[2009.01.15] George Bush’s legacy: The frat boy ships out

George Bush’s legacy

The frat boy ships out

Jan 15th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Few people will mourn the departure of the 43rd president


HE LEAVES the White House as one of the least popular and most divisive presidents in American history. At home, his approval rating has been stuck in the 20s for months; abroad, George Bush has presided over the most catastrophic collapse in America’s reputation since the second world war. The American economy is in deep recession, brought on by a crisis that forced Mr Bush to preside over huge and unpopular bail-outs.


America is embroiled in two wars, one of which Mr Bush launched against the tide of world opinion. The Bush family name, once among the most illustrious in American political life, is now so tainted that Jeb, George’s younger brother, recently decided not to run for the Senate from Florida. A Bush relative describes family gatherings as “funeral wakes”.


Few people would have predicted this litany of disasters when Mr Bush ran for the presidency in 2000. True, the 2000 election was likely to be divisive because of the peculiar arithmetic of the outcome (Mr Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore by 500,000 votes, then won a disputed recount in Florida by a few hundred). But for most people Mr Bush was a pretty acceptable choice, and certainly not a crusader-in-waiting.


He came across as an affable chap, particularly when compared with his uptight rival. Frank Bruni, who covered his election campaign for the New York Times, wrote in 2002 that “the Bush I knew was part scamp and part bumbler, a timeless fraternity boy and heedless cutup, a weekday gym rat and weekend napster.” And the then governor of Texas presented himself as a centrist-a new kind of “compassionate conservative”, a “uniter rather than a divider”, an advocate of a “humble” and restrained foreign policy. The Economist liked this mixture enough to endorse him in 2000.


How did all this change? How did the uniter become a divider? How did Mr Bush’s governing style shape American politics over the next eight years? And what legacy has the 43rd president left for the 44th?


His supporters-the few that remain-point out that this was a presidency knocked sideways by the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, which no one foresaw. The huge expansion of government and executive power under Mr Bush, and the prosecution of a disastrous war, all unrolled in the wake of those attacks. The financial crisis, which began with overvalued homes and sloppily underwritten mortgages, was the product of numerous forces and failures in which Mr Bush was not a major contributor; they included low interest rates, bankers’ reckless risk-taking, flawed regulation and consumers’ bubble mentality, all of which spanned borders.


Yet Mr Bush’s presidency was also poisoned by his own ambition. Mr Bruni’s “timeless fraternity boy” wanted to be a great president. He not only wanted to win the second term that Bill Clinton had denied to his father-though that mattered to him enormously. He also wanted to usher in a period of prolonged Republican hegemony, much as William McKinley had done for his party in the late 19th century. After the September 11th attacks he not only itched to destroy al-Qaeda and the Taliban. He also wanted to tackle the root causes of terrorism in the Middle East. Mr Bush frequently spoke about how much he hated anything that was “small ball”. His close advisers repeatedly described him as a “transformative president”.


Mr Bush’s role model throughout his presidency was not his father but the patron saint of the modern conservative movement, Ronald Reagan. He regarded Reagan as a man who had unleashed free-enterprise and defeated the Soviet Empire, and he tried to do the same with his huge tax cuts and his global war on terror. He mimicked Reagan’s Western style, even relaxing on a Texas ranch where Reagan had taken his holidays on a Californian one; and he echoed Reagan’s enthusiastic use of the word “evil”.


Other facets of Mr Bush’s personality mixed with his vaulting ambition to undermine his presidency. Mr Bush is what the British call an inverted snob. A scion of one of America’s most powerful families, he is a devotee of sunbelt populism; a product of Yale and Harvard Business School, he is a scourge of eggheads. Mr Bush is a convert to an evangelical Christianity that emphasises emotion-particularly the intensely emotional experience of being born again-over ratiocination. He also styled himself, much like Reagan, as a decider rather than a details man; many people who met him were astonished by what they described as his “lack of inquisitiveness” and his general “passivity”.


