William Safire 威廉•赛菲尔

William Safire

Oct 1st 2009
From The Economist print edition

William Safire, pundit and lexicographer, died on September 27th, aged 79

HAD William Safire written his own obituary, he would have laid down a few simple rules. First, use the active, not the passive voice, no matter how inert the corpse. Second, taking the bull by the hand, nix those mixed metaphors. Third, kill all sentences starting with conjunctions, or ending in “by”, “with”, or “on”. De mortuis nil nisi bonum? Preferably not; swaydo-intellectual Latinisms cut no ice with him, unless he allowed himself a silkily Catulline ave atque vale.

如果让威廉•赛菲尔写自己的讣告,他会立下几条简单的规矩。首先,要用主动而非被动语态,甭管死者的躯体如何僵硬不动。其次,类似“降牛要抓手”[注1] 这样的混杂隐喻要不得。第三,毙掉所有用连词开头或是用“by”、“with” 或“on”结尾的句子。那能不能用用拉丁文,比如“对于死者唯有赞美”(De mortuis nil nisi bonum”)?最好别;他对被人拉来伪装智识的拉丁文词句不以为然[注2],除非他愿意用拉丁文为自己写一首像卡图卢斯的“敬礼和道别”那样珠圆玉润的 悼亡诗[注3]。
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Time to get tough 刚毅此其时

The Obama presidency, one year on


Time to get tough


Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition

Barack Obama’s first year has been good, but not great—and things are going to get a lot harder


HOW far away it seems, that bitingly cold, crystal-clear morning when almost 2m people filled the Mall from Capitol Hill to the Washington Monument to hear the new president talk of the victory of hope over fear, of unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Recalling the dark days of the war of independence, he pledged, like George Washington, that in the face of common danger Americans under his leadership would come forth to meet it. One year on, how well has he done?

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Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重



Mad, bad and dangerous to know


Jan 14th 2010

From The Economist print edition

Monetary folly is the latest affliction visited on North Korea’s people by the world’s worst government


JUST over a month ago North Korea announced a currency reform. All notes and coins in circulation were replaced by a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won. New currencies for old, as Ghana and others have shown, can send a strong signal from governments breaking with an inflationary past and putting sound money back into citizens’ pockets. In North Korea things are different. As Nicholas Eberstadt, a scholar of the country, puts it, the state has “a deep philosophical problem” with money in anyone’s pockets but its own.

就在一个月前,朝鲜宣布进行货币改革。所有流通中的纸币和硬币都被新货币所取代,新朝鲜圆的面值是旧币的100倍。根据加纳和其他地方的经验显示,货币的更新换代是政府发出的强烈信号,即打破过往的通货膨胀,使得公民再次拥有健全货币。而朝鲜的情况则恰恰相反。就像朝鲜问题学者Nicholas Eberstadt指出的那样,朝鲜政权不放心把钱放在任何人的口袋里,除了自己本身,这是个“深刻的哲学问题”。

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Prince of the absurd 荒诞之王

Albert Camus, 50 years on

Prince of the absurd

Jan 7th 2010
From The Economist print edition

In search of the real Camus

Albert Camus: Solitaire et Solidaire. By Catherine Camus. Michel Lafon; 206 pages; 39.90. Buy from Amazon.fr 《阿尔贝•加缪:隐居者》卡特琳娜•加缪。米歇尔拉封出版社;206业;定价39.9欧元

Les Derniers Jours de la Vie d’Albert Camus. By José Lenzini. Actes Sud; 144 pages; 16.50. Buy from Amazon.fr 《阿尔贝•加缪一生的最后岁月》若斯•伦兹尼;144页;定价16.5欧元

Albert Camus, Fils d’Alger. By Alain Vircondelet. Fayard; 396 pages; 19.90. Buy from Amazon.fr 《阿尔贝•加缪,阿尔及利亚之子》阿兰•威孔德莱特,费亚荷出版社;396页;定价19.9欧元

Albert Camus. By Virgil Tanase. Gallimard; 416 pages; 8.10. Buy from Amazon.fr《阿尔贝•加缪》维吉尔•塔纳斯;416页;定价8.10欧元
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Hearts, minds and Mecca 内心,思想与圣地

Universities and Islam

Hearts, minds and Mecca

From The Economist print edition

he rising profile of Muslim students in the Western world

WHEN news emerged of the life-story of the Nigerian who tried to blow up a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day, there were cries of bewilderment in some quarters, groans of dismay in others, and shouts of “I told you so” from a small army of Cassandras.
Report Digital

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Respect for the dead 对逝者的尊重


Respect for the dead

Jan 7th 2010
From Economist.com

The messy politics of war memorials


WAR cemeteries are poignant places, better suited for reflection than controversy. In Vilnius, Poles, Lithuanians, Russians and others, all fierce foes in their day, rest in the same hallowed ground. In the British war cemetery in Berlin, aircrews lie in the earth that their bombs once churned. In Bitola in Macedonia, a huge German war memorial-cum-cemetery dating from the first world war glowers over the town from a nearby hill. Rebecca West, a Germanophobe British writer of the interwar period, called it “monstrous”. Local authorities have been more generous-spirited, leaving it untouched for nearly 90 years.

战争公墓是令人心酸之处,更适合人们去反思而不是争辩。在维尔纽斯(立陶宛首都),波兰人、立陶宛人、俄罗斯人等都曾兵戎相见水火不容,但现在都长眠在同一块圣地。在柏林的英国战争公墓,机组人员安息在他们曾掷下炸弹的土地上。在马其顿的比托拉,一个可追溯到一战时期的巨大的德国战争纪念公墓从山上虎视眈眈的注视着临近的村庄。Rebeca West (英国作家,活跃在两次世界大战期间,仇视德国)形容它“怪兽般的”。当地政府则更加宽宏大量,放任其存在了近90年。
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An early Christmas present? 一份提前送出的圣诞礼物?

The search for dark matter

An early Christmas present?

Dec 17th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Wild rumours are circulating of the discovery of one of physics’s great unknowns: dark matter

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