingly, the head of risk reported not to Mr Prince or the board, but to a newly hired executive with a background in corporate-governance law, not cutting-edge finance.
优柔寡断的老板可能比独断专横的老板更为危险。Chuck Prince最为出名的教训源于2007年9月花旗集团涉及430亿美元的不良资产,在此管理下,疯子们都能接管精神病院了。令人惊讶的是,风险部门的领导既没有向Prince先生报告也没有向董事会报告,而向一位毫无高端金融背景仅有公司治理法案背景的新招主管作了报告。

Another lesson is that boards matter too. Directors’ lack of engagement or expertise played a big part in some of the worst slip-ups, including Citi’s. The “sociology” of big banks’ boards also had something to do with it, says Ingo Walter of New York’s Stern School of Business: as the members bonded, dissidents felt pressure to toe the line.
另一教训与董事会有关。主管们缺乏约束或专业素养在那些管理疏漏最为严重的公司占了主要原因,包括花旗集团。大银行董事会的社会关系学与此也有些关联,纽约斯特恩商学院的Ingo Walter认为:因为利益联盟,持不同政见者在那些循规蹈矩者中总要承受更大的压力。

Too few boards defined the parameters of risk oversight. In a survey last year Deloitte found that only seven of 30 large banks had done so in any detail. Everyone agrees that boards have a critical role to play in determining risk appetite, but a recent report by a group of global regulators found that many were reluctant to do this.

Boards could also make a better job of policing how (or even whether) banks adjust for risk in allocating capital internally. Before the crisis some boards barely thought about this, naively assuming that procedures for it were well honed. A former Lehman board member professes himself “astonished”, in retrospect, at how some of the risks in the company’s property investments were brushed aside when assessing expected returns. The survivors are still struggling to create the sort of joined-up approach to risk adjustment that is common at large hedge funds, admits one Wall Street executive.

Board games
Robert Pozen, head of MFS Investment Management, an American asset manager, thinks bank boards would be more effective with fewer but more committed members. Cutting their size to 4-8, rather than the 10-18 typical now, would foster more personal responsibility. More financial-services expertise would help too. After the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley act in 2002 banks hired more independent directors, many of whom lacked relevant experience. The former spymaster on Citi’s board and the theatrical impresario on Lehman’s may have been happy to ask questions, but were they the right ones?
Robert Pozen是MFS投资管理公司的领导人,一个美国资产管理专家,他认为银行董事会需要数量更少但更为忠诚的成员从而能更加高效地运转。把人数减为4-8人,而不是现在的10-18个代表,也能够培养更多的个人职责。也能提供更多的专业金融服务。2002年通过塞班斯法案后,规定银行需要雇佣更多独立董事,他们中许多是缺乏相关经验。前花旗银行董事会的超级间谍和雷曼的戏剧表演家可能会很乐意提问,但又有哪些问题是提得恰当的?

Under regulatory pressure, banks such as Citi and Bank of America have hired more directors with strong financial-services backgrounds. Mr Pozen suggests assembling a small cadre of financially fluent “super-directors” who would meet more often—say, two or three days a month rather than an average of six days a year, as now—and may serve on only one other board to ensure they take the job seriously.

That sounds sensible, but the case for another suggested reform—creating independent risk committees at board level—is less clear. At some banks risk issues are handled perfectly well by the audit committee or the full board. Nor is there a clear link between the frequency of risk-related meetings and a bank’s performance. At Spain’s Santander the relevant committee met 102 times in 2008. Those of other banks that emerged relatively unscathed, such as JPMorgan and Credit Suisse, convened much less often.

Moreover, some of the most important risk-related decisions of the next few years will come from another corner: the compensation committee. It is not just investment bankers and top executives whose pay structures need to be rethought. In the past, risk managers’ pay was commonly determined or heavily influenced by the managers of the trading desks they oversaw, or their bonus linked to the desks’ performance, says Richard Apostolik, who heads the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). Boards need to eliminate such conflicts of interest.
此外,一些未来几年内最为重要的风险决策将取决于另一方向:薪酬委员会。这不光是投行银行家和高管的薪酬结构需要重构。过去,风险经理的薪酬通常是由他们所监管的交易柜台经理来决定或受其重大影响,或者他们的奖金与柜台的业绩挂钩,全球风险专业人士协会的领导Richard Apostolik介绍说。董事会需要剔除这种利益冲突的现状。
Meanwhile risk teams are being beefed up. Morgan Stanley, for instance, is increasing its complement to 450, nearly double the number it had in 2008. The GARP saw a 70% increase in risk-manager certifications last year. Risk is the busiest area for financial recruiters, says Tim Holt of Heidrick & Struggles, a firm of headhunters. When boards are looking for a new chief executive, they increasingly want someone who has been head of risk as well as chief financial officer, which used to be the standard requirement, reckons Mike Woodrow of Risk Talent Associates, another headhunting firm.
同时风险团队需要增强。比如摩根斯坦利,其队伍已增至450人,差不多是2008年的两倍。全球风险专业人士协会去年也看到风险管理认证增加了70%.在金融招募中风险部门是最忙碌的,猎头公司Heidrick & Struggles的Tim Holt说到。现今董事会寻找新的行政总裁,逐渐想要那种曾有风险管理经验的和首席财务官的人选,这已成为挑选标准,另一猎头公司风险人才协会Mike Woodrow认为。
The big question is whether this interest in controlling risk will fizzle out as economies recover. Experience suggests that it will. Bankers say this time is different—but they always do.


Charity as advertising 慈善之名 广告之实(最新修改)

Charity as advertising
慈善之名  广告之实

Give and take
Will Pepsi  profit by enlisting the public in its philanthropic efforts?

Feb 11th 2010 | NEW YORK | From The Economist print edition
THE 107m Americans who tuned in to watch the Super Bowl on February 7th did not see any advertisements for Pepsi. Instead of spending $20m on a handful of 30-second *spots*(注1), the firm decided to give that amount away. Under the slogan “Refresh Everything”, the Pepsi Refresh campaign asks the public to vote online for charities and community groups to receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000. A few days before the game its arch-rival, Coca-Cola, was also bitten by a charitable *bug*(注2). It promised to give $1 to the *Boys & Girls Clubs *(注3)of America every time someone watched its Super Bowl ads on its Facebook page, up to a maximum of $250,000.

Pepsi Refresh is probably the most prominent example so far of “cause marketing”—trying to win customers by ostentatiously doing good. Other recent examples include Chase Community Giving, in which small charities competed to win $5m in donations from JPMorgan Chase, and American Express and *NBC Universal’s*(注4) “Shine A Light” programme, which awarded a grant of $100,000 to a small business chosen through its website.

Marketing people say consumers are increasingly trying to do good as they spend. Research in 2008 by Cone, a brand consultancy, found that 79% of consumers would switch to a brand associated with a good cause, up from 66% in 1993, and that 38% have bought a product associated with a cause, compared with 20% in 1993. Rather than try to make products that can be marketed as ethical in their own right, such as “fair trade” goods, firms are increasingly trying to take an ordinary product and boost its moral credentials with what one marketing guru calls “embedded generosity”. The fad for online competitions to award the *handouts*(注5) also appeals to another trend, so-called* “slacktivism”*(注6), whereby people are turning to the internet to give their consciences a boost without doing anything more onerous than clicking a mouse a few times.
营销人员指出,消费者花钱的同时越来越愿意行善。品牌评估公司,康恩的调查显示,2008年79%的顾客转向消费与公益相关的品牌,1993年只为66%,38%的顾客购买过与公益相关的产品,1993年仅为20%。不象之前的“公平贸易”产品那样——公司以自己的方式把产品标榜成道德之物。这次公司纷纷推出普通的产品,以营销专家称之为“嵌入式慷慨”的方式来增加它们的道德内涵。网上竞争进行慈善的风尚有赖于另外一种潮流”懒惰主义” ,即人们通过互联网不需劳神,只需点几下鼠标,就可以“大发良心”。