This led Mr Bush to distrust the Washington establishment, and even to believe that establishment wisdom was probably wrong simply by virtue of what it was. Fred Barnes, a conservative journalist, entitled his book on Mr Bush “Rebel in Chief”. He quotes one Bush confidante as saying: “One tux a term. That’s our idea of outreach to the Washington community.”

正因如此,布什对华盛顿当局失去了信任,他认为华盛顿当局”因为错,所以错”。保守主义派记者弗雷德•巴尼斯写过一本关于布什的书,题目叫做《造反派当权》(Rebel in Chief)。他引用布什一位知交好友的话说:”在我们看来,华盛顿团体是一群朝三暮四的家伙。”

Lack of curiosity also led Mr Bush to suspect intellectuals in general and academic experts in particular. David Frum, who wrote speeches for Mr Bush during his first term, noted that “conspicuous intelligence seemed actively unwelcome in the Bush White House”. The Bush cabinet was “solid and reliable”, but contained no “really high-powered brains”. Karen Hughes, one of his closest advisers, “rarely read books and distrusted people who did”. Ron Suskind, a journalist, has argued that Mr Bush created a “faith-based presidency” in which decisions, precisely because they were based on faith, could not be revised subsequently.

正是由于缺乏求知欲,布什总统对知识分子在总体上抱有怀疑态度,对专家学者尤为如此。在布什的第一个任期内,大卫•弗鲁姆(David Frum)为他撰写发言稿。大卫认为,”显赫的知识分子布什治的白宫显然是不欢迎的”。布什的内阁”值得依赖”,然而却缺乏”真正的聪慧之士”。布什一位最亲密的顾问卡伦•修斯则说他”几乎从来不读书,也不信赖喜欢读书的人”。一位叫做罗恩•萨斯金德的记者曾经写道,布什建立了一种”基于信仰的执政制度”,所有的决策都是基于信仰进行,因此做出决定之后也就不会再反复琢磨。

For the good of the party

Mr Bush relied heavily on a small inner core of advisers. The most important of these was Dick Cheney, who quickly became the most powerful vice-president in American history. Mr Cheney used his mastery of bureaucracy to fill the administration with his protégés and to control the flow of information to the president. He pushed Mr Bush forcefully to the right on everything from global warming to the invasion of Iraq; he also fought ruthlessly to expand the power of the executive branch, which he thought had been dangerously restricted since Watergate.


The two other decisive figures were Karl Rove, Mr Bush’s longtime political guru, and Donald Rumsfeld, his defence secretary. Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment, subordinating everything to party politics. Mr Rumsfeld regarded the Iraq war not, like his boss, as an exercise in democracy-building, but as an opportunity to test the model of an “agile military” that he was pioneering at the Pentagon.

此外还有两位重要人物,一位是布什总统长期以来的政治导师卡尔•罗夫,另一位是国防部长唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德。罗夫一直在为共和党复兴的梦想努力,将每件事都与党派政策联系起来。总统将伊拉克战争视为民主构建的一场练习,拉姆斯费尔德则有不同的看法,在他看来这是检测自己在五角大楼中率先推行的agile military模式的测试机会。

The fruit of all this can be seen in the three most notable characteristics of the Bush presidency: partisanship, politicisation and incompetence. Mr Bush was the most partisan president in living memory. He was content to be president of half the country-a leader who fused his roles of head of state and leader of his party. He devoted his presidency to feeding the Republican coalition that elected him.


The most important legislation of his first year in office was a $1.35 trillion tax cut that handed an extra $53,000 to the top 1% of earners. At his farewell press conference on January 12th Mr Bush called his tax cuts the “right course of action”, as if they were an unpopular but heroic decision. They weren’t. The budget was in surplus in 2000, and both Mr Bush’s main Republican rival, John McCain, and his Democratic opponent, Mr Gore, also wanted to cut taxes, but by less, so as to pay down more debt and shore up Social Security (public pensions). Mr Bush’s much larger tax cut reflected his, and his party’s, belief that lower taxes restrain the size of government, empower individuals and are good for both growth and Republican prospects.


