Reaching the poorest 给予赤贫者受教育的机会



Reaching the poorest


Enrolling the world’s poorest children in school needs new thinking, not just more money from taxpayers


Jan 21st 2010
From The Economist print edition

DAWN has just broken but classes have already started at the village school in Aqualaar, in the Garissa district of Kenya’s arid north-east. Around 30 children, mostly from families of Somali herders, sit listening as an enthusiastic 18-year-old teacher, Ibrahim Hussein, gives an arithmetic lesson. The school is really little more than a sandy patch of ground under an acacia tree. Mr Hussein’s blackboard hangs from its branches. There are no desks or chairs. Pupils follow the lesson by using sticks to scratch numbers in the sand.


The lack of basic kit is only too typical of schools in poor countries. What is unusual, sadly, is that Mr Hussein was actually present and teaching when his school was visited by Kevin Watkins, the lead author of “Reaching the Marginalised”, a new report on education in the developing world by UNESCO.


In India, for example, research by the World Bank reveals that 25% of teachers in government-run schools are away on any given day; of those present, only half were actually teaching when the bank’s researchers made spot checks. That is dreadful but not unusual: teacher absenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador.
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Weapons inspection 武器核查

Tony Blair and Britain’s Iraq inquiry


Weapons inspection


Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition
Tony Blair and Britain's Iraq inquiry Weapons inspection

The right questions to ask the former prime minister


THERE have already been so many inquiries into the Iraq war (including one in the Netherlands that this week judged the invasion to have been illegal), and it was all so long ago, that many people thought the latest British probe, under Sir John Chilcot, would prove pointless. In fact it has already been informative, not least because some of the soldiers, spooks and diplomats who have given evidence have grown franker since retirement. On January 12th Sir John’s panel questioned Alastair Campbell, formerly the government’s main spin doctor. His testimony was a telling rehearsal for the imminent appearance of the star witness: his old boss, Tony Blair.


Despite his nominal job description, Mr Campbell helped to construct and purvey the controversial case for war. “Nobody was really saying that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction [WMD],” he observed this week. That is true. Saddam’s record of making and using such weapons, the hunches of UN inspectors and the fact that the dictator continued to frustrate them and act guilty until the very end all made it seem that he still retained some WMD.


But there are weapons and there are weapons. The nuclear kind is by far the most terrifying; and the evidence presented by Britain and America that Saddam was actively and rapidly pursuing a nuke has come to seem especially dodgy. When they question Mr Blair about WMD, Sir John and his colleagues should concentrate on nuclear weapons—and in particular on the government’s assertion that Saddam might develop one “in between one and two years”. These nuclear allegations, which helped Mr Blair call the threat from Iraq “serious and current”, need further probing.

但是有军队的地方就会有武器。核武器显然是最为可怕的武器,因此英美提供的 “萨达姆正积极迅速地获取核武器”的证据就显得尤其危险(原诡诈)。在调查委员会就大规模杀伤性武器质询布莱尔时,约翰爵士和他的同僚们应该着重于“核武器”——特别是政府对萨达姆有可能在“一至两年内”制造出核武器的断言。这些有关核武器的断言(布莱尔曾凭此称伊拉克威胁是“严重而紧迫的”)值得深入调查。

A second focus should be on how raw intelligence was changed. Mr Blair described as “extensive, detailed and authoritative” intelligence that was, in fact, patchy and old; he described conclusions that were speculative as “beyond doubt”. At the inquiry, Mr Campbell drew a distinction between shifting lines and paragraphs in dossiers and actually fabricating intelligence. Again, fair enough; and it would be futile for the inquiry to try to prove outright lying in Mr Blair’s statements about WMD. Their focus should be subtler: on his government’s negligent approach to the sources of its claims, its failure to confess uncertainty and its urge to overstate.


Beyond doubt


There is also a string of outstanding questions about the conduct and aftermath of the war. For instance, why did some British troops seem not to have been fully equipped for the task? Indeed, why did the Treasury, overseen by the man who was then chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, fail to put its money where Mr Blair’s mouth was? (Mr Brown himself has dubiously been excused from testifying until after Britain’s pending general election.) Another concern is the increasingly vexed issue of when, precisely, Mr Blair committed British forces to the invasion—and whether he simultaneously said different things to George Bush and the British public. And why did he enter the war without much assurance that the Americans had a plan for post-war reconstruction?


These worries have not arisen because of a petty dispute between Mr Blair and his critics in the media—as Mr Campbell seemed to argue at the inquiry this week. They are important because Saddam turned out not to have any WMD, and because the post-war occupation of Iraq has been disastrous (and for Britain, militarily humiliating). And they are not merely historical curiosities. The unravelling of the case for war, and the calamities of its aftermath, have discredited politicians in the eyes of many Britons, and may inhibit the country’s future foreign policy, not to mention the cost in blood and treasure. Mr Blair’s turn at the inquiry may be the last, best chance to explain those mistakes and allay some of the anger they provoked—if he is asked the right questions.



The psychology of power :Absolutely 绝对如此

The psychology of power

Jan 21st 2010
From The Economist print edition

Power corrupts, but it corrupts only those who think they deserve it

REPORTS of politicians who have extramarital affairs while complaining about the death of family values, or who use public funding for private gain despite condemning government waste, have become so common in recent years that they hardly seem surprising anymore. Anecdotally, at least, the connection between power and hypocrisy looks obvious.