The strategy seems to be working, judging by the proliferation of articles (such as this one) noting Pepsi’s campaign. JPMorgan Chase claims its campaign was not marketing, but simply an attempt to manage its existing corporate philanthropy more imaginatively. If so, its marketing staff are missing a trick, given that around 2m people signed up to vote on Facebook, many of whom were not existing Chase customers. Moreover, the favourable headlines generated by Chase’s $5m outlay contrasted strikingly with the grudging reaction to Goldman Sachs’s launch around the same time of a $500m campaign to support small businesses.

Although the public likes online popularity contests, they can have unintended consequences. Chase, for example, caused a fuss by excluding a pro-life group and an outfit that wants to legalise cannabis from its competition. Moreover, many firms see virtue in tying themselves to a particular cause. Ten firms, including Gap, Apple and most recently Nike, have deals with (RED), a scheme fronted by Bono, a rock star, to raise money to fight AIDS. It has raised $140m so far, despite fears that, as Susan Smith Ellis, its boss, puts it, “it would be just a big launch on Oprah then never heard of again.” Equally, Pepsi’s efforts to promote healthy lifestyles while selling healthier products and Coca-Cola’s various initiatives to protect water supplies in developing countries are critical to the pair’s future. Refreshing everything, in contrast, is a more nebulous goal.
尽管民众喜欢网上这种投票活动,但却会产生一些意想不到的后果。比如说,大通银行将一家反堕胎团体和一个提倡大麻合法化的团队排除比赛,此事引起轩然大波。另外,许多公司认为从事某项公益活动益处多多。包括Gap,苹果以及新近加入的耐克等十家公司与摇滚歌手波诺发起的(RED)计划联合起来为抗击艾滋病筹集资金。尽管曾有担心,但目前已筹集1.4亿美元。正如RED计划首席执行官Susan Smith Ellis所言,“像是在奥普拉节目上宣扬了一番,然后却不了了之”。百事可乐销售更健康的产品以努力提倡健康的生活方式,可口可乐也采取不同行动保护发展中国家的供水系统,这些对于两大公司的未来发展至关重要。与此相比,刷新一些不过是个朦胧的目标。

注1.Spot: A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs
注2.An enthusiasm or obsession: got bitten by the writing bug.
注3.美国男孩女孩俱乐部,致力于增进会员健康,培养其社交、教育、职业、个性能力的全国性俱乐部组织。俱乐部成员6至18岁不等。各俱乐部都是相互独立的非营利性组织,由义务性质的理事会管理,其中管理人员是拿工资的专业人士。俱乐部的重要项目涉及健康与体质、职业规划、教育发展、少年犯罪预防和禁毒禁酒等领域。俱乐部由联合劝募会(United Way)募捐或靠直接捐赠维持。
注4.NBC环球(NBC Universal)是美国的一家大型媒体集团,于2004年5月成立,由国家广播公司(隶属于通用电气)和维旺迪环球(法国维旺迪集团的娱乐事业部门)合并而成。
注5.handout – giving money or food or clothing to a needy person
注6.Slacktivism (sometimes slactivism) is a portmanteau formed out of the words slacker and activism. It is a pejorative term that describes taking painless “feel-good” measures in support of an issue or social cause that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction. A person that engages in such activity is called a slacktivist.