Cheney, the string-puller

Mr Bush sold his first tax cut, in 2001, as recession insurance. He did the same in 2003; and though the budget surplus was gone by then, he upped the ante by also lowering taxes on capital gains and dividends. Lower taxes on capital boost investment, but, as one former senior administration official says, that thought was secondary: “It was a political winner that happened to coincide with good economics.” Lower taxes on capital had the potential to bolster a growing “investor class” that tended to vote Republican.


Relentless partisanship led to the politicisation of almost everything Mr Bush did. He used his first televised address to justify putting strict limits on federal funding for stem-cell research, and used the first veto of his presidency to prevent the expansion of that funding. He appointed two “strict constructionist” judges to the Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, turned his back on the Kyoto protocol, dismissed several international treaties, particularly the anti-ballistic-missile treaty, loosened regulations on firearms and campaigned against gay marriage. His energy policy was written by Mr Cheney with the help of a handful of cronies from the energy industry. His lacklustre attorney-general Alberto Gonzales, who was forced to resign in disgrace, was only the most visible of an army of over-promoted, ideologically vetted homunculi.


Bumbling towards Baghdad

The Iraq war was a case study of what happens when politicisation is mixed with incompetence. A long-standing convention holds that politics stops at the ocean’s edge. But Mr Bush and his inner circle labelled the Democrats “Defeaticrats” whenever they were reluctant to support extending the war from Afghanistan to Iraq. They manipulated intelligence to demonstrate that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and had close relations with al-Qaeda. This not only divided a country that had been brought together by September 11th; it also undermined popular support for what Mr Bush regarded as the central theme of his presidency, the war on terror.


Sean Wilentz, a historian at Princeton, remarks how unusual it is for a president to have politicised such a national catastrophe: “No other president-Lincoln in the civil war, FDR in world war two, John F. Kennedy at critical moments of the cold war-faced with such a monumental set of military and political circumstances, failed to embrace the opposing political party to help wage a truly national struggle. But Bush shut out and even demonised the Democrats.”

普林斯顿大学的历史学家肖恩•威兰茨(Sean Wilentz)指出,身为总统,却将国难作为政治斗争的工具,这实在是非同寻常的行为:”从南北战争时的林肯,到二战期间的罗斯福,再到冷战关键时刻的约翰•F•肯尼迪,无论哪位总统,在军政两方面都面临紧要关头时,都与政治上的对立党派达成了和解,团结一致为国家利益而奋斗;然而布什不但对民主党不理不睬,甚至还致力将其妖魔化。”

The invasion of Iraq was like much else in the Bush years-an initial triumph that contained the seeds of disaster. Thomas Ricks, the author of “Fiasco”, argues that “the US-led invasion was launched recklessly, with a flawed plan for war and a worse approach to occupation.” Mr Rumsfeld’s decision to invade with too few troops led inexorably to the breakdown of law and order, which turned the Iraqi population against the Americans, and to the Abu Ghraib scandal, which solidified world opinion against America. But Mr Bush responded to the unfolding disaster with a mixture of denial and stubbornness, refusing to force Mr Rumsfeld to adjust his plans. He engaged in an absurd photo-op to declare “Mission accomplished”, and he also gave medals to three of the architects of the debacle, George Tenet, Tommy Franks and Paul Bremer.

