[2008.11.22] 审计:稽核财报,阐释利害


Accounting for concern
稽核财报 阐释利害

Nov 20th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Can auditors be sure a firm will survive the next 12 months?

A FEW months before XL Leisure Group, Britain’s third-largest tour operator, filed for bankruptcy in September, leaving thousands of holidaymakers stranded, it issued a set of accounts, signed off by its auditors, that gave no hint it was about to go bust. Such experiences haunt auditors as they grapple with year-end accounts in the cruellest economic climate most have ever experienced. “Companies and their auditors have got to get used to the idea that nothing is as it used to be,” comments Will Rainey, a partner at Ernst & Young, one of the big-four accounting firms.

今年九月,英国第三大旅游运营商XL休闲集团申请破产,致使数千名度假者深陷窘境,进退两难。而在数月之前,此集团还发布一系列经审计师签署的财报,其中没有任何要倒闭的迹象。这样的事情现在正困扰着那些开始审计年终报表的审计人员,因为他们正身处从未经历过的经济寒冬。”公司和其审计师必须习惯于和以往完全不同的概念与方法。”四大会计师事务所之一安永的一位合伙人Will Rainey如是评论。

The problem is that year-end accounts are prepared on the basis that a business is a “going concern”, ie, that it will operate for the foreseeable future, or at least 12 months after the reporting period. That judgment is made by the board of directors, and auditors have to agree with it.


The difficulty they face is that most companies fund their operations in part through borrowing, which can stretch from simple overdrafts to huge syndicated loans. Each year, auditors will often seek letters from their clients’ bankers reassuring them that they will renew lending facilities in the ordinary course of business. But this year many banks may well refuse to write those letters because they do not want to commit to new lending. It will lead to some difficult judgment calls on the availability of funding next year, Mr Rainey says.


According to international standards, directors and auditors usually have three options with accounts: they can prepare them on a going-concern basis, which is standard but might expose them to charges of negligence if they are wrong; if they do not believe the business is a going concern, they must prepare the accounts on a break-up basis; or they can express some doubts about the company’s future, but still prepare the accounts on the going-concern basis. (Britain’s Financial Reporting Council has suggested a fourth alternative, that would express “serious doubt” about the ability of the company to continue as a going concern. But auditors say this may add to confusion.)


The temptation this year will be to express some doubts about funding uncertainties, but auditors realise that if they do that too widely, the caveat will become meaningless. Steve Priddy, of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, says that the onus will be on directors to be frank about any worries, even when they consider the firm a going concern. But if banks do not want their most creditworthy clients to suffer, they should be a bit bolder, too. After all, many now have the explicit backing of their governments. So they can afford to be a bit more public-spirited in these peculiar times.

今年的考验是这样的:对融资的不确定性表达一些疑虑,但是审计师认为,如果这样的词句广泛使用的话,那么也就没有任何意义了。特许注册会计师协会(ACCA)的Steve Priddy表示,责任在公司的董事是否能够坦诚表露任何疑虑和困难,即使他们认为公司可以持续运营的时候也应如此。如果银行不像让其信誉最好的客户遭受损失,它也应该有点大胆的行为。毕竟这些银行明显得到其政府的大力支持。因此,在这个特殊的时刻,这些家伙应该有些公德心。

译者:rushor  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15523&extra=page%3D1


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