[2008.02.07] half-way there

America’s election

Half-way there
Feb 7th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The Republicans, at least, seem to have found a decent candidate

                         Illustration by Kevin Kallaugher
WINSTON CHURCHILL, that famous half-American, once said that his mother’s countrymen could always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting the available alternatives. His words would apply well to the Republican Party just now. Having lengthily lionised “America’s mayor”, Rudy Giuliani, looked longingly at Reagan-lite Fred Thompson, flirted with millionaire Mitt Romney and sung along with preacherman Mike Huckabee, the party’s voters have sensibly plumped for John McCain, the only Republican whom pollsters give a chance of keeping the White House out of Democratic hands (see article). It is possible—just—to imagine Mr McCain failing to carry the nomination after Super Tuesday, which saw him win three times as many delegates as his nearest rival, Mr Romney, who suspended his campaign. But that would now require spectacular intervention by the Almighty on behalf of the admittedly pious Mr Huckabee.

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[2006.07.27] Venetian art

Venetian art

The line of beauty

Jul 27th 2006
From The Economist print edition

Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting

By David Alan Brown

Yale University Press; 336 pages; $65 and £40

WHO was the first modern artist? How about Giorgione? A far-fetched notion, perhaps, but this Renaissance Venetian revolutionised painting—and his work, focusing on secular subjects such as nudes, landscapes and female beauty, was dubbed “modern” by the leading art commentator of the day, Vasari.

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[2007.12.19]Jobs for life 一生悬命

Death by overwork in Japan 过劳死在日本

Jobs for life一生悬命
Dec 19th 2007 | TOKYO
From The Economist print edition

Japanese employees are working themselves to death

HARA-KIRI is a uniquely Japanese form of suicide. Its corporate equivalent is karoshi, “death by overwork”. Since this was legally recognised as a cause of death in the 1980s, the number of cases submitted to the government for the designation has soared; so has the number of court cases that result when the government refuses an application. In 1988 only about 4% of applications were successful. By 2005 that share had risen to 40%. If a death is judged karoshi, surviving family members may receive compensation of around $20,000 a year from the government and sometimes up to $1m from the company in damages. For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing.


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[2008.01.24] Nearly there

Artificial life 人造生命

Nearly there 即将到来

Jan 24th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The penultimate step towards the creation of artificial life has just been announced    通向人工生命的倒数第二步公诸于众

LIKE a striptease artist in front of an eager audience, Craig Venter has been dropping veils over the past few years without ever quite revealing what people are hoping to see: the world’s first artificial organism. He has been discussing making one since 1995, when he worked out the first complete genetic sequence of a natural living organism. And, after a lot of hard graft and blind alleys, he and his team have almost got there. As they report in this week’s Science, they have replicated the genome of Mycoplasma genitalium, the species that was the subject of that original sequencing effort. It is not actual life, but it is surely the tease before the last veil finally falls away.
就像热切观众面前的脱衣舞“表演艺术家”一样,克雷格·文特(Craig Venter)正在揭去——世界第一个人造组织——这一过去几年人们翘首以盼而又不为人知的神秘面纱。自1995年以来他就一直在讨论制造人造组织这一话 题,其间他破解出第一份自然活组织的完整基因序列。经过大量艰苦工作和碰壁,他和他的小组几乎达到了目标。根据他们在本周《科学》杂志上发表的报告,他们 复制了尿道支原体的基因组,最初基因测序工作就是利用这种支原体进行的。它们还不是真正的生命,但这就像最后一件衣服落下之前的挑逗一样。

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[2008.01.10] America’s election-Up in the air

America’s election-Up in the air

Jan 10th 2008
From The Economist print edition

America wants change; it just can’t work out what sort of change


IF A week is famously a long time in British politics, five days can be an eternity in America. On January 3rd Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton by roughly 17,000 votes, out of around 220,000 cast, in Iowa’s Democratic caucus at the start of the presidential nominating season. It was the vote that launched a thousand editorials: the charismatic young black senator was compared to Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King and even Ronald Reagan. France’s Libération hailed the man who “will restore America’s image in the world”. The nomination, not to mention the presidency, seemed Mr Obama’s not by election but by global acclamation.
在英国政治中,如果说一周的时间就能够因为其旷日持久而变得著名;那么在美国,五天就已经可以说成是永恒了。1月3 日在衣阿华(Lowa)举行的民主党候选人选拔会议中,Obama在总数为220000张选票中以 17000张的优势在总统提名选季开端时刻击败了希拉里克林顿。此次投票结果引发了数千篇社论,将这个魅力十足的青年黑人议员与杰克肯尼迪、马丁路得金,甚至是里根相提并论。法国自由报以”有可能重新树立美国国际形象”的标题盛赞此人。抛开总统任职不提,Obama此次获得的竞选提名对他而言似乎意味着全球的赞赏。

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