对伊拉克发动的战争和布什在任期内的其他行为一样,起初辉煌的胜利中包含着灾难的种子。《灾难》(Fiasco)一书的作者托马斯•瑞克斯(Thomas Ricks)认为,”美国发动战争的行为是鲁莽的,战争计划本来就有漏洞,而战争之后的占领工作更是一塌糊涂。”拉姆斯菲尔德在决定进攻伊拉克时派出的军队数量太少,导致战后当地的法律与社会秩序都陷入崩溃。正因如此,伊拉克民众对美国不抱任何好感,而阿布格莱布监狱的丑闻更是让世界舆论都坚定地站在了美国的对立面上。面对着不断扩展的灾难,布什总统却总是倔强地否定现实。他不愿下令让拉姆斯菲尔德变更计划,却忙不迭地与人合影留念,宣布”任务完成”。他向三位引领美国走向崩溃的功臣颁发了勋章:乔治•特内特(George Tenet),汤米•弗兰克斯(Tommy Franks)和保罗•布雷默(Paul Bremer)。(注1)

Mr Bush’s weaknesses were on display again in the second great disaster of his administration, Hurricane Katrina, which struck New Orleans in August 2005. The hurricane exposed Mr Bush’s congenital passivity: he did not visit New Orleans until five days later, after first viewing the damage from the safety of Air Force One. It also exposed the consequences of filling your administration with third-rate hacks. The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Michael Brown, a former commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association, made a hash of dealing with the disaster but nevertheless received an encomium from the president-“Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job”-that rang around the country.

任期内的第二场大灾难再次揭示出了布什的弱点。2005年8月,新奥尔良州遭受了飓风卡特琳娜的袭击。在这场灾难中,布什天生的慢性子暴露无余:直到灾难发生后五天,他才赶到新奥尔良州,在那之前一直稳坐空军一号,视查受灾情况。这件事也告诉大家,麾下尽是三流货色的官员会有什么下场。担任联邦紧急情况治理署的负责人的前国际阿拉伯马协会委员迈克尔•布朗(Michael Brown)把事情弄的一团糟,然而仍然在全国人民面前受到了总统的褒奖:”布朗尼,你辛苦了”。

The Truman hope

How will Mr Bush be judged in the light of history? “Many historians”, says Princeton’s Mr Wilentz, “are now wondering whether Bush, in fact, will be remembered as the very worst president in all of American history.” A humbled Mr Bush counters his critics by pointing out that “You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you’re gone.” He frequently invokes the name of Harry Truman as a president who was dismissed at the time, but is now regarded as one of the greats.

从历史的角度讲,又该如何看待布什呢?普林斯顿大学的威兰茨说:”事实上,许多历史学家正在讨论,在人们的记忆中,布什会不会成为美国历史上最糟糕的总统。”对此评论,布什低调地做出了回应:”历史的评价只有在人死后很久才能盖棺定论。”他经常援引哈里•杜鲁门(Harry Truman)作为例子,杜鲁门生前饱受批评,然而现在却已然被视为美国历史上的伟大总统之一。

Mr Bush’s presidency is not without its merits. He supported sensible immigration reform. He proposed tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the now-nationalised mortagage agencies. Congress stymied him on both points. He promoted more members of minorities than any previous president; and he also stood up to the Dixiecrat wing of his party, edging Trent Lott, a Mississippi senator, out of his job as majority leader for segregation-favouring remarks. He maintained good relations with India, Japan and, particularly, Africa, where he launched a $15 billion anti-AIDS programme.

布什的总统生涯并非一无是处。在他的支持与提议下,移民制度进行了卓有实效的改革,房利美(Fannie Mae)和房利美(Freddie Mac)等金融机构都得到了严格的监管。与历任总统相比,他从少数派成员中提拔的官员数量是最多的;他敢于面对共和党内的州权主义分子,密西西比的参议员特伦特•洛特(Trent Lott)发布了赞同种族隔离的言论之后,布什迫使他放弃了参议院中的共和党多数派领导人的位置。他与印度、日本等国保持着良好的关系,尤其是非洲国家,他斥资150亿美元,在非洲国家实施了反艾滋病计划。