Anecdote is not science, though. And, more subtly, even if anecdote is correct, it does not answer the question of whether power tends to corrupt, as Lord Acton’s dictum has it, or whether it merely attracts the corruptible. To investigate this question Joris Lammers at Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, and Adam Galinsky at Northwestern University, in Illinois, have conducted a series of experiments which attempted to elicit states of powerfulness and powerlessness in the minds of volunteers. Having done so, as they report in Psychological Science, they tested those volunteers’ moral pliability. Lord Acton, they found, was right.
但趣闻轶事毕竟不是科学。而且,就算趣闻轶事属实,它也并没有更深入细致地回答下列问题:究竟是权力——如阿克顿爵士的名言所说【1】——容易腐败所有人,还是权力只不过吸引了原本就腐败的人? 为此,荷兰蒂尔堡大学的里斯•拉默斯(Joris Lammers)博士和美国伊利诺斯州西北大学的亚当•林斯基(Adam Galinsky)博士做了一系列的实验,尝试从实验志愿者的心理中诱导出“有权有势和无权无势”的心理状态。做完诱导后,再测试参与者的道德柔韧性。他们将结果发表在《心理学科学》期刊上并在报告中证实: 阿克顿爵士说对了。

In their first study, Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky asked 61 university students to write about a moment in their past when they were in a position of high or low power. Previous research has established that this is an effective way to “prime” people into feeling as if they are currently in such a position. Each group (high power and low power) was then split into two further groups. Half were asked to rate, on a nine-point morality scale (with one being highly immoral and nine being highly moral), how objectionable it would be for other people to over-report travel expenses at work. The other half were asked to participate in a game of dice.
在第一轮研究中,拉默斯和林斯基博士要求61名大学生写下他们经历中曾拥有高或低权力职位的一段时间。早期的实验已经证实,这样可以有效地让志愿者感到自己目前正处在这个职位【注:称为诱导过程“prime”process】 。志愿者分为(高、低权位)两组后再每组一分为二。其中一半人将自己对别人在工作中虚报出差费用的反感程度,在标有1-9选项的道德测量表上以打分表示(1表示道德标准最低点,9为最高)。另一半人参与一种掷骰子游戏。

The dice players were told to roll two ten-sided dice (one for “tens” and one for “units”) in the privacy of an isolated cubicle, and report the results to a lab assistant. The number they rolled, which would be a value between one and 100 (two zeros), would determine the number of tickets that they would be given in a small lottery that was run at the end of the study.
骰子游戏者每人在一个隔开的斗间里投掷两个10面骰子(其中一个表示十位数,另一个表示个位数),然后向实验助理报告结果。他们掷骰所报告的点数(1 到100)用来决定各自领取的彩票张数。当实验结束时,这些彩票用来参与一个小型抽奖活动。

In the case of the travel expenses—when the question hung on the behaviour of others—participants in the high-power group reckoned, on average, that over-reporting rated as a 5.8 on the nine-point scale. Low-power participants rated it 7.2. The powerful, in other words, claimed to favour the moral course. In the dice game, however, high-power participants reported, on average, that they had rolled 70 while low-power individuals reported an average 59. Though the low-power people were probably cheating a bit (the expected average score would be 50), the high-power volunteers were undoubtedly cheating—perhaps taking the term “high roller” rather too literally.
在出差报销的测验中(当问题涉及他人的行为时),高权组员在9分之内,对多报出差费用的行为给了平均5.8分。低权位组给了7.2分。换句话说,有权者更赞成高道德要求。在骰子游戏中,高权组员报出的平均数为70,而低权组员的平均数为59。 虽然低权组员也可能编了点小谎(预计的平均值应该是50),但高权组显然明显地谎报了数字—大概他们把“狂赌徒”的字面层意过度当真了【2】。

Taken together, these results do indeed suggest that power tends to corrupt and to promote a hypocritical tendency to hold other people to a higher standard than oneself. To test the point further, though, Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky explicitly contrasted attitudes to self and other people when the morally questionable activity was the same in each case. Having once again primed two groups of participants to be either high-power or low-power, they then asked some members of each group how acceptable it would be for someone else to break the speed limit when late for an appointment and how acceptable it would be for the participant himself to do so. Others were asked similar questions about tax declarations.
上述综合结果确实显示出权力容易使人腐败,并且促成一种伪善趋向,即对别人持有高过对己的要求标准。 为了更进一步测试这点,拉默斯和林斯基博士通过一个无论“对人和对己”同样都存在道德问题的活动,来清楚地比较组员的态度。将高、低权两组成员再次引导进入状态后,他们对每组中的部分成员提出一些问题:对他人因为赶去面谈而超速违规所能接受的程度?换成自己又怎样? 另一部分成员针对缴税事项回答相类似的问题。

Only the little people pay taxes…【3】

In both cases participants used the same one-to-nine scale employed in the first experiment. The results showed that the powerful do, indeed, behave hypocritically. They felt that others speeding because they were late warranted a 6.3 on the scale whereas speeding themselves warranted a 7.6. Low-power individuals, by contrast, saw everyone as equal. They scored themselves as 7.2 and others at 7.3—a statistically insignificant difference. In the case of tax dodging, the results were even more striking. High-power individuals felt that when others broke tax laws this rated as a 6.6 on the morality scale, but that if they did so themselves this rated as a 7.6. In this case low-power individuals were actually easier on others and harsher on themselves, with values of 7.7 and 6.8 respectively.

These results, then, suggest that the powerful do indeed behave hypocritically, condemning the transgressions of others more than they condemn their own. Which comes as no great surprise, although it is always nice to have everyday observation confirmed by systematic analysis. But another everyday observation is that powerful people who have been caught out often show little sign of contrition. It is not just that they abuse the system; they also seem to feel entitled to abuse it. To investigate this point, Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky devised a third set of experiments. These were designed to disentangle the concept of power from that of entitlement. To do this, the researchers changed the way they primed people.

A culture of entitlement

Half of 105 participants were asked to write about a past experience in which they had legitimately been given a role of high or low power. The others were asked to write about an experience of high or low power where they did not feel their power (or lack of it) was legitimate. All of the volunteers were then asked to rate how immoral it would be for someone to take an abandoned bicycle rather than report the bicycle to the police. They were also asked, if they were in real need of a bicycle, how likely they would be to take it themselves and not report it.

The “powerful” who had been primed to believe they were entitled to their power readily engaged in acts of moral hypocrisy. They assigned a value of 5.1 to others engaging in the theft of the bicycle while rating the action at 6.9 if they were to do it themselves. Among participants in all of the low-power states, morally hypocritical behaviour inverted itself, as it had in the case of tax fraud. “Legitimate” low-power individuals assigned others a score of 5.1 if they stole a bicycle and gave themselves a 4.3. Those primed to feel that their lack of power was illegitimate behaved similarly, assigning values of 4.7 and 4.4 respectively.

However, an intriguing characteristic emerged among participants in high-power states who felt they did not deserve their elevated positions. These people showed a similar tendency to that found in low-power individuals—to be harsh on themselves and less harsh on others—but the effect was considerably more dramatic. They felt that others warranted a lenient 6.0 on the morality scale when stealing a bike but assigned a highly immoral 3.9 if they took it themselves. Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky call this reversal “hypercrisy”.

They argue, therefore, that people with power that they think is justified break rules not only because they can get away with it, but also because they feel at some intuitive level that they are entitled to take what they want. This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office. In its absence, abuses will be less likely. The word “privilege” translates as “private law”. If Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky are right, the sense which some powerful people seem to have that different rules apply to them is not just a convenient smoke screen. They genuinely believe it.

What explains hypercrisy is less obvious. It is known, though, from experiments on other species that if those at the bottom of a dominance hierarchy show signs of getting uppity, those at the top react both quickly and aggressively. Hypercrisy might thus be a signal of submissiveness—one that is exaggerated in creatures that feel themselves to be in the wrong place in the hierarchy. By applying reverse privileges to themselves, they hope to escape punishment from the real dominants. Perhaps the lesson, then, is that corruption and hypocrisy are the price that societies pay for being led by alpha males (and, in some cases, alpha females). The alternative, though cleaner, is leadership by wimps.
这样一来,“伪善”的解释就不再那么明显了。从其他生物的实验得知,如果处在强权统治等级底层变得自大而不安分时,顶层强势者就会立即出面压制。“伪善”因此可能变成一种“恭顺服从”的信号——这个信号在那些自己认为在等级制度中占了错误位置的生物身上得到强化。通过赋予自己“反向特权”【注:放弃权力权利的信号】,希望逃脱真正强势头领对他们的惩罚。或许,此中可学到的教益就是,社会群体要求得到强人(阿尔法雄性,某些别的状况下则为阿尔法雌性)的领导, 就要付出腐败和伪善的代价。舍此, 另一个选择, 政治上虽然比较干净, 但是由弱主主政。


【1】Lord Acton’s dictum:Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
阿克顿勋爵 是 英国十九世纪著名的自由主义政论家,作品《自由和权力浅说》
约翰•埃默里克•爱德华•达尔伯格•阿克顿(John Emerieh Edward Dalberg Acton),1834年1月10日生于那不勒斯,费迪南德•理查德•爱德华•达尔伯格•阿克顿和玛丽•德•达尔伯格(即后来的格兰维尔伯爵夫人)之子。

【2】high roller 一掷千金的赌徒: someone who spends a lot of money carelessly or risks a lot of money on games, races etc.

【3】语出Leona Helmsley

“我们不缴税,只有小人物才缴税”(”We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”)。

【4】阿尔法雄性 alpha male:
In social animals, the alpha is the individual in the community with the highest rank (MDL found in social groups). Where one male and one female fulfill this role, they are referred to as the alpha pair (the term varies when several females fulfill this role – it is extremely rare among mammals for several males to fulfill this role with one female). Other animals in the same social group may exhibit deference or other symbolic signs of respect particular to their species towards the alpha.

The alpha animals are given preference to be the first to eat and the first to mate, among some species the only animals in the pack allowed to mate. Other animals in the community are usually killed or ousted if they violate this rule. (wiki)


Not just another fake 并非是简单的昨日重现

China’s economy

Not just another fake

Jan 14th 2010 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

The similarities between China today and Japan in the 1980s may look ominous. But China’s boom is unlikely to give way to prolonged slump

Illustration by Derek Bacon
CHINA rebounded more swiftly from the global downturn than any other big economy, thanks largely to its enormous monetary and fiscal stimulus. In the year to the fourth quarter of 2009, its real GDP is estimated to have grown by more than 10%. But many sceptics claim that its recovery is built on wobbly foundations. Indeed, they say, China now looks ominously like Japan in the late 1980s before its bubble burst and two lost decades of sluggish growth began. Worse, were China to falter now, while the recovery in rich countries is still fragile, it would be a severe blow not just at home but to the whole of the world economy.

On the face of it, the similarities between China today and bubble-era Japan are worrying. Extraordinarily high saving and an undervalued exchange rate have fuelled rapid export-led growth and the world’s biggest current-account surplus. Chronic overinvestment has, it is argued, resulted in vast excess capacity and falling returns on capital. A flood of bank lending threatens a future surge in bad loans, while markets for shares and property look dangerously frothy.

