Redesigning Europe’s biggest economy

Unbalanced Germany

Aug 6th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Europe’s champion is justly proud of its exporters. It also needs to worry about markets closer to home

Michael Morgenstern

IN THE late 1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing, but fragile, prosperity. “No experiments!” was his slogan. Adenauer’s spirit is abroad once more as Germany, united now and infinitely more self-assured, prepares for a national poll in September with a startling lack of audacity.


To German eyes, the reason to be steady is as plain as the badge on a Mercedes-Benz. The country has had a pretty good crisis. GDP has lurched sickeningly downward, but employment has not. Germany’s economic machine is made of honest iron and steel, not subprime mortgages, collateralised debt obligations and other financial chicanery. Having been concocted in Wall Street and the City of London, the crisis, it is said, has proved the merit of Germany’s solid social-market economy. Indeed, today’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, wants September’s G20 summit in Pittsburgh—just days before the election—to approve a “sustainable” economic charter that enshrines the German approach to taming markets.


Ideological assertiveness makes a change for a country that spent much of the past 15 years debating how far it needed to copy Anglo-American capitalism. But, if you look more closely, the Bundesrepublik does not come out of the crisis quite so well. Just as America and Britain now have to grapple with better ways to regulate financial services, so Germany also faces hard questions, about the lopsided shape of its economy, the need for further painful change, and whether its political parties have the gumption to embrace reform.



It may seem unfair, but the reason to question Germany’s economy is the dominance of its exporters. Few can look at Germany’s champions without admiring them—not just the giant carmakers that have conquered the world through their engineering excellence, but the pencil-makers, machine-tool designers, printing-press firms and countless other specialists that each lead their niche. Some German companies have been caught up in scandals, a sign perhaps that their corporate governance is not all that it is cracked up to be (see article). Most of them, however, mock the clichés used to deride European business. German exporters are innovators, tough on wages and flexible enough to get the job done. They have stayed competitive against all comers.


Yet Germany’s muscle-bound economy is also a victim of its exporters’ success. Global markets are volatile: the country’s current-account surplus has fallen by more than half from a mighty 8% of GDP in just a year. As the hard-earned surpluses piled up, they were invested in lower-quality foreign assets. Just ask the German banks that gave their money to those sharks on Wall Street, or the firms that splashed out on big acquisitions, like Chrysler. Germany seemed to forget that the point of exports is ultimately to pay for imports (see article).


But Germany prefers to save rather than spend. In the boom German consumers stayed at home. Last year consumer spending was only 56% of GDP compared with 70% in America. Puny demand was partly the result of small wage rises, but it was also because Germany’s service sector is underdeveloped. This matters because, although Germany can still export to the rapidly industrialising (and rapidly growing) emerging economies, demand has faded in the far bigger markets in America and Europe. Germany needs to sell services at home to fill the gap.


Germans will tell you saving is a national obsession that reaches far back into their history. And they do not want more services—they hate getting in help to do the cleaning or put up shelves. Perhaps; but the dearth of spending and new service businesses is also caused by government policy. Germans struggle to create companies. Germany comes 102nd out of 181 countries recently surveyed as places to start businesses by the World Bank. Start-up capital is scarcer than it is elsewhere. There has been deregulation, to lengthen shopping hours and to coax the long-term unemployed back into work. But Germany remains bad at getting women and older people into jobs. Full-time posts are over-protected and generous welfare benefits act as a minimum wage. To cap it all, in 2007 the state squashed consumer demand by increasing value-added tax.


Instead of using the crisis to promote services at home, the coalition of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Ms Merkel’s Christian Democrats has fallen back into bad old habits and used policy to prop up exporters. Germany has 1.4m workers in job-saving schemes which are supposed to tide people over until export demand picks up. It makes sense to preserve skills, but, since export demand will not fully recover, many of these people will end up unemployed. Realising this, perhaps, the SPD this week proposed a “Silicon Valley of environmentally friendly industrial production”—another export-boosting plan. Moreover, this one will happen only if Germany can create and commercialise valuable university research and learn to incubate high-technology start-ups. Young Germans thinking about starting a high-tech business today prefer to go to the real Silicon Valley.


Time to experiment

The next government’s main job will be to sort all this out. Yet politicians seem loth even to talk about it. This is partly because German politics is fragmenting and the centre parties are on the defensive (see article). But it is also because voters rejected free-market programmes earlier this decade. In 2005 they punished the SPD for its reforms and, in the general election, Ms Merkel herself for even talking about a radical path.


Yet isn’t politics supposed to be all about the art of persuasion? In the past decade German firms, unions and politicians have set about making their export economy competitive, with spectacular results. Now the country needs to gear up the domestic economy. Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financiers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves better. As September’s vote draws near, they should think again, if only for the sake of millions of their underemployed compatriots. It is time to experiment.




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