[2009.01.15] Flames, claims and automobiles 火焰,理赔和汽车


Flames, claims and automobiles

Jan 15th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Why insurers need not fear recession

ON THE New Year’s Eve just passed, 1,147 vehicles were torched on the streets of France, almost a third more than the year before. Brits too, are more partial to burning cars in times of economic strife, according to Andrew Torrance, head of British operations at Allianz, an insurer. There was an alarming rise in fires during both of the past two slowdowns (see chart). Arson is just one of the behavioural changes that drive up claims against insurance companies when economic growth stalls. Other types of crime rise. People and companies become more litigious. Firms offering credit protection are exposed to bankruptcies. At the same time, demand falls. For property insurers, say, there are fewer new factories and houses to insure. And life insurers struggle to sell policies when people are penny-pinching.

在刚过去的新年夜里,有1147辆汽车在法国街头被人纵火焚毁,几乎比前一年增加了三分之一。据安联保险公司[注1]英国业务负责人安德鲁•多伦斯(Andrew Torrance)介绍,英国人在发生经济纷争时也更偏爱焚烧汽车了。过去两次经济减速中,(车辆)火灾都有惊人的上升(见图表)。纵火这种行为的增多,只是经济增长停滞时,保险索赔增加的原因之一。其它的还包括:各种类型的犯罪同时上升;企业和个人变得更好打官司;提供信用保护[注2]的公司面临破产。与此同时,需求也下降了。对财险公司而言,能保的新的工厂和房屋变少了。而对寿险公司而言,当人们变得吝啬的时候,销售保单就需要几经努力了。

This combination of higher claims and lower new business written would appear to be toxic for underwriters. But as you might expect from the insurance industry, it is a lot more complicated than that, because recessions also tend to depress some types of claims. People drive less, reducing the number of motor accidents. The industries that often shrink most in a recession-construction and manufacturing-are among the most dangerous for workers. That means fewer payouts for insurers that have written protection against injuries. And for commercial and industrial property, though damage to premises rises, the cost of finding alternative facilities is lower.


Moreover, says Robert Hartwig, of the Insurance Information Institute, an American trade body, most existing non-life policies are nondiscretionary. In developed countries if you want to drive a car, employ a worker, or buy a house with a mortgage, you usually need insurance. At the same time, the credit crisis has eaten into insurance firms’ capital-although the industry has managed its assets better than the banks have. Less surplus capital should improve underwriting discipline, pushing up rates. By most accounts this process has begun.

此外,(美国商业组织)保险信息研究所[注3]的罗伯特•哈特维希(Robert Hartwig)说,现有的大多数非寿险保单都是强制性的[注4]。在发达国家,如果你想开车,雇用工人,或抵押贷款买房,通常都要买保险。与此同时,信贷危机也确实侵蚀了保险公司的资本–尽管它们的资产管理做的比银行要好。较少的过剩资本又可能会改善核保纪律[注5],推高保险费率。而这一步骤已经在大多数账户开展。

What is the net effect of these forces? The long-term trend in profitability (claims and operating costs as a percentage of premiums) for America’s non-life insurers shows no obvious correlation with the economic cycle. Performance during the Depression, for example, was better than for most of the 1980s. That backs up analysis done by Munich Re, a veteran German reinsurer with a lot of historical data. Between 1928 and 1931, it wrote less new business but its profits did not collapse, says Heike Trilovszky, Munich Re’s head of corporate underwriting. If that era is repeated, “the loss ratios of insurance companies will not be the most serious problem of mankind.”

那么这些相互作用会产生什么样的结果呢?长期趋势显示,美国非寿险公司的收益率(理赔金和运营成本之和与保费的百分比率)和经济周期没有明显的相关性。举例来说,大萧条期间的公司表现就比上世纪80年代大部分时间还要好。这支持了有着丰富历史数据的德国资深再保险公司–慕尼黑再保险公司[注6]所做的分析。慕尼黑再保险公司的企业核保负责人,海克•特瑞劳卫斯基(Heike Trilovszky)说,1928年至1931年,公司承保的新业务有所减少,但利润并没有垮掉。如果那个时代再现,”保险公司的赔付率(赔款与保费的比率)肯定不会是人类的最严重的问题。”

[1] 安联欧洲股份公司(Allianz SE,NYSE:AZ,FWB:AZ)是世界最大的金融服务集团。主要业务是保险,是德国最大的保险公司,德国股票指数DAX的成分公司,纽约证交所上市公司,世界500强之一。1999年1月25日,德国安联保险集团和中国中信信托投资有限责任公司在上海合资组建中德安联人寿保险有限公司(Allianz China Life Insurance Co., Ltd)。

[2] 信用保护一般与信用衍生品息息相关,信用衍生品是将信用风险(Credit Risk)和信用(Reference Credit)相分离,并将这一风险从一方转移到另一方的金融合同。信用衍生产品为发生在标的实体(Reference Entity)上的信用违约事件(Credit Events)提供保护。这种风险从信用保护(Credit Protection)的购买方转移到信用保护的提供方/出售方。 例如这次金融风暴的罪魁祸首之一的信贷违约掉期(Credit default swap),就属于信用衍生品。文中的信用保护可能是指信用保护保险一类的信用衍生品,就是正偿还抵押贷款的投保人定期支付一定的费用,当投保人发生意外或失业时,承保人要替投保人偿还一部分抵押贷款,解燃眉之急。以上是鄙人的个人观点,如果有人了解的比较清楚,请不吝赐教。

[3] 保险信息研究所(Insurance Information Institute)是美国的一个行业组织,其目的是增加公众对保险的认知–保险做什么和它如何做。其网站为消费者、新闻媒体,研究人员和一般公众提供的信息。其广泛的议题包括汽车保险,房屋保险,人寿保险,年金,健康保险,长期护理保险和伤残保险等等。

[4] 意思和咱们国家的”机动车第三者责任强制保险”差不多。这种强制性通常表现在三个方面:其一,必须参加该保险;其二,保险公司必须承保该保险;其三,发生事故造成损失时,保险公司必须在保险责任限额范围内对赔偿责任。

[5] 核保(underwriting)保险公司对受保人作风险评估之程序,例如,寿险公司于承保前,須依被保险人之年龄、健康情況、病历及职业等因素而決定危险程度。危险程度予以分类后,公司才能课以公平的保费。这种危险评估的过程,称之为核保。如危险评估结果被保险人的危险偏高或过高,保险公司将予以谢绝。核保是承保工作中最主要的环节。其中承保是指保险公司在投保人提出要保请求后,经过核保,认为符合承保条件并同意接受投保人申请,承担保单合同规定的保险责任的行为。巴菲特研究中心认为保险行业最要紧的就是核保纪律,成功的保险公司必须坚守以下三项重要原则:

[6] 慕尼黑再保险公司创立于1880年,总部设在德国慕尼黑。它是世界上最大的再保险公司,在全世界160多个国家从事经营非人寿保险和人寿保险两类保险业务,并拥有60多家分支。1997年慕尼黑再保险公司在北京和上海分别成立了代表处。再保险也叫分保,是指在基于原保险合同,保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人。进行再保险,可以分散保险人的风险,有利于其控制损失,稳定经营。

译者:unendingphoenix     http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16617&extra=page%3D1

“[2009.01.15] Flames, claims and automobiles 火焰,理赔和汽车”的一个回复


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