Just as in the late 1980s, when Japan’s economy was tipped to overtake America’s, China’s strong rebound has led many to proclaim that it will become number one sooner than expected. In contrast, a recent flurry of bearish reports warn that China’s economy could soon implode. James Chanos, a hedge-fund investor (and one of the first analysts to spot that Enron’s profits were pure fiction), says that China is “Dubai times 1,000, or worse”. Another hedge fund, Pivot Capital Management, argues that the chances of a hard landing, with a slump in capital spending and a banking crisis, are increasing.

Scary stuff. However, a close inspection of pessimists’ three main concerns—overvalued asset prices, overinvestment and excessive bank lending—suggests that China’s economy is more robust than they think. Start with asset markets. Chinese share prices are nowhere near as giddy as Japan’s were in the late 1980s. In 1989 Tokyo’s stockmarket had a price-earnings ratio of almost 70; today’s figure for Shanghai A shares is 28, well below its long-run average of 37. Granted, prices jumped by 80% last year, but markets in other large emerging economies went up even more: Brazil, India and Russia rose by an average of 120% in dollar terms. And Chinese profits have rebounded faster than those elsewhere. In the three months to November, industrial profits were 70% higher than a year before.

China’s property market is certainly hot. Prices of new apartments in Beijing and Shanghai leapt by 50-60% during 2009. Some lavish projects have much in common with those in Dubai—notably “The World”, a luxury development in Tianjin, 120km (75 miles) from Beijing, in which homes will be arranged as a map of the world, along with the world’s biggest indoor ski slope and a seven-star hotel.

Average home prices nationally, however, cannot yet be called a bubble. On January 14th the National Development and Reform Commission reported that average prices in 70 cities had climbed by 8% in the year to December, the fastest pace for 18 months; other measures suggest a bigger rise. But this followed a fall in prices in 2008. By most measures average prices have fallen relative to incomes in the past decade (see chart 1).

The most cited evidence of a bubble—and hence of impending collapse—is the ratio of average home prices to average annual household incomes. This is almost ten in China; in most developed economies it is only four or five. However, Tao Wang, an economist at UBS, argues that this rich-world yardstick is misleading. Chinese homebuyers do not have average incomes but come largely from the richest 20-30% of the urban population. Using this group’s average income, the ratio falls to rich-world levels. In Japan the price-income ratio hit 18 in 1990, obliging some buyers to take out 100-year mortgages.
在描述泡沫以及尤其引发的潜在衰退时,最常被借用的一个例子就是平均房价 同年平均家庭收入的比例。在中国这个比例差不多是10;在大多数的发达国家只有4或者5.然而你,瑞银的经济学家王涛称同发达国家的数据做对比具有误导性。中国的购房者不是那些拿着平均收入的人,而大部分是城市人口中20%-30%的富裕人群。如果用这组人的平均收入来计算的话,平均房价同年平均家庭收入的比例会降到同发达国家相同的水平。日本的价格对收入比例在1990年达到了18,迫使一些人背负了为期100年的按揭贷款。

Furthermore, Chinese homes carry much less debt than Japanese properties did 20 years ago. One-quarter of Chinese buyers pay cash. The average mortgage covers only about half of a property’s value. Owner-occupiers must make a minimum deposit of 20%, investors one of 40%. Chinese households’ total debt stands at only 35% of their disposable income, compared with 130% in Japan in 1990.

China’s property boom is being financed mainly by saving, not bank lending. According to Yan Wang, an economist at BCA Research, a Canadian firm, only about one-fifth of the cost of new construction (commercial and residential) is financed by bank lending. Loans to homebuyers and property developers account for only 17% of Chinese banks’ total, against 56% for American banks. A bubble pumped up by saving is much less dangerous than one fuelled by credit. When the market begins to crack, highly leveraged speculators are forced to sell, pushing prices lower, which causes more borrowers to default.

Even if China does not (yet) have a credit-fuelled housing bubble, the fact that property prices in Beijing and Shanghai are beyond the reach of most ordinary people is a serious social problem. The government has not kept its promise to build more low-cost housing, and it is clearly worried about rising prices. In an attempt to thwart speculators, it has reimposed a sales tax on homes sold within five years, has tightened the stricter rules on mortgages for investment properties and is trying to crack down on illegal flows of foreign capital into the property market. The government does not want to come down too hard, as it did in 2007 by cutting off credit, because it needs a lively property sector to support economic recovery. But if it does not tighten policy soon, a full-blown bubble is likely to inflate.

The world’s capital

China’s second apparent point of similarity to Japan is overinvestment. Total fixed investment jumped to an estimated 47% of GDP last year—ten points more than in Japan at its peak. Chinese investment is certainly high: in most developed countries it accounts for around 20% of GDP. But you cannot infer waste from a high investment ratio alone. It is hard to argue that China has added too much to its capital stock when, per person, it has only about 5% of what America or Japan has. China does have excess capacity in some industries, such as steel and cement. But across the economy as a whole, concerns about overinvestment tend to be exaggerated.

Pivot Capital Management points to China’s incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR), which is calculated as annual investment divided by the annual increase in GDP, as evidence of the collapsing efficiency of investment. Pivot argues that in 2009 China’s ICOR was more than double its average in the 1980s and 1990s, implying that it required much more investment to generate an additional unit of output. However, it is misleading to look at the ICOR for a single year. With slower GDP growth, because of a collapse in global demand, the ICOR rose sharply everywhere. The return to investment in terms of growth over a longer period is more informative. Measuring this way, BCA Research finds no significant increase in China’s ICOR over the past three decades.

