[2008.08.30] 巴基斯坦:当红政客


Man of the hour

Aug 28th 2008 | LAHORE
From The Economist print edition

From demented jailbird to president-in-waiting: Asif Zardari’s metamorphosis

THE widower of Benazir Bhutto and inheritor of her Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Asif Zardari, is on a roll. He is expected to win the indirect presidential election due on September 6th, having been named as the PPP’s candidate this week. For a man accused of massive corruption in his murdered wife’s two governments, on account of which he has spent eight years in prison, where his lawyers said he became depressed and demented, this is quite a turnaround.

The presidency became vacant on August 19th, when Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s ruler for almost a decade, resigned to escape impeachment by the PPP-led government. Mr Zardari had agreed to oust Mr Musharraf, a former military dictator and two-time coupster, largely to placate a quarrelsome coalition partner, Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (N), or PML (N). But Mr Sharif, who was toppled and imprisoned by Mr Musharraf in 1999, was not satisfied by this: on August 25th he withdrew his party from the government.

This has reduced the ruling coalition, which includes two small regional parties and a smaller Islamist one, to a slender parliamentary majority. But if, as currently looks likely, Mr Zardari is voted president by the electoral college of the four provincial assemblies and two houses of parliament, it will be bolstered.

Mr Zardