
South Africa and the world

The see-no-evil foreign policy

Nov 13th 2008 | JOHANNESBURG
From The Economist print edition

Why post-apartheid South Africa, once a shining beacon of human rights, is cosying up to nasty regimes around the world

ANOTHER African summit, another disappointment. Any hope that the change of leadership in South Africa might bring change across the border in Zimbabwe has proved in vain. The new president, Kgalema Motlanthe, may sound tougher than his ever-appeasing predecessor, Thabo Mbeki. But he seems no more willing to turn the screws on his errant northern neighbour, Robert Mugabe.

Regional leaders meeting on November 9th all but kowtowed to Mr Mugabe over the terms of September’s power-sharing deal with the opposition. This was intended to arrest the country’s political and economic collapse but has foundered, particularly over who should run the interior ministry, and by extension the police. Morgan Tsvangirai, who won more votes than Mr Mugabe in the presidential poll in March, says his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) should be in charge, given that the ruling ZANU-PF controls the army and intelligence organs.

Mr Tsvangirai has good reason to be wary. Human-rights groups report that Mr Mugabe’s henchmen are still persecuting MDC supporters (pictured above); and riot policemen have been back on the streets to break up anti-government protests. Yet leaders of the Southern African Development Community (see map) say the interior ministry should be shared-an unworkable proposal rejected by Mr Tsvangirai. Mr Mugabe seems ready to appoint a cabinet regardless.

The MDC, long critical of Mr Mbeki’s mediation, has been calling for others to step in. It is not alone. South Africa’s handling of the Zimbabwean crisis has drawn sharp criticism from many corners. Indeed, among the international human-rights fraternity, post-apartheid South Africa-the democratic, multicultural “rainbow nation” forged by Nelson Mandela-is once again regarded as something of a pariah. Its gentle treatment of Mr Mugabe, once justified by fear of instability on South Africa’s borders, has become part of a wider pattern of alignment with some of the world’s least savoury regimes.

In the UN Security Council, South Africa has voted against imposing sanctions not only on Zimbabwe but also on Myanmar’s military junta (after last year’s crackdown on peaceful protesters) and Iran (for violating nuclear safeguards). It is now leading efforts to suspend the International Criminal Court’s prosecution of Omar al-Bashir, Sudan’s president, for alleged genocide in Darfur.

Its record in the UN Human Rights Council is no better. It has voted to stop monitoring human rights in Uzbekistan, despite widespread torture there, and in Iran, where executions, including those of juvenile offenders, have soared. “Never in my wildest dreams did I believe South Africa would play such a negative role,” says Steve Crawshaw of Human Rights Watch, an international monitoring group.
南非在联合国人权理事会上的口碑同样不好。南非投票支持停止在乌兹别克斯坦和伊朗的人权监测行动。可前者国内严刑拷问现象泛滥,后者死刑数量,包括对于青少年罪犯的死刑数量飙升。人权观察组织的Steve Crawshaw 表示:”我做梦也不会想到南非竟然起了这样消极的作用。”

Shortly before taking over as South Africa’s first democratically elected president in 1994, Mr Mandela vowed that “human rights will be the light that guides our foreign affairs.” After decades of isolation under an apartheid government, Africa’s richest country would return to the world stage as a “beacon of hope” for the oppressed. And it all seemed to begin so well. At home, the new government brought in one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, prohibiting every kind of discrimination and guaranteeing not only the classic civil liberties but also a right to adequate housing, reproductive health care and even to “have the environment protected”. The death penalty was abolished; the abandonment of nuclear weapons confirmed.
1994年,曼德拉当选为南非第一位民选总统后不久就宣布,”维护人权是南非对外政策的准绳。”在历经数十年种族隔离后,南非作为非洲最为富裕的国家戴着”希望的光环 “,跃上了世界舞台,受到那些受压迫国家的顶礼膜拜。一开始,一切似乎进行得井井有条。内政方面,南非创建了足以与任何国家比肩的先进法律体系,禁止一切形式的歧视行为,不仅维护了公民自由,公民的住房、生殖保健也得到了保障。甚至,环保在那时也得到了发展。彼时的南非还废除了死刑,放弃了业已证实的核武器。

Abroad, South Africa launched itself as one of the region’s leading peacemakers, mediating in conflicts across Africa and sending troops into Darfur, Burundi, the Central African Republic and Congo. It was also the leading light behind the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, with an African peer-review system to promote democracy and good governance. Along with Brazil, China, India and Mexico, South Africa is now one of five emerging countries regularly invited to meetings of the G8, the group of the world’s richest states. And whenever reform of the UN Security Council comes up, its name is always among those mooted for a possible new permanent seat.

