[2008.09.13] 美国金融:又是福德

American finance

Fuld again

Sep 10th 2008 | NEW YORK
From Economist.com

Lehman Brothers jolts the market back to grim reality

AS THE Americas endure hurricane season, one storm has hit after another. It is the same in financial markets. Just as they were basking in the dramatic rescue-and effective nationalisation-of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, America’s giant mortgage agencies, a fresh storm was brewing over Wall Street. The already pummelled shares of Lehman Brothers, led by the pugnacious Dick Fuld, lost more than half their value in two days. Suddenly, there was the prospect of another major investment bank buckling six months after the loss of Bear Stearns.

随着美国飓风季节的来临,风暴接二连三地袭来。在金融市场同样也是如此。大家刚刚为一次引人注目的拯救行动–国有化房利美和房地美两个房贷抵押巨头– 而高兴,新的风暴已经笼罩在华尔街的上空。由好战的迪克福德领导的莱曼兄弟的股票,经受连续打击后,在最近两日内又跌去了一半多。贝尔斯登垮台六个月之后,突然间,又有一家主要的投资银行前景黯淡。

Shares of Washington Mutual (WaMu), the nation’s largest savings and loan bank, also slumped, amid fears that banks are running out of rescuers.


Lehman’s latest problems stemmed from the departure of a Korean suitor, throwing into doubt its efforts to raise capital to ride out big losses on property, mortgages and leveraged loans. It sought to limit the damage by pre-announcing a $3.9 billion quarterly loss for the third quarter on Wednesday September 10th, which had been expected, and unveiling a number of strategic moves. These included spinning off up to $30 billion of commercial-property assets into an independent, publicly traded company. It also said it was close to agreeing the sale of a majority stake in its prized fund-management unit, including Neuberger Berman.


This was hardly startling stuff. It has not completed the deals, and as an obviously desperate seller, it has handed the potential buyers of the asset manager all the cards. Its plan to sell more than half of the asset-management division while retaining more than half of its profit smacks of sleight-of-hand. Absent a sale, it is not clear what the alternatives are. Even if it pulls one off, it will still need more capital.


Lehman’s shares have sunk so low that its market value of $5.4 billion now languishes some way below what it hopes to get from Neuberger Berman. But if anyone sees an opportunity to buy the entire firm for a song, they have yet to reveal themselves. Perhaps with good reason. Market bottoms have already been incorrectly called several times, and there is massive uncertainty over the real value of Lehman’s exposure to illiquid securities. There are still piles of these assets, too. Even after the latest purge, Lehman will have $53 billion of mortgage assets and leveraged loans on its books-almost double its shareholders’ funds.


Mr Fuld has brought Lehman back from the brink before-dramatically so after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund, in 1998. This time, however, he has done shareholders no favours. While his early handling of the crisis was good, he has balked at selling assets for less than book value, even though the bank’s shares have for some time traded at a steep discount to that measure.


To some, this brings disturbing echoes of Jimmy Cayne, Bear’s former boss, who refused to sell until it was too late. There are, however, some important differences. Lehman has built up a formidable $42 billion pool of liquidity, and it is far less reliant than Bear on American mortgages. Most importantly, it has access to a Federal Reserve credit line that was opened just after Bear’s sale to JPMorgan Chase.


Does this window make a death-spiral inconceivable? Until recently the market thought so. But a sharp jump in the cost of protecting against a Lehman debt default suggests that doubts are creeping in.


Lehman has not suffered the client and counterparty defections that spelt doom for Bear. Indeed, other Wall Street firms, dubbed the “friends of Lehman”, seem determined to keep trading with it. This is not out of altruism (though Mr Fuld’s firm is liked a lot more than Mr Cayne’s us-and-them outfit ever was). Rather, there is genuine fear that a second failure would deal markets a terrible blow, hurting everyone. At some firms, instructions to keep trading with Lehman are coming from the top.


That may not go on forever. Standard & Poor’s, a rating agency, said this week it may downgrade Lehman’s debt. If that happened, the bank would be forced to put up billions in extra collateral, eating into its liquidity. That might lead some dealers to rethink the relationship.


If Lehman remains in its current rut, or things get even worse, the best solution from a regulator’s standpoint would be a forced marriage. But it is already clear that there would be few enthusiastic takers. Even if Lehman can claw its way back, it is likely to be a shadow of its former self. And the business of investment banking may remain depressed for years.


译者:rushor   http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13941&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.09.13] 美国金融:又是福德”的5个回复

  1. 佩服翻译的文笔。有几点拿出来商榷:
    1.“$42 billion pool of liquidity”可否译为“420亿流动资产”,原译“现金”一词比较误导?
    2. he has done shareholders no favours 原译是“他没有给股东任何好处”,可否译为“没能给股东带来任何利益(没能帮到股东)”?
    3.Does this window make a death-spiral inconceivable? 原译是“这些能够使得莱曼的死亡成为不可能吗?”,可否译为“这些能否让莱曼摆脱死亡漩涡”?
    4.Lehman has not suffered the client and counterparty 一句译文中把counterparty译为对手,这和下文“背叛”似乎不大对应,这里的counterparty该指LEHMAN的交易伙伴吧。


  2. 非常感谢el和lrx的指点!



  3. At some firms, instructions to keep trading with Lehman are coming from the top.
    这里的coming from the top似乎应该表示从公司最高层下来的指示,而不是文中的“放在最前面”

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