[2008.11.22] 朝鲜:前进,前进,前进进

North Korea

Going, going, going again

Nov 20th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The deal to disarm North Korea is unravelling

HE MAY be a few pixels short of a picture these days, but as an auctioneer North Korea’s nuclear-capable Kim Jong Il is without peer. Back in 2005 he accepted a generous bid of all sorts of goodies, for a second time, to shut down his plutonium-producing reactor at Yongbyon (an earlier deal had foundered when North Korea was caught cheating). Now Mr Kim seems to be preparing to auction off Yongbyon for a third time: to Barack Obama’s incoming administration in America.

North Korean officials are putting it about that they will not honour a verification deal painstakingly negotiated as part of six-party talks that also include South Korea, Japan, China and Russia. Just a try-on? Or does this mark the failure of the six-party marathon? Under way for five years now, this effort aims not just to dismantle Yongbyon, where North Korea made the plutonium for its much-boasted bombs. In 2005 Mr Kim agreed in principle that he would give up his other nefarious nuclear activities and eventually his weapons too.

In order to keep him edging in the right direction this time, the pay-off was to be carefully sequenced as disarmament milestones were reached. It includes: generous energy supplies and other rewards, a lifting of sanctions, diplomatic relations with America, negotiation of a peace treaty to replace the armistice that has endured bad-temperedly since the Korean war, a transformed relationship with the outside world that could help lift North Korea out of its abject poverty and even, at an “appropriate” time, the provision of modern, less proliferation-prone nuclear reactors.
这一次,为了使其沿着正确的方向缓慢前进,回报的次序被精心安排:只有在裁军目标达到之后才会给他。它包括:慷慨的能源供应和其它回报,取消制裁,与美国的外交关系,商谈一份和平协议以取代从朝鲜战争以来那份饱受煎熬的停战协议,改良了的与外部世界的关系以使朝鲜摆脱其极度的贫困,甚至,在”合适” 的时候,提供现代的、不易引发军备竞争的核反应堆。

So far Mr Kim has had around half the promised 1m tons of fuel oil and been struck off America’s list of states that sponsor terrorism. In return for this and the rest of the oil, he was to put Yongbyon out of action and provide a verifiable list of all his nuclear activities. And there the trouble started.

Mr Kim admits to a plutonium stash, though there is a dispute about its size. He refuses, however, to own up to known imports of equipment for enriching uranium (another potential route to a bomb) that scuppered the very first Yongbyon deal. He will say nothing about nuclear help he is accused of giving to Syria and others. So the other five persuaded themselves that the plutonium count would do for now. But Mr Kim’s is blocking that too: his officials say that inspectors will not be allowed either to take reactor samples essential to a proper plutonium accounting, or to stray beyond Yongbyon.

The Delhi gambit

Mr Kim enjoys acting up. The six-party process was meant to make it harder for him to play his neighbours off against each other. But that is true only if he gets the same agreed message from all. Lately, that hasn’t been happening. China refuses to lean on him except in direst times (such as after his 2006 bomb test). Some Democrat voices in America suggest he needs more generous offers, in faster sequence.

To Mr Kim it thus makes sense to await a new bidder in the White House. But there is a more troubling possibility: that he has never had any intention of giving up his bombs. Call it his Delhi gambit. With America’s help, India has not only kept its nukes, but has been accepted for all practical purposes, and with extra benefits, as a nuclear power. Why settle for less?

East Asia will never be secure with Mr Kim’s finger on the nuclear trigger. Prising it off will take firmer insistence on real disarmament than America, China and the rest have lately been able to muster. At the very least, they should stop pretending that he is living up to the bargain he made in 2005.

译者:7colorwolf   http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15574&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.11.22] 朝鲜:前进,前进,前进进”的6个回复

  1. “China refuses to lean on him” 在此应该是警告的意思,因为lean on 除了有”依靠”的意思外还有”to try to influence someone, especially by threatening them “的意思,取意”警告”更为合理.China refuses to lean on him except in direst times (such as after his 2006 bomb test). 可翻译成:中国拒绝给朝鲜警告,除非在最可怕的时刻(如在2006年的核弹试验后).

  2. 政治事件不能从道德角度判断。因为从美国拥有核武器角度看,朝鲜也可拥有;从世界安全来看,朝鲜拥有,其他小国也可拥有,那样就完了;只能从利益角度来看,对大多数地球人来说,朝有核是极具威胁的,对金无赖来说,朝有核实巩固他金氏政权的杀手锏。站在我的利益上,我支持铲除他


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