[2008.11.22] 亚洲企业:人员依旧短缺

Business in Asia

You still can’t get the staff

From The Economist print edition

Staff shortages persist, despite the slowdown in economic activity

DID the news that factory-output growth in China fell to a seven-year low in October, and reports of job losses across Asia, have a silver lining for managers in the region? Slowing growth ought, after all, to mean that pressure to grow quickly is finally waning, and their biggest headache-finding and retaining staff-should be easing. In China, thousands of factories have closed. Multinationals such as American Express and Motorola have announced lay-offs in India. Thousands of workers have been fired in the Philippines, and millions of Bangladeshi, Indian, Indonesian and Malaysian workers are being sent home from the Middle East, Singapore and Taiwan.

10月,中国制造业产量增长创下7年来新低;亚洲就业市场萎靡。面对如此局面,企业经理们是否能看到一线曙光呢?不管怎样,经济放缓意味着高速增长压力最终得以缓解,经理们最头痛的问题– 发现并留用员工–也变得相对容易。中国已有上千家工厂倒闭。许多跨国企业,比如美国运通和摩托罗拉,在印度已经开始裁员。在菲律宾,上千名工人被炒鱿鱼,更有数百万计孟加拉、印度、印尼和马来西亚工人遭到解雇,从中东、新加坡和台湾返乡。

Yet managers say the shortage of staff is still not easing. This is partly because many of these job losses have been in industries such as toymaking, textiles and construction, which use migrant and unskilled workers. There was never any shortage of those to begin with. Another reason is that many troubled companies have chosen not to make staff redundant. Legal hurdles make it much harder to get rid of staff these days, especially in China and India. So some firms have instead cut wages and working hours, or extended holidays. CLSA, a financial-services firm in Hong Kong, recently announced that its top 500 staff would take pay cuts of 15-25%, and several banks in South Korea have also reduced pay. Chartered Semiconductor in Singapore has trimmed pay by up to 20%. Several carmakers in India and South Korea have asked staff to take unpaid leave.


Paradoxically, business leaders report that this has actually raised morale and contributed to another problem. In the past, companies suffered from very high rates of staff turnover-the average tenure of managers in Shanghai was barely 15 months. But economic uncertainty makes workers more inclined to stay put, and firms that want to hire find it harder to entice people to move. “The talent pool has grown-but only for banking staff,” says Greg Miller, managing director of Mersey Manufacturers Timex Group in China.

矛盾的是,企业领导人认为这恰恰能鼓舞士气但也滋生了另一个问题。过去,企业往往饱受员工流动率过高之苦–在上海,一名经理的平均任期仅为15个月。但如今经济不景气,员工安分守己许多,公司挖墙脚也更难。天美时集团中国区总裁Greg Miller表示:”企业的人才储备得到了增长,不过仅限于银行业。”

In many industries demand for workers continues to rise. Most of Asia’s domestic economies are still forecast to expand strongly in 2009. “Far from retrenching, we are redoubling our efforts to grow,” says the boss of one pharmaceutical firm. Companies in the region also expect a further boom in outsourcing from America and Europe as companies there try to cut costs. NASSCOM, a body which represents India’s software and computer-services firms, predicts that 200,000 additional jobs will be created next year.


This means that skilled workers’ wages are still going up. Heather Payne, head of the Asian division of Research International, a market-research firm, says she expects wage hikes of 14% in India and 9% in China next year, only marginally less than in 2008. There is “simply not enough talent to feed the growth”, she says. When any skilled workers are laid off they are instantly snapped up by other firms. Finding good managers who can work internationally is still especially hard. There is also an acute shortage of finance, research-and-development and engineering skills.

这也意味着技术型员工的工资仍旧会涨。国际市场研究集团亚洲区总裁Heather Payne表示她预计明年印度和中国的工资涨幅将分别达到14%和9%,增幅同比2008年略有下调。她还表示,相比于市场的增长,”人才仍旧显得供不应求”。一个技术型员工下岗,立马有其他公司抢购。找到能在不同国家胜任其职的经理人更是难上加难。另外,资金。研发和工程技术严重短缺也是亟待解决的问题。

Managers of many multinational businesses in the region have another problem. Like their local competitors, they hope to increase regional sales in the next few years on the back of economic growth. But they have the additional pressure of having to expand even faster than local rivals, as they are told to compensate for sales declines in America and Europe. Worse, many are also being told to cut costs, in line with globally prescribed cutbacks. They must cope with rising wages for skilled workers, a shortage of suitable staff and pricing pressure from local competitors. “Next year will be especially hard,” says one regional boss. Except, presumably, for his skilled staff.


译者:james0401047  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15585&extra=page%3D1

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