On trade, too, Mr Bush’s heart was in the right place, though policy was at first subverted by political or strategic priorities. In 2002 he approved tariffs on imported steel to fulfil a promise Mr Cheney made to steelworkers in West Virginia, a state crucial to his 2000 election. That year he also signed a massive increase in farm subsidies so as not to antagonise farm-state congressmen facing election that autumn. But these early protectionist impulses gave way to a more stalwart defence of trade. Mr Bush resisted intense pressure from Congress to punish China for keeping its currency low. After Congress narrowly granted him streamlined authority to negotiate treaties, he pushed the Doha global free-trade agreement and a free-trade area of the Americas. These efforts failed in part because of other countries’ intransigence, notably India’s in the case of the Doha round. In the absence of a broader framework, his administration pursued bilateral trade deals, although often with countries chosen for strategic rather than economic value: Oman and Bahrain, for example, which host American military bases.


His administration’s handling of the financial crisis alternated between shaky and competent. Swallowing his visceral scorn for finance, Mr Bush delegated crisis management to Henry Paulson, his treasury secretary and a former investment banker. Mr Paulson’s remedies were often blunted by complexity, inconsistency and his insistence that lenders and borrowers pay for their mistakes. His decision to let Lehman Brothers fail significantly intensified the crisis. Still, Mr Paulson regrouped by pouring hundreds of billions of government dollars into the tottering financial system, which has bought a measure of stability. Mr Bush backed this, in violation of his own anti-interventionist impulses.

布什政权对金融危机的处理能力时好时坏。由于布什本人对财政问题极为反感,他将金融危机的处理全部交给了财政部长,前投资银行家亨利•保罗森(Henry Paulson)。然而保罗森的处理手段过于繁琐,自相矛盾之处甚多。他一直坚持贷款方和借款方应当为自己的错误负责,例如放任莱曼兄弟破产,这一决定使得金融危机急剧恶化。保罗森从政府预算中拨款数千亿美元,用以维持摇摇欲坠的金融系统,也算保得一时平安。尽管这有违布什本人的反干预主义观点,然而他还是对这一行为提供了支持

Mr Bush showed more ability to learn from his mistakes than his critics realise or than he himself might like to admit. The second Bush administration was very different from the first. He reached out to America’s allies, particularly through his second secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, establishing good relations with France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel; and he also improved his administration’s profile in the world by firing Donald Rumsfeld and sidelining various neoconservatives.

布什还是有能力从错误中吸取教训的,他的批评者可能没有注意到,甚至他自己都不愿承认。与头一个任期相比,在布什的第二个任期内已经产生了很多变化。他开始向盟国寻求支持,尤其是第二任国务卿康多莉扎•莱斯(Condoleezza Rice)在职期间,他与法国总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇、德国首相安吉拉•默克尔都建立了良好的关系;同时,通过对唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德的批评,以及对新保守主义的打压,他在国际上为自己的政权挽回了一些形象。

The president’s legendary stubbornness paid off in one area: his decision to ignore Washington’s wise men and increase troop levels in Iraq, rather than preparing for withdrawal, probably averted disaster there and certainly increased stability. There is even a possibility that Mr Bush’s most controversial decision may eventually be vindicated: if Iraq turns into a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, then he will look much better in a decade’s time than he does today. But that is a big “if”.


Farewell to restraint

Meanwhile, his policy of cutting taxes while increasing spending-of simultaneously pursuing big government and small government-dramatically swelled the deficit. He inherited a projected ten-year surplus of $5.6 trillion and bequeaths a ten-year deficit of $6 trillion, assuming his tax cuts remain in place. Hardly the makings of a positive judgment from future historians.


In pursuit of his fiscal ambitions, Mr Bush helped roll over or sweep aside long-standing rules and conventions designed to keep the deficit in check. Republicans in Congress pushed through his 2001 and 2003 tax cuts under a parliamentary manoeuvre called “reconciliation” previously reserved for measures that reduced, or did not increase, the deficit. Doing so largely stripped Democrats of their ability to raise procedural obstacles in the Senate, but also required the tax cuts to expire after ten years. As the projected surpluses melted away, Mr Bush cut the horizon in his budgets from ten years to five, masking the long-term impact of his policies.