But in recent years, Mr Mandela’s promised beacon has begun to look decidedly dim. Since 2006, when South Africa secured a (non-permanent) seat on the Security Council for the first time, it has been chumming up with China, Russia and other authoritarian regimes to water down or block virtually every resolution touching on human rights. It argues that the Security Council (dominated by the five veto-wielding permanent members) should not concern itself with such issues, leaving them to the Human Rights Council (on which developing countries have a controlling majority). But that body has proved as ineffectual as its predecessor, stifling-with South Africa’s help-criticism of the world’s worst tyrants.

Why has democratic South Africa done so much to squander its once acclaimed moral leadership? In truth, the ruling African National Congress has always been cosy with some dictators, such as Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi and Cuba’s Fidel Castro, even under Mr Mandela-largely out of gratitude for past help during the struggle against white rule.

Another reason for its actions can be found in Mr Mandela’s experience in 1995, when he found little support in Africa for action against Nigeria’s former military junta. A bigger reason lies in South Africa’s ambivalent sense of identity, with one foot in the rich world, where its main economic interests continue to lie, and the other in the poor one, with which many of its people identify. Even after the end of white rule, some of South Africa’s neighbours regard it as something of a Trojan horse for the West. Hence its desire constantly to affirm its African credentials while playing down any hegemonic ambitions.
South Africa has never sought to define itself as a great force for good in the world, says Aziz Pahad, deputy foreign minister until his resignation in September. Like almost every other country, its foreign policy is based not on morality but primarily on its own national interest. And that, says Mr Pahad, lies in creating a new and more equitable world order.
9月份刚辞职的南非前外交副部长Aziz Pahad表示南非从未定位于永远的世界强国。和其他的国家一样,南非的外交政策的准绳不是道德而主要是自身的国家利益。而要实现这点,就需要构建一个全新的更加公平的世界格局,Pahad这样表示道。

Thus South Africa’s earlier talk about setting Africa’s house in order has given way to pushing for more representation of poorer countries in multilateral institutions such as the UN Security Council, the IMF and the World Bank. South Africa’s ambition to gain a greater voice means making common cause not just with its African neighbours but also with the rest of the poor world, democratic or not.

Many South Africans say that rich countries’ strictures on democracy and human rights will carry little moral force until poorer countries have a bigger say in running the affairs of the world. Not all agree. Turning a blind eye to oppression abroad is “a betrayal of our own noble past”, argues Desmond Tutu, a Nobel peace-prize winner and a hero of the struggle against white rule. “If others had used the arguments we are using today when we asked them for their support against apartheid we might still have been unfree,” he says.
许多南非人认为如果贫穷国家在国际事务上无法得到更大的话语权,那么发达国家对于民主和人权的苛责就无从谈起。并非人人都认同这种说法。诺贝尔和平奖得主、反白人统治英雄Desmond Tutu表示,无视国外的压迫统治是”违背了我们光荣的传统”。”当年,我们请求他国给予我们帮助以共抗种族隔离的时候,如果他们用我们今天的借口来搪塞的话,或许我们今天还没得到自由呢。”

译者:james0401047  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15498&extra=page%3D1


  1. LZ 翻译的很好。赞一个
    see-no-evil翻译成“好坏不分”感觉很合意 记得也有个电影也是这个,它翻译成非礼勿视。
    再一个就是 ANOTHER African summit, another disappointment. 感觉“来时满载希望,去时满是失望,次次如此”有点别扭,但又不知道翻译更好
    体现不出非洲领导人峰会的意思 呵呵

  2. Different countris have different kinds of definition of democrocy.Maybe we can never have the same social system as the American have.Whether most
    people live a happy life tell everything.

  3. 某些人渣通常打着人权,民主的旗号。用以自我为中心的意识形态,以自我标榜而立命,拿着放大镜且带着有色眼镜去观察别国事务。以消灭全球多样性为目标,在经济上用财力诱惑,在军事上以武力威胁!再加以厚颜无耻的言论!

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