Mr Chanos has drawn parallels between China and the huge misallocation of resources in the Soviet Union, arguing that China is heading the same way. The best measure of efficiency is total factor productivity (TFP), the increase in output not directly accounted for by extra inputs of capital and labour. If China were as wasteful as Mr Chanos contends, its TFP growth would be negative, as the Soviet Union’s was. Yet over the past two decades China has enjoyed the fastest growth in TFP of any country in the world.
詹姆斯•查诺斯(James Chanos)将中国通苏联的资源错误配置联系起来,称中国正在走苏联的老路。衡量资源配置效率最好的标准是全要素效率(TFP),产出增长并非直接用额外的资本或是劳动力投入来解释的。如果中的资源浪费达到了查诺斯先生所声称的程度,那么其TFP增长将会像当年的苏联一样,呈现负值。然而,过去20年里,中国的TFP增速快过了世界任何国家。

Even in industries which clearly do have excess capacity, China’s critics overstate their case. A recent report by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China estimates that in early 2009 the steel industry was operating at only 72% of capacity. That was at the depth of the global downturn. Demand has picked up strongly since then. The report claims that the industry’s overcapacity is illustrated by “a startling figure”: in 2008, China’s output of steel per person was higher than America’s. So what? At China’s stage of industrialisation it should use a lot of steel. A more relevant yardstick is the America of the early 20th century. According to Ms Wang of UBS, China’s steel capacity of almost 0.5kg (about 1lb) per person is slightly lower than America’s output in 1920 (0.6kg) and far below Japan’s peak of 1.1kg in 1973.

Many commentators complain that China’s capital-spending spree last year has merely exacerbated its industrial overcapacity. However, the boom was driven mainly by infrastructure investment, whereas investment in manufacturing slowed quite sharply (see chart 2). Given the scale of the spending, some money is sure to have been wasted, but by and large, investment in roads, railways and the electricity grid will help China sustain its growth in the years ahead.

Some analysts disagree. Pivot, for instance, argues that China’s infrastructure has already reached an advanced level. It has six of the world’s ten longest bridges and it boasts the world’s fastest train; there is little room for further productive investment. That is nonsense. A country in which two-fifths of villages lack a paved road to the nearest market town still has plenty of scope for building roads. The same goes for railways. Again, a comparison of China today with the America of a century ago is pertinent. China has roughly the same land area as America, but 13 times more people than the United States did then. Yet on current plans it will have only 110,000km of railway by 2012, compared with more than 400,000km in America in 1916. Unlike Japan, which built “bridges to nowhere” to prop up its economy, China needs better infrastructure.

It is true that in the short term, the revenue from some infrastructure projects may not be enough to service debts, so the government will have to cover losses. But in the long term such projects should lift productivity across the economy. During Britain’s railway mania in the mid-19th century, few railways made a decent financial return, but they brought huge long-term economic benefits.

The biggest cause for worry about China is the third point of similarity to Japan: the recent tidal wave of bank lending. Total credit jumped by more than 30% last year. Even assuming that this slows to less than 20% this year, as the government has hinted, total credit outstanding could hit 135% of GDP by December. The authorities are perturbed. This week they increased banks’ reserve requirement ratio by half a percentage point. They have also raised the yield on central-bank bills.

However, too many commentators talk as if Chinese banks have been on a lending binge for years. Instead, the spurt in 2009, which was engineered by the government to revive the economy, followed several years in which credit grew more slowly than GDP (see chart 3). Michael Buchanan, of Goldman Sachs, estimates that since 2004 China’s excess credit (the gap between the growth rates of credit and nominal GDP) has risen by less than in most developed economies.
然而,很多的评论人士认为中国的银行已经身处天量信贷盛宴多年。相反,在09年由政府经济刺激方案拉动的信贷井喷之前的几年里,信贷增量远低于GDP的增速(见表3)。根据高盛的Michael Buchanan的估算,自2004年来,中国超额信贷量(信贷和名义GDP增速的差额)的增速要比大部分发达国家的低。

Even so, recent lending has been excessive; combined with overcapacity in some industries, it is likely to cause an increase in banks’ non-performing loans. Ms Wang calculates that if 20% of all new lending last year and another 10% of this year’s lending turned bad, this would create new bad loans equivalent to 5.5% of GDP by 2012, on top of 2% now. That is far from trivial, but well below the 40% of GDP that bad loans amounted to in the late 1990s.

Much of the past year’s bank lending should really be viewed as a form of fiscal stimulus. Infrastructure projects that have little hope of repaying loans will end up back on the government’s books. It would have been much better if such projects had been financed more transparently through the government’s budget, but the important question is whether the state can afford to cover the losses.

Official gross government debt is less than 20% of GDP, but China bears argue that this is an understatement, because it excludes local-government debt and the bonds issued by the asset-management companies that took over banks’ previous non-performing loans. Total government debt could be 50% of GDP. But that is well below the average ratio in rich countries, of around 90%. Moreover, the Chinese government owns lots of assets, for example shares of listed companies which are worth 35% of GDP.

Ying and yang
Even if, as argued above, concerns about a financial crash in China are premature, the risks of a dangerous bubble and excessive investment will clearly increase if credit continues to expand at its recent pace. The stitching on the Chinese economy could fray and burst. Would that imply the end of China’s era of rapid growth?

