Correspondent’s Diary 特派员日记
Bay Area science 湾区科技
Techs and the city 充满科技魅力的城市
Jul 31st 2009
Lab by lab in and around San Francisco 旧金山的地图上布满了实验室
Monday 礼拜一
SAN FRANCISCO conjures up images of hippies and of free love, the psychedelic 60s and leftist politics. A member of Jefferson Airplane, a rock band, described it as “49 square miles surrounded by reality”. It has always had that air. In a letter written in 1889, Rudyard Kipling wrote of “a mad city, inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people.” 旧金山往往使人想起这样一种景象,嬉皮士,自由性爱,迷幻的60一代以及左翼政治成为这座城市的标志.摇滚乐队”杰弗逊星船”的一名成员曾经形容这座城市为”被现实所包围的49平方英里”.这里向来有这种气氛.而吉普林在1889年的一封信中写下了这样的文字来描述旧金山”一座疯狂的城市,大部分居民都是彻头彻尾的疯子”.