Cruise lines in the recession 经济危机下的游轮业

Cruise lines in the recession
Damn the torpedoes
Travel companies are launching luxurious ships into perilous waters
Feb 11th 2010 | NEW YORK | From The Economist print edition

Damn the torpedoes
Travel companies are launching luxurious ships into perilous waters

IN LATE January Silversea Cruises christened its newest ship, the Silver Spirit, with champagne and sent it on a 91-day voyage around Latin America. The ship, which can accommodate 540 guests, is the company’s largest and most luxurious. Suites are serviced by butlers. Passengers can choose between eight types of pillows. The spa is vast. If it sounds out of tune with the times, it is: the ship was commissioned in 2007, before the start of the economic crisis. But Amerigo Perasso, the boss of Silversea Cruises, insists he is happy with the investment. “People want to see the state of the art,” he says.
一月下旬银海游轮在香槟四溢中将其最新游轮命名为“银色精灵”,并环绕拉美航行91天。这艘游轮是该公司最大也是最豪华的游轮,能够载客540名。套房有男仆提供服务。8种枕头认旅客选择。休闲健身中心场地开阔。也许这些听起来与经济危机的大环境格格不入,那是因为这艘轮船是在经济危机之前的2007年开始建造的。但是银海游轮的老板 Amerigo Perasso认为此次投资是值得的,因为人们愿意看到最精湛的技术发展水平。

Silversea is not the only cruise line to launch a new ship in troubled economic waters. In December Royal Caribbean International, the world’s second-biggest cruise operator, rolled out Oasis of the Seas, the largest cruise ship in history. It can accommodate 5,400 guests and has a park with live plants, a large auditorium and a carousel, as well as other amenities normally found in amusement parks. In 2009 cruise companies invested $4.7 billion to build 14 new ships. They will launch a further 12 vessels this year. Many of these plans were laid before the economy sprang a leak.

The “supersizing” of the cruise industry comes as other industries are downsizing and consumers are curbing unnecessary expenses. To entice customers, cruise lines have cut prices dramatically, sometimes by as much as 40%. Because of these discounts, more people are taking cruises: 13.4m in 2009, up from 12.6m in 2007, according to the Cruise Lines International Association, an industry body. But the discounts have eaten into earnings. At Carnival Corporation, the biggest cruise line, revenues were more than 10% lower in 2009 than in 2008. Even if the economy recovers, growing capacity may prevent firms from raising prices much.

Still, the cruise industry is doing better than other bits of the travel business, like hotels and airlines, which have been battered by a fall in business travel. Cruises can appeal to consumers by touting themselves as “all-inclusive” (even though many amenities, like alcohol and *excursions*(注), cost extra). Cruises also allow some people to go on holiday without paying for a flight. There are around 30 ports of embarkation in America alone.

The industry’s bosses hope to attract even more customers in the next few years. Only around 20% of Americans have been on a cruise. Most of these are not spring chickens. Firms are trying to draw in younger passengers and families with lower prices, as well as things like ice-skating rinks and cinemas. As a result of these efforts, the median age of cruise passengers in 2008 was 46, down from 53 in 2002. Ross Klein, a cruise-industry analyst, says that cruise lines’ decision to invest in colossal ships may help them diversify their customer base without losing elderly customers. Their sheer size, he says, gives everybody “some place to hide out”.
游轮业的老板们希望该产业在未来几年内能够吸引更多的游客。大约只有20%的美国人坐过游轮。而这20%的人群中大部分不是年轻人。各大公司试图以低价,溜冰场,电影等形式拉拢年轻游客和家庭游客。这些尝试的结果是,2008年旅客的平均年龄是48岁,而2002年是53岁。一位游轮业分析专家 Ross Klein说,游轮公司相继推出大型游轮也许会丰富消费层,同时又不丢掉年老的顾客。他说,大型游轮给每个人“藏身之所”。



Jailhouse blues 监狱愁容

California’s prisons

Jailhouse blues

California must reduce its prisons’ overcrowding and cost. But how?

Feb 11th 2010 | LOS ANGELES | From The Economist print edition

ONE never quite knows whether Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s governor, is joking or serious. So it is with his three most recent ideas for solving one of the state’s biggest problems: its prisons. They are overcrowded, to the tune of about 40,000 inmates according to a federal court, and often inhumane. And they are too expensive, exacerbating California’s desperate budget crisis.