For years the president refused to include the cost of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars in his budget. He also acquiesced in the expiry of 12-year-old budget rules that made it difficult to cut taxes or increase spending if it raised the deficit. In coming years deficit reduction will be hard enough, with the recession-induced collapse in tax collections and the cost of the bail-outs. Jim Horney, a former Democratic congressional staffer now at the liberal Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities, a think-tank, says it has been made even harder by the disappearance of any culture of restraint in Congress.

多年来,总统在进行财政预算时,一直不愿将阿富汗和伊拉克战争的成本计算在内。在原有的预算规则中,一旦赤字有所增加,便很难推行减税或者增加政府支出的政策;而在他的默许下,延续了12年期的预算规则就此废止。在未来的几年里,由于经济衰退,税收和其他资金收入将大幅度减少,填补财政赤字会变得愈发艰难。吉姆·霍尼以前曾在民主党国会中任职,现在他受聘于一家自由派研究机构:预算与政策优先权中心(Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities)。他认为国会中遏制传统的缺失使得对政府政策的监管变得更为困难。


Mr Bush’s biggest failure, however, is on entitlements. The ageing of the population, coupled with rapidly rising health-care costs, means that in coming decades Social Security and Medicare benefits will outstrip workers’ payroll contributions by trillions of dollars. Both programmes presented Mr Bush with a political opportunity. To pry elderly voters away from the Democrats, he promised to add a prescription-drug benefit as part of any Medicare reform. He did so in 2003, winning the support of the AARP, the powerful pensioners’ lobby, which has long been seen as closer to the Democrats. But in the end he achieved few cost savings, while adding a staggering $8 trillion to Medicare’s unfunded liability (see chart).


Social Security, founded in the Depression to provide workers with a secure pension, has defied all recent attempts to make it solvent. Although such an attempt was part of Mr Bush’s first election campaign, it was not solvency that animated him, but the prospect of workers diverting some of their Social Security contributions to private investment accounts. Such accounts were intended as the centrepiece of the Republican Party’s “ownership society”.


Economists are divided on the merit of such accounts, but agree they do nothing to restore solvency: that requires slimmer benefits, higher taxes, or both. Because of the political peril of touching Social Security, broad reform demands bipartisan support. Yet David Walker, the federal government’s chief auditor from 1998 to 2008, says Mr Bush doomed his own effort, launched after his 2004 re-election, by seeking to shape its outcome from the start. He had appointed an advisory commission whose members first had to agree to support private accounts (which many Democrats oppose). He issued detailed proposals for private accounts while eschewing, until much later, solvency proposals. His administration staged some 200 “town hall” events attended by pre-screened participants, Mr Walker says, yet at the end of it all support for Mr Bush’s proposal was lower than when it began.

至于个人投资帐户的功过,经济学家们各执一辞。然而无论哪一方都同意,这种投资方式对偿还能力毫无益处,个人投资帐户存在的前提是较低的保险金,或者较高的税率,或者两者并行。触及社会保险制度的改革总是充满着危险,需要来自两党的共同支持。1998年至2008年期间担任联邦政府的审计长的大卫•沃克(David Walker)说,是布什自己毁掉了自己的努力。在2004年连任成功之后,他试图从头开始改变这一结果。他任命了顾问委员会,该委员会中的成员全是设立个人帐户的支持者(许多民主党对此表示反对)。针对个人帐户,他提出了一系列的建议,然而对清偿债务一直闭口不谈,直到很久之后,他才开始面对这个问题。沃克称布什政府发起了约200场”市政厅”活动,并事先对参加者进行了严格的甄选,然而最终支持布什建议的人比开始时还要少。
Between the Medicare drug benefit and the failure to restore solvency to Social Security, the long-term unfunded cost of America’s programmes for the elderly had last year reached a stratospheric $43 trillion, or 5% of future wages, compared with $13 trillion, or 3% of future wages, in 2000. Mr Obama and Congress may still be able to mend entitlements. But they start with a bigger and more imminent danger than Mr Bush did eight years ago, and one made even harder by the deep hole the current recession has created in the budget.


