
An astonishing rebound

Aug 13th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Asia’s emerging economies are leading the way out of recession; now they must make their recovery last

IT NEVER pays to underestimate the bouncness of Asia’s emerging economies. After the region’s financial crisis of 1997-98, and again after the dotcom bust in 2001, outsiders predicted a lengthy period on the floor—only for the tigers to spring back rapidly. Earlier this year it was argued that such export-dependent economies could not revive until customers in the rich world did. The West still looks weak, with many economies contracting in the second quarter, and even if America begins to grow in the second half of this year, consumer spending looks sickly. Yet Asian economies, increasingly decoupled from Western shopping habits, are growing fast.
       对亚洲经济回弹能力的低估永远都是得不偿失的。首先是1997-1998年亚洲金融危机,紧接着在2001年网络泡沫破裂后,局外人都估计亚洲经济会在低谷盘旋很长一段时间 – 只有四小虎的经济可以迅速回弹。今年的早些时候,大家都认为在发达国家的消费者恢复生息之前,亚洲这种出口依赖型的经济不可能会复苏。西方国家的经济看起来还很疲软,很多经济数据在二季度有所下跌,尽管今年二季度美国经济开始增长,消费者支出还是萎靡不振。然而越来越脱钩于西方消费习惯的亚洲经济,增长迅猛。

The four emerging Asian economies which have reported GDP figures for the second quarter (China, Indonesia, South Korea and Singapore) grew by an average annualised rate of more than 10% (see article). Even richer and more sluggish Japan, which cannot match that figure, seems to be recovering faster than its Western peers. But emerging Asia should grow by more than 5% this year—at a time when the old G7 could contract by 3.5%. Western politicians should brace themselves for more talk of economic power drifting inexorably to the East. How has Asia made such an astonishing rebound?
     四个新兴的亚洲经济体在二季度报告的GDP数据以平均超过10%的年增长率上行,它们是:中国,印度尼西亚,韩国和新加坡(见文)。即使是更富有萧条也更严重的日本,其增长率虽然不能同这四个国家相媲美,但似乎也比西方同伴们恢复的要迅速。但是新兴亚洲经济体今年的增长应该会超过5% – 同时期老的G7集团的经济总量会减少3.5%。西方的政治家应该更多的讨论一下经济实力以不可遏止之势向东方转移这焉能高的事情以达到自我振作。为什么亚洲会实现如此惊人的回弹?

Out of smoke and mirrors, say some Western sceptics. They claim China’s bounceback is yet another fake. The country’s numbers are certainly dodgy: the components of GDP do not add up, and the data are always published suspiciously early. China’s economy probably slowed more sharply in late 2008 than the official numbers suggest. But other indicators, which are less likely to be massaged, confirm that China’s economy is roaring back. Industrial production rose 11% in the year to July; electricity output, which fell sharply last year, is growing again; and car sales are 70% higher than a year ago.

And surely the whole of Asia cannot be engaged in a statistical fraud. South Korea’s GDP grew by an annualised 10% in the second quarter. Taiwan’s probably increased by even more: its industrial output jumped by an astonishing annualised rate of 89%. India was hit less hard by the global recession than many of its neighbours because it exports less, but its industrial production has also perked up, rising by a seasonally adjusted rate of 14% in the second quarter. Output in most of the smaller Asian economies is still lower than a year ago, because they suffered steep downturns late last year. But at economic turning points, one should track quarterly changes.

Thrift in the boom, stimulus in the slump

Asia’s rebound has several causes. First, manufacturing accounts for a big part of several local economies, and industries such as cars and electronics are highly cyclical: output drops sharply in a downturn and then spurts in the upturn. Second, the region’s decline in exports in late 2008 was exacerbated by the freezing up of global trade finance, which is now flowing again. Third, and most important, domestic spending has bounced back because the fiscal stimulus in the region was bigger and worked faster than in the West. India aside, the Asians entered this downturn with far healthier government finances than rich countries, allowing them to spend more money. Low private-sector debt made households and firms more likely to spend government handouts; Asian banks were also in better shape than their Western counterparts and able to lend more. Asia’s prudence during the past decade did not allow it to escape the global recession, but it made the region’s fiscal and monetary weapons more effective.