The governor’s wildest thought experiment has California paying Mexico to build prisons and house California’s inmates in them. This is “totally silly” and probably unconstitutional, says Joan Petersilia of Stanford Law School. Almost as silly is his proposal to amend the state constitution to mandate reversing the current shares of the state budget that go to prisons and universities. The fact that 9.5% of spending now goes to prisons while only 5.7% goes to universities—25 years ago, prisons got 4% and universities 11%—is indeed a harsh indicator of California’s fall from grace. But there is no logical reason to pit two parts of the state budget against each other constitutionally when legislators are perfectly capable of doing the allocating.

州长设想的大胆实验是由加州付钱给墨西哥,修建监狱,安置加州的狱囚。斯坦福大学法学院的琼•皮特尔斯连(Joan Petersilia)说,这简直“蠢到家了”,而且很可能违宪。他的另一建议也同样愚蠢。他建议修改州宪法,要求重新配置州对监狱和大学的现行财政预算份额。而现在的财政预算中有9.5%划给监狱,大学只有5.7%。(25年前,监狱系统有4%,大学有11%。)这一事实清楚说明加州现已名誉扫地。但既然立法委员可以把财政预算的分配做得如此完美,那么比较这两方面的政府财政预算从宪法角度讲也就没有多少合理性。

However, Mr Schwarzenegger’s third proposal should be taken seriously. It is to privatise more of California’s prisons. He has already expanded a contract with Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the oldest and largest private prison operator, to house about 8,000 of California’s 167,000 inmates, mostly out of state. California is one of 25 states which, along with the federal government, put some inmates in private prisons. Mr Schwarzenegger wants to do more of it.


He has two reasons. First, private companies can expand capacity faster than government bureaucracies, and adding space is part of the answer to overcrowding. Ms Petersilia estimates that it takes seven years to build a new state prison in California, but only one year to open the equivalent private facility, through leasing, converting or building.


Second, private prisons sometimes have lower costs, if they can keep prison-guard unions at bay. California’s happens to be the most powerful in the nation. About 70% of a prison’s costs go on personnel, and California’s guards not only have the highest wages but the most generous pension and health-care benefits. The union, which habitually spends lots of money on campaigns for judicial and legislative elections, as well as on ballot measures, will of course fight the proposal.


But privatisation is not a long-term solution, says John Roman of the Urban Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC. For big savings, a state would have to cut services to inmates, from drug treatment to counselling, whether the prison is public or private. Such cuts, however, leave inmates less prepared to re-enter society and more likely to end up behind bars again.

但是监狱私有化并非长久之计,华盛顿特区的智囊团城市研究所的约翰•罗马(John Roman)说。要削减费用的话,州政府就不得不削减对囚犯提供的从药物治疗到心理咨询的一系列服务,不管监狱是政府设立的抑或私营的。但是,这些措施只会让囚犯在重新融入社会时准备更不充分,很可能会再次走上被告席。

This is why Ms Petersilia emphasises another policy, agreed during last year’s budget deal. California has had a high recidivism rate (of 70%) in part because every released inmate used to be placed on parole and many were returned to prison for small violations such as missing appointments or failing alcohol tests. Since January 25th only dangerous ex-convicts are placed on parole, and they only go back to prison if they commit new crimes. Whether this will reduce overcrowding is yet to be seen, but it should help.


【1】Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is a company that manages public prisons and detention centers, and has concessions for many others. The company is the largest private corrections company in the United States and manages more than 60 facilities with a designed capacity of 85,000 beds. CCA was incorporated in 1983 by three businessmen and is based in Nashville, Tennessee.
From: wikipedia


Stimulating debate 经济刺激引激辨


Stimulating debate

The markets, and developed economies, are too dependent on government action

Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
Illustration by S. Kambayashi

AS JANUARY goes, so goes the year. That old stockmarket saying does not augur well for 2010, given that the MSCI World index fell by 4.2% in the month, the biggest decline since February 2009, and emerging markets dropped by 5.6%.