Predictions that China is heading for a prolonged Japanese-style slump ignore big differences between China today and Japan in the late 1980s. Japan was already a mature, developed economy, with a GDP per person close to that of America. China is still a poor, developing country, whose GDP per person is less than one-tenth of America’s or Japan’s. It has ample room to play catch-up with rich economies by adding to its capital stock, importing foreign technology and boosting productivity by shifting labour from farms to factories. This would make it easier for China to recover from the bursting of a bubble.

Chart 4 examines the relationship between growth rates and income per head for six Asian economies. Each plot shows a country’s growth rate and GDP per person relative to America’s for successive ten-year periods, starting when their rapid growth took off. It illustrates how growth rates slow as economies catch up with America, the technological leader. The fact that China’s GDP per head is much lower than Japan’s in the 1980s suggests that its growth potential over the next decade is much higher. Even though China’s labour force will start shrinking after 2016, rapid productivity gains mean that its trend GDP growth rate is still around 8%, down from 10% in the past decade.

Japan’s stockmarket and land-price bubbles in the early 1960s offer a better (and more cheerful) analogy to China than the 1980s bubble era does. Japan’s economy was poorer then, although relative to America its GDP per person was more than double China’s today, and its trend rate of growth was around 9%. According to HSBC, after the bubble burst in 1962-65, Japan’s annual growth rate dipped to just under 6%, but then quickly rebounded to 10% for much of the next decade.

South Korea and Taiwan, which experienced big stockmarket bubbles in the 1980s, are also worth examining. In the five years to 1990, Taipei’s stockmarket surged by 1,600% (in dollar terms) and Seoul’s by 700%, easily beating Tokyo’s 450% gain in the same period. After share prices slumped, annual growth in both South Korea and Taiwan slowed to around 6%, but soon regained its previous pace of 7-8%.

The higher a country’s potential growth rate, the easier it is for the economy to recover after a bubble bursts, so long as its fiscal and external finances are in reasonable shape. Rapid growth in nominal GDP means that asset prices do not need to fall so far to regain fair value, bad loans are easier to work off and excess capacity can be more quickly absorbed by rising demand. The experience of Japan in the 1960s suggests that if China’s bubble bursts, it will hurt growth temporarily but not lead to prolonged stagnation.

However, it is Japan’s experience after the 1980s that most influences the thinking of policymakers in Beijing. Many blame Japan’s deflation and its lost decades of growth on the fact that its government caved in to American demands for an appreciation of the yen. In 1985 central banks in the big rich economies agreed, in the Plaza Accord, to intervene to push down the dollar. By 1988 the yen had risen by more than 100% against the greenback. One reason why policymakers in Beijing have resisted a big rise in the yuan is that they fear it could send their economy, like Japan’s, into a deflationary slump.

The wrong lesson

Illustration by Derek Bacon
Yet Japan’s real mistake was not that it allowed the yen to rise, but that it had previously resisted an appreciation for too long, so that when it did happen the yen soared. A second error was that Japan tried to offset the adverse economic effects of a strong yen with over-lax monetary policy. If policy had been tighter, the financial bubble would have been smaller and its aftermath less painful.

This offers two important lessons to China. First, it is better to let the exchange rate rise sooner and more gradually than to risk a much sharper appreciation later. Second, monetary policy should not be too slack. Raising reserve requirements is a small step in the right direction. Despite the bears’ growling, China’s economic collapse is neither imminent nor inevitable. But if it continues to draw the wrong lesson from the tale of Japan, then one day its economy may look just as tatty.

Carrots dressed as sticks 披着大棒外衣的胡萝卜政策

Designing rewards
Carrots dressed as sticks
Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition
An experiment on economic incentives
PEOPLE are contrary creatures. A man may say he would not pay more than $5 for a coffee mug. But if he is told that the mug is his, and asked immediately afterwards how much he would be willing to sell it for, he typically holds out for more. Possession, it appears, lends things an added allure.

This makes little sense in the world of standard economic theory, where the value of something depends on what it is. But it can be explained by behavioural models in which the value people attach to objects is affected by what they already have, and people abhor losses more than they like equivalent gains.

In a new paper Tanjim Hossain of the University of Toronto and John List of the University of Chicago explore a real-world use of these insights. The economists worked with the managers of a Chinese electronics factory, who were interested in exploring ways to make their employee-bonus scheme more effective. Most might have recommended changes to the amounts of money on offer. But Mr Hossain and Mr List chose instead to concentrate on the wording of the letter informing workers of the details of the bonus scheme.

At the beginning of the week, some groups of workers were told that they would receive a bonus of 80 yuan ($12) at the end of the week if they met a given production target. Other groups were told that they had “provisionally” been awarded the same bonus, also due at the end of the week, but that they would “lose” it if their productivity fell short of the same threshold.

Objectively these are two ways of describing the same scheme. But under a theory of loss aversion, the second way of presenting the bonus should work better. Workers would think of the provisional bonus as theirs, and work harder to prevent it from being taken away.

This is just what the economists found. The fear of loss was a better motivator than the prospect of gain (which worked too, but less well). And the difference persisted over time: the results were not simply a consequence of workers’ misunderstanding of the system. Economists have always been advocates of using carrots and sticks. But they may not have emphasised appearances enough. Carrots, this research suggests, may work better if they can somehow be made to look like sticks.

Bahrain’s labour market巴林的劳动力市场

Bahrain’s labour market 巴林的劳动力市场

Bridging the gulf

Jan 14th 2010 | MANAMA
From The Economist print edition
One country in the Gulf tries to wean itself off foreign workers

THE newly opened Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, is a monument to Dubai’s audacity. It is also a stark illustration of its dependence on foreign labour. Designed by an American, overseen by a New Zealander and built by mostly South Asian labourers, the 200-storey tower was the work of more than 100 nationalities. Indeed, 90% of the workforce in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is foreign. In neighbouring Qatar and Kuwait, the figure is over 80%. Even in Saudi Arabia, which has more than 22m locals, foreigners fill almost half the country’s jobs.