The costs of ambition

The neoconservatives who had such influence over Mr Bush argued that unintended consequences were usually more important than the intended ones. The Bush presidency has proved them right in this, if in little else.


A president who laboured to produce Republican hegemony ended up dramatically weakening the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is now in a more powerful position than it has been at any time since the second world war. In the Senate, the Democrats have a majority of 59 seats to 41 (including two independents who caucus with the Democrats); in the House, they hold 256 seats to the Republicans’ 178. Americans who came of age during the Bush years identify with the Democrats by the largest majority recorded for any age cohort since the second world war.


A president who believed that America’s global supremacy was guaranteed by America’s unrivalled military power ended up demonstrating the limits of both. Many of America’s closest allies in Europe refused to co-operate with the Iraq war. Many of America’s rivals used America’s travails in Iraq to extend their power: Iran is more powerful than it was in 2000, and closer to acquiring a nuclear bomb; Russia and China have extended their web of alliances and strengthened their regional influence. Mr Bush’s recalibration of his policies in his second term suggests that even he recognises that America’s loss of soft power has cost it dear.


The American military machine is under intense strain. The demands of tackling the Iraq insurgency have forced America to short-change Afghanistan. Deployments have grown longer and redeployments more frequent. Recruitment standards are going down. The neoconservative dream of a muscle-bound America knocking down the “axis of evil” and planting democracies from North Korea to Iran looks, more than ever, like an overheated fantasy cooked up in a think-tank.


Finally, Mr Bush also demonstrated the limits of capitalist triumphalism. The Bush administration was as business-friendly as any in American history: Mr Bush was the first president with an MBA (from Harvard) and he appointed four CEOs to his cabinet, more than any previous president. The administration was also wedded to the fundamental tenets of Reaganomics: cut taxes and free the supply side and everything else will take care of itself. Mr Cheney even argued explicitly that “Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.”


Mr Bush now leaves behind a tax system in some ways less efficient than the one he inherited, in need of annual patches, and unable to fund the government even in good times. He also leaves behind a broken budget process. Any economic triumphalism is long gone. Many of the CEOs, most notably Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O’Neill, proved to be dismal administrators. Reaganomics helped to produce a giant deficit. The financial crisis has made re-regulation rather than deregulation the mantra in Washington, while government has acquired a much bigger role in the economy through its backing of banks and car companies.



“I inherited a recession, I’m ending on a recession,” he noted at his press conference on January 12th. He wasn’t asking for pity, only to be judged on what happened in between. Unfortunately, that economic legacy is littered with wasted opportunity, bad judgments and politicised policy. The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America’s retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess.


It is not all his fault. But for the most part, good policy repeatedly took a back seat to Mr Bush’s overweening political ambition. Both the country and, ultimately, the Republican Party are left the worse for it.


George Tenet:负责调查伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器的CIA官员。
Tommy Franks:阿富汗战争与伊拉克战争的总指挥。
Paul Bremer:负责伊拉克战后的政权重建工作。

译者:Lennon.W       http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16680

“[2009.01.15] George Bush’s legacy: The frat boy ships out”的8个回复

  1. unleashed free-enterprise翻译成 ‘摧毁自由企业’ 应该与原意背道而驰了吧,原意应该是’解放了自由企业’

  2. 我个人认为:其任期之开局、转折、高潮部分总体来看都还算不错吧,只是结局不太完美但是这怪得着他吗?

  3. 打仗其实基本上是美国总统得爱好,个人感觉他的失败不是伊拉克战争而是过分相信新自由主义把国内经济搞得一团糟!

  4. 翻译的不错,但The frat boy ships out应译为兄弟会男孩溜之大吉


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