Although markets rallied a bit in early February on better-than-expected economic data, the poor start to the year reflected an inherent contradiction to the rebound of 2009. That rally seemed to be dependent both on extraordinary stimulus measures by governments and central banks, and on a vigorous economic recovery. But both cannot co-exist for long: either the recovery will not last or, if it does, the stimulus will be taken away.


In addition, governments’ ability to provide that stimulus is dependent on the markets’ own willingness to fund huge deficits at very low yields. But why would investors accept meagre yields if they expected a vigorous recovery? In a sense, the market seemed to be hauling itself up by its own bootstraps.


Sure enough, the bullish story has started to unravel, if only at the edges. In the developing world China has attempted to tighten monetary policy. That has caused some alarm because China was acting as the engine of global growth.


And in the developed world investors have started to question the ability of governments to keep financing their deficits. The obvious example is in Greece, where ten-year bond yields reached 7% late last month. At that level, which is well above likely Greek GDP growth, the country’s indebtedness would grow very rapidly. However unpopular it may prove to be, an austerity package is needed to prevent Greece from falling into this debt trap.


So even in places where governments may wish to maintain fiscal stimulus, the markets may force them into corrective action. Britain, France, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and others have all indicated their determination to keep deficits under control, with varying degrees of conviction.


But withdrawal of even small parts of the stimulus packages can send an economy back into the doldrums. As an example, American new-home sales slowed sharply after an initial end-of-November deadline for the expiry of a buyers’ tax credit. Although the credit has since been extended until April, December’s sales were just 342,000, compared with 329,000 in January 2009, at the height of the crisis.


The stimulus may have prevented the global economy from slipping into depression. In the medium term, however, academic studies suggest that higher government spending leads to slower economic growth. A 2008 paper by Antonio Afonso of the European Central Bank and Davide Furceri of the University of Palermo calculates that for every one-percentage-point rise in government spending as a proportion of GDP, the growth rate falls by 0.12-0.13 percentage points.

刺激措施或已阻止世界经济陷入萧条。然而从中期来讲,学术研究表明政府支出的上升会导致经济增长的放慢。据欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank )的Antonio Afonso与巴勒莫大学(University of Palermo)的Davide Furceri在2008年的一篇论文中计算[1],政府支出的GDP占比每增加一个百分点,整个经济增长率便会下降0.12到0.13个百分点。

What’s more, the packages have not really dealt with the problem of excessive debt, but merely transferred it from the private to the public sector. This buys time, but is akin to those debt-consolidation plans that are sold to consumers on TV. The pain is spread out over a longer period. But pain there will be, in the form of higher taxes, higher bond yields, slower growth or a combination of all three.


The authorities face a dilemma. Reduce the stimulus now and they risk plunging the economy back into recession, as happened in America in 1937 and Japan in 1997. But leave the stimulus in place for too long, and they risk damaging long-term growth prospects.


The bulls hope that the economy can escape from this trap by the simple expedient of private-sector growth. That is why they welcomed the rise in manufacturing activity signalled in this week’s latest purchasing managers’ indices. If the private sector rebounds of its own accord, unemployment will fall and budget deficits will decline.


But hopes for a strong private-sector recovery are undermined by the data on credit growth. In the year to December, the broad measure of money supply fell by 0.2% in the euro zone and grew by just 3.4% in America. In Britain the annual growth rate is higher (6.4% in December), but David Owen, an economist at Jefferies International, estimates that quantitative easing (QE), whereby central banks create money to buy assets, has been boosting the figure by an annualised rate of 10%. If the Bank of England stops QE entirely, the credit-growth rate could collapse. For the stockmarket rally to resume properly in 2010, economies in the developed world need to show they can stand on their own two feet.