Policymakers in the region fret about citizens who cannot find a government job and will not settle for private employment at the low wages foreigners accept. One observer likens the chasm in wages between Gulf nationals and poor migrants to the Mariana Trench. Rather than restrict expatriate hiring, governments typically respond by prodding companies to hire locals, imposing “Emiratisation” or “Saudisation” quotas. During the downturn the UAE and Saudi authorities instructed firms to fire foreigners first.


Gulf officials are therefore paying close attention to an experiment in Bahrain, an island kingdom where expatriates hold 80% of private-sector jobs. Since July 2008 the government has charged firms 200 Bahraini dinars ($530) for a work visa and ten dinars a month for every foreign employee on their payroll. Since August 2009 it has also allowed foreigners to quit their sponsoring employer, giving them four weeks to find a new job before they must leave Bahrain.


Since the levy came in the chasm in labour costs has begun to close, but at a geological pace at best (see chart). The gap narrowed from 252 dinars a month in the second quarter of 2008 to 225 in the third quarter of 2009. In September 159 workers switched employers; another 140 moved the next month, earning an extra 69 dinars a month on average. But these foreigners were already paid more than most.


Bahrain’s businessmen, some of whom double as policymakers, could not stop the levy but they did succeed in limiting it to a paltry ten dinars. In paying the tax, businessmen hoped to buy the freedom to hire foreigners as they saw fit. But because the levy is so low, the authorities cannot rely on it to stem the influx of foreign labour. So some businessmen complain that requests for visas are still subject to bureaucratic humming and hawing.


As well as making foreigners more expensive, the government is trying to make locals more employable. Of the roughly 90m dinars the levy raises in a year, 80% goes to Tamkeen, an agency dedicated to improving the productivity of Bahraini firms and workers, partly through cheap loans and training. It hopes to equip 19,000 lower-paid Bahrainis for better positions, training receptionists to also perform data-entry tasks, for example. Tamkeen will even pay a wage increment for local employees for the first year. Thanks to these sweeteners, one Bahraini publisher says he can now persuade his countrymen to do jobs previously confined to foreigners, such as delivering newspapers to subscribers (but only by car; motorbikes are still strictly for immigrants).


“Cheap labour is preventing investment in training and technology,” says Majeed Al Alawi, the minister for labour. “Therefore productivity is low, pay is low, and the private sector is not attractive to Bahrainis.” Bahrain hopes to build, storey by storey, a workforce that is worth the higher wages locals expect. As one policymaker told his Dubai counterpart: “It’s not how tall your building is; it’s what goes inside it that matters.”


A strand apart 双链分离

Cancer and stem cells

A strand apart

Jan 14th 2010 | SAN FRANCISCO
From The Economist print edition

More evidence that tumours, like healthy organs, grow from stem cells

THE notion that tumours are chaotic masses of anarchic cells has been falling by the wayside recently. Many researchers now think, by contrast, that cancers actually resemble normal, well-regulated organs in several important ways. One of these is that they are believed to have a small population of stem cells which keep them going when other cells die or are killed off. The existence of such cancer stem cells is still a matter of debate. But this week the discussion may have taken an important turn. Brid Ryan, Sharon Pine and Curtis Harris, of America’s National Cancer Institute, reported that some lung-cancer cells do, indeed, seem to behave like stem cells during the process of cell division.


Unlike normal cells, stem cells can divide in two different ways. They may do so symmetrically, thereby producing identical daughter cells, each of which resembles the mother cell. Or they may do so asymmetrically, and give rise to two very different daughters. In such cases, one of the daughters is identical to the original stem cell, while the other takes on new characteristics and can then differentiate into whatever cell type the tissue it inhabits requires.


During asymmetrical divisions, some stem cells take an extra step to preserve the integrity of their DNA. Part of the process of cell division involves the duplication of a cell’s chromosomes, so that each daughter can have a full set of these strands of DNA. Instead of sending old and new chromosomes into the daughter cells at random, the dividing stem cell carefully shuttles all of its old chromosomes into the daughter that remains a stem cell. The newly synthesised DNA, which may contain errors, is put into the daughter that is destined to differentiate. That way, any mutations which have arisen during DNA replication will not affect the all-important stem cell population.


Until now, the main evidence supporting the cancer-stem-cell hypothesis has been the observation that many different types of tumour contain a small group of cells, identifiable by special types of protein found on their surfaces, that can form new tumours with high efficiency. (By contrast, the cells that comprise the bulk of most tumours lack these surface proteins and are poor at creating new tumours.)


Dr Ryan, Dr Pine and Dr Harris reasoned that if such cells really are stem cells then they should be able to undergo both symmetrical and asymmetrical divisions, just like the stem cells in healthy tissue. They looked in samples taken directly from patients with lung cancer, and also in lung-cancer cells from laboratory cultures. In both cases, when they grew the cells in the presence of a chemical that infiltrates newly synthesised DNA, they could see that the unlabelled template strands of DNA went into one daughter cell and the new strands went to the other. Moreover, the daughter that retained the old DNA also retained the cell-surface proteins that mark the putative cancer stem cells.