Western populists will no doubt once again try to blame their own sluggish performance on “unfair” Asia. Ignore them. Emerging Asia’s average growth rate of almost 8% over the past two decades—three times the rate in the rich world—has brought huge benefits to the rest of the world. Its rebound now is all the more useful when growth in the West is likely to be slow. Asia cannot replace the American consumer: emerging Asia’s total consumption amounts to only two-fifths of America’s. But it is the growth in spending that really matters. In dollar terms, the increase in emerging Asia’s consumer-spending this year will more than offset the drop in spending in America and the euro area. This shift in spending from the West to the East will help rebalance the world economy.

Beijing, Bangkok and Bangalore: beware boastfulness

It is easy to boost an economy with lots of government spending. But Asian policymakers now face two difficult problems. Their immediate dilemma is how to sustain recovery without inflating credit and asset-price bubbles. Local equity and property markets are starting to froth. But policymakers’ reluctance to let their currencies rise faster against the dollar means that their monetary policy is, in effect, being set by America’s Federal Reserve, and is therefore too lax for these perkier economies. The longer-term challenge is that once the impact of governments’ fiscal stimulus fades, growth will slow unless economic reforms are put in place to bolster private spending—something Japan, alas, never did (see article).

Part of the solution to both problems—preventing bubbles and strengthening domestic spending—is to allow exchange rates to rise. If Asian central banks stopped piling up reserves to hold down their currencies, this would help stem domestic liquidity. Stronger currencies would also shift growth from exports to domestic demand and increase households’ real spending power—and help ward off protectionists in the West.
       解决防止泡沫和加强国内消费这两个问题的一部分解决方法是允许汇率上涨。如果亚洲央行停止以压低汇率为目的的储备囤积的话,这会抑制国内的流动性。更强健的货币同样能将增长从出口转向国内需求并且增加家庭的真实消费能力 – 同时可以堵住西方保护主义者的嘴。

Hubris is the big worry. With the gap in growth rates between emerging Asia and the developed world heading towards a record nine percentage points this year, Chinese leaders have taken to warning America about its lax monetary policy (while Washington has stopped lecturing China about the undervalued yuan). But it would be a big mistake if Asia’s recovery led its politicians to conclude that there was no need to change their exchange-rate policies or adopt structural reforms to boost consumption. The tigers’ faster-than-expected rebound from their 1997-98 financial crisis encouraged complacency and delayed necessary reforms, which left them more vulnerable to the global downturns in 2001 and now. Make sure this new rise is not followed by another fall.


  1. 非常流畅、标准的翻译,只是最后一段的这句话值得商妥:

    Chinese leaders have taken to warning America about its lax monetary policy


  2. Chinese leaders have taken to…一句其中“have taken to”译作“习惯于”也许恰当(出自oxford dictionary),全句我译作“中国领导人已习惯美国对其宽松货币政策的指责。”这也给后面一句美国放弃指责做了转折承启。

  3. 个人认为,这句话的意思应该是:中国领导人已经习惯于对美国宽松的货币政策提出警示。
    另外,第五段中,…and industries such as cars and electronics are highly cyclical: …其中highly cyclical的意思是应该是“高度循环”才对吧?高度循环的话,就说明周期短,而不是长了。

  4. politicians should brace themselves for more talk of economic power drifting inexorably to the East:西方的政客们应该打起精神以面对更多的经济实力无情地向东方转移的话题。
    Chinese leaders have taken to warning America about its lax monetary policy:中国领导人已就美国过度宽松的货币政策提出了警告

  5. Chinese leaders have taken to warning America about its lax monetary policy

    大体意思应该说中国对自己的经济表现有点自大,所以开始对美国宽松的货币政策进行指指点点(take to 应该是开始的意思),而相反

  6. After the region’s financial crisis of 1997-98, and again after the dotcom bust in 2001
    bust明显是笔误,应该为burst 爆裂,炸破

    The West still looks weak, with many economies contracting in the second quarter, and even if America begins to grow in the second half of this year 西方国家的经济看起来还很疲软,很多经济数据在二季度有所下跌,尽管今年二季度美国经济开始增长,
    second half of this year 不是二季度 second quarter 应该被翻译为今年下半年


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