[2008.11.22] 台湾反对党:陈水扁以绝食求公正

Taiwan’s opposition

Hungry for justice

Nov 20th 2008 | TAIPEI
From The Economist print edition

A dilemma for Taiwan’s opposition

His supporters won’t take this lying down

CHEN SHUI-BIAN, Taiwan’s president until May, has long been fond of provocative and flamboyant gestures. His latest is dangerous. The former president, locked up on November 12th on suspicion of serious crimes, at once started a hunger-strike. He languished for five days in a cell isolated from other inmates, until his health failed. Dehydrated and with his blood-sugar levels and blood pressure down to alarming levels, the 57-year-old former president was on November 16th taken to hospital, and given intravenous glucose and saline drips. His health stabilised enough for him to be taken back to prison on November 19th, by when Taiwan’s high court was mulling over his appeal. His lawyer said he would continue his fast.


He is accused of embezzling state assets, accepting bribes, forgery and money-laundering. He insists he is innocent and that his arrest, without a formal indictment, is political persecution. Mr Chen rose to power on a platform of promoting formal independence from China. He accuses the ruling Nationalist party, the Kuomintang or KMT, which took power in May on a platform of warmer ties with China, of jailing him to appease China.


This week there were small protests in his support outside the hospital. Andrew Yang, of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies, a think-tank, says the low turnout suggests the public is not that sympathetic to Mr Chen. There is no clear evidence against him, but the final years of his presidency were marred by a string of corruption charges involving his family and aides, which ruined the reputation he once held as one of Asia’s cleanest politicians.


One accusation he faces is of embezzling around $450,000 of government funds. He was first accused of this around two years ago by prosecutors he had chosen himself. An international financial-intelligence agency, the Egmont Group, has also voiced suspicions to the Taiwanese authorities about money-laundering, after a sum of money, reportedly $21m, was wired to a Geneva bank account belonging to his daughter-in-law. Such scandals helped lose the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which Mr Chen quit in August, this year’s presidential elections.

对他的其中一项指控称他挪用了(我还是觉得它跟侵吞没有区别)约 45万美元的政府基金。他首度受到这一指控是在两年前,指控人是他亲自任命的检控官。据悉,有一笔两千一百万美元的款项被汇到陈水扁儿媳在日内瓦银行的帐户上以后,国际性金融情报合作组织埃格蒙特集团也开始怀疑陈水扁领导的”台湾政府”涉嫌洗黑钱。这一丑闻导致民进党在今年的大选中败北,陈水扁本人于今年 8月退出了该党。

Several other DPP politicians have in recent months been jailed without formal charges. Prosecutors have argued that they need to be detained so that they do not collude with witnesses. There have been far fewer arrests of KMT politicians and the DPP accuses the judiciary of bias. The current president, Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT, is seen as clean. He has named technocrats to his cabinet for their pristine image. But the KMT itself, which ruled Taiwan from 1949 to 1999, under martial law until 1987, was once notorious for corruption.


Political commentators are divided on the DPP arrests: is it progress that prosecutors dare send a former president to jail? Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus? Whatever the truth, it has put the DPP and its chairwoman, Tsai Ing-wen, in a tricky situation. The party feels bound to protest about judicial bias. But it also needs to distance itself from Mr Chen and the corruption scandals.


A further complication is that one of the other senior DPP figures detained without charge is Su Chih-fen. She was also on hunger-strike until her indictment on November 15th for allegedly taking NT$21m ($621,000) in bribes. But she is also a vote-winner, and despite the charges against her, the party is seeking her re-election in hotly-contested town and county elections next year. Ms Tsai has a tricky course ahead if she is to steer Taiwan’s largest opposition party out of the doldrums.

更复杂的是,民进党的另一位在正式起诉前就被关押的高层苏智芬也进行了绝食抗议。她的绝食一直持续到11月 15日被指控为收受两千一百万新台币(折合62万 1千美元)的贿款。但她同时也是一个选票赢家,尽管面临指控,民进党正在推举她到一个竞争激烈的镇上参加来年的县级立委改选。倘若蔡英文想带领台湾最大的反对党走出低谷,她要走的道路将是艰难的。

译者:Wordy_Camel  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15530&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.11.22] 台湾反对党:陈水扁以绝食求公正”的4个回复

  1. His latest is dangerous. 这一句翻译似有误,其中的His latest应该是指provocative and flamboyant gestures.所以不是陈本身人身有危险,而是他的gestures(给台湾)带来危险。

  2. 另外,该文作者对台湾的司法体制似乎了解不多,其中说到争议的一项是台湾的当局“准备违背无罪推定的原则,撕毁人身权利文书吗?”其实,收押陈等人并没有违背无罪推定的原则,也没有侵犯人权。据我猜测,这是根据现有法律作出的,马英九在一次访谈中也纠正媒体说陈水扁不是“犯人”,而是“嫌疑人”。有争议的是国民党当局是否在“选择性办案”,即国民党政治人物可能同样有陈等人所犯罪行的嫌疑,却大多没有遭到同样的对待,即严格、迅速的司法调查。

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