The team, who presented their results at a joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer in Coronado, California, this week, are now investigating whether their putative cancer stem cells are more resistant than run-of-the-mill cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiation, as research on other putative stem cells has suggested. What they do know is that when they grow these cells in culture, they can push them toward either asymmetrical or symmetrical division by controlling the density of cells and the amount of oxygen available. If they can find a similar way to control the cells’ fate in patients’ tumours, they may have opened a new avenue for cancer therapy.


The rarefied world of Chinese export porcelain

Eastern eyes

The rarefied world of Chinese export porcelain
Jan 13th 2010


THE West’s trade with China has been at the forefront of globalisation since the days of Marco Polo. Pieces of eight, minted out of South American silver, crossed the Pacific and were used up and down the coast of Asia. Indeed, interruptions in this silver trade ultimately helped bring on the collapse of the Ming dynasty in China in the early 17th century. Later exchanges of tea, spices and then opium served to enrich Western merchants, particularly from Britain.
继续阅读“The rarefied world of Chinese export porcelain”

Tsutomu Yamaguchi 山口疆 经历过广岛、长崎两次原子核爆的幸存者


Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition

Tsutomu Yamaguchi, a double nuclear survivor, died on January 6th, aged 93


WHEN he had stopped crying, Tsutomu Yamaguchi would tell you why he called his book of poems “The Human Raft”. It had to do with the day he forgot to take his personal name-stamp to work, and had to get off the bus. Much was on his mind that morning. He had to pack his bags to leave Hiroshima after a three-month assignment as an engineer in the Mitsubishi shipyard; there were goodbyes to say at the office, then a 200-mile train journey back to Nagasaki to his wife Hisako and Katsutoshi, his baby son. He was slightly stressed when he got to his stop, still with half-an-hour’s walk ahead of him on a track that led through featureless potato fields. But it was a beautiful August day; the sky was clear, his spirits high. And then—readers will feel a tremor, but he felt none—he noticed an aircraft circling, and two parachutes dropping down.


The next thing he knew was a blaze of white magnesium light, and a huge ball of fire. He dived to the ground. The fireball, roaring upwards, sucked him up again and threw him, blinded, face-down into the mud of the potato field. He was two miles from the epicentre of the blast, in a rain of flaming scraps of paper and clothes. His upper body and half his face were badly burned, his hair gone and his eardrums ruptured. In this state, he made his way back to the devastated city to try to do what he had meant to do that day: catch the train. The river bridges were down. But one river was full of carbonised naked bodies of men, women, children, floating face-down “like blocks of wood”, and on these—part treading, part paddling—he got to the other side. His human raft.


At this point in his story he would weep uncontrollably. It was by no means the end of it. When he reached Nagasaki, barely pausing to get his burns dressed, he reported for work. His boss was sceptical: how could a single bomb have destroyed Hiroshima? Then the same white magnesium light blazed in the window, and Mr Yamaguchi was tossed to the ground again. A reinforced-steel stairwell saved him. His bandages were blown off, and he spent the next weeks curled round his raw wounds in a shelter, close to death. His house was destroyed, his wife and son saved for no reason he could see. But when schoolchildren later asked him, in awed respect, “What was the most terrible thing?”, his answer was not the dangling tongues and eyeballs, not the skin that hung off the bodies of the living “like giant gloves”—but the bridge of bodies on which he had crossed the river.


He talked about all this to Charles Pellegrino, an American writer, and Richard Lloyd Parry of the London Times. He told them that he hated the atom bomb because of “what it does to the dignity of human beings”. Walking into Hiroshima, he noticed that the bewildered crowds on the streets were mostly naked, limping children. They made no sound; indeed, no one made a sound. They were reduced—like him, as he was flung into the furrows of the potato field—to the level of mute sticks or leaves, tossed in the wind and burned, or used as floats.


Painting the Buddhas


Some argued that he was lucky. A deaf left ear and weak legs were the only after-effects until, late on, stomach cancer appeared. He worked as a translator, then a teacher, and eventually returned to Mitsubishi. But, as he wrote in 1969, he was not so sanguine inside.


Thinking of myself as a phoenix,
I cling on until now.
But how painful they have been,
those twenty-four years past.


His emotions mostly emerged in these tanka, or 31-syllable poems. He wrote hundreds, each one an ordeal. When he composed them, he would dream of the dead lying on the ground. One by one, they would get up and walk past him.


Carbonised bodies face-down in the nuclear wasteland
all the Buddhas died,
and never heard what killed them.


He published these poems himself in 2002, and they might have been his only testimony. But in 2005 his son Katsutoshi died of cancer at 59, killed by the radiation he had received as a baby. Mr Yamaguchi began to feel that fate had spared him to speak out against the horrors of nuclear weapons: in schools, in a documentary, in a letter to Barack Obama and even, at 90, on his first trip abroad, in front of a committee of the United Nations in New York.


If there exists a GOD who protects
nuclear-free eternal peace
the blue earth won’t perish


At his insistence, his status was recognised by the Japanese government: he became officially (though there had been more than 100 others) the only nijyuu hibakusha, or twice-victim of the atom bomb.

在他的坚持下,他的位置得到了日本政府的承认:他成为官方认定(尽管还有另外100多人)唯一一名“原子弹双重受害者(nijyuu hibakusha)”。

He began to be comforted by three things. One was a set of drawings of the 88 Buddhas of the Shikoku pilgrimage, whose outlines—robes, haloes, calm hands—he devoutly painted in. The carbonised, face-down Buddhas of his tanka found peace again. The second comfort was in “simple acts of kindness”. And the third was an image of his life as a baton, passed on every time anyone heard or read his testimony. All these batons might form, together, another human raft.