然而,对私人部门强劲反弹的希望却受到信贷增长数据的侵蚀。去年12月,广义货币供给在欧元区同比下降了0.2%,在美国也不过增长了3.4%。英国该项数据虽然略高(6.4%),但根据Jeferies International的经济学家大卫•欧文(David Owen)计算,按年记,定量宽松把该数据推高了10%。如果英格兰银行(Bank of England)完全退出定量宽松,信贷增长或可彻底崩解。由于股市上扬在2010年将适当恢复,发达经济体需要表明它们可以完全不靠政府刺激。
[1] 全文见


Beyond the black stuff 远不止石油本身

The oil industry
Beyond the black stuff

Big Oil is being forced rethink its future
大石油公司被迫重新考虑它的未来Feb 4th 2010 | From The Economist online

ON THE face of it the world’s big and publicly quoted oil companies should be celebrating some pleasing results this week. Royal Dutch Shell unveiled its results on Thursday February 4th, reporting that it had made $9.8 billion in 2009. Two days earlier BP boasted profits of $14 billion for the same year. Yet these billions are a disappointment compared with the bonanza of previous years (Shell, for example, raked in $31.4 billion in 2008 alone) when soaring oil prices pulled profits ever higher.

In the long term, however, the firms’ success depends on sustaining reserves. The big western oil companies are trying to expand through acquisitions and investment, but the opportunities do so are becoming scarcer. The firms are spending where they can. Exxon Mobil, the biggest listed oil company, says that exploration and capital spending hit $27.1 billion in 2009, 4% higher than in 2008. The company expects to spend $25 billion to $30 billion annually to the same end over the next five years. BP intends to spend some $20 billion this year on investment in new projects and drilling, roughly the same level as last year.

But there are limits to what money can buy. State-controlled rivals—in the Middle East, Russia and beyond—jealously guard oil reserves on their home patches. Few new big fields of oil, at least those that are easy to reach and cheap to exploit, have been discovered in recent years. And where new opportunities emerge, such as in Iraq, Western oil giants are scrambling to pay big sums at auctions for drilling rights in territory where the local government tightly limits their returns. Even then, competition from Chinese, Russian and other state-run oil firms can be severe. National oil companies will often pay prices that would alarm shareholders in the big listed oil companies

Thus Western firms are increasingly looking for different sorts of growth. One option is to deploy their expertise in the hunt for oil that is harder to reach, for example deep offshore, or to go for reserves such as tar sands that are trickier, and so much pricier, to refine.

Another route is to speed up the quest for other energy reserves. France’s Total has branched out into nuclear-power generation. This week Shell announced a $12 billion joint-venture with Cosan, a Brazilian producer of ethanol from sugar cane. This is something of a change of tack. Exxon and Shell are both spending money on “second generation” biofuels made from algae or waste materials, but these could take years to develop. Now Shell can sell Cosan’s “first generation” wares through it global distribution network.

By far the biggest bet laid, however, has been on natural gas. Around 40% of Shell’s daily production is now in the form of gas. Total and BP are not far behind. Gas is increasingly important for power generation and heating and the global market is expected to grow by half by 2030. Big oil companies are keen to expand, calculating that their skills at managing huge capital projects will be useful when building gas-liquefaction plants that make the stuff readily transportable. Late last year Chevron, Shell and Exxon agreed to spend $37 billion to develop the Gorgon field off Australia, another potentially huge source of gas.

Nonetheless investors remain cautious because prices are volatile. Exxon’s shares fell in December when the firm bid $30 billion for XTO Energy, which gets its gas from “unconventional” shale beds. Gas prices have tumbled in the past couple of years as new projects, especially shale, came on stream just as the global recession lessened demand. And technological improvements have made the huge reserves of gas in America, from shale beds and the like, a commercial prospect. BP believes that these factors will keep gas prices weak for three or four years, but it could be longer. Though national oil companies have forced the Western oil giants to look farther afield for new reserves, the oil prices, unlike gas prices, are supported by the state-owned firms that make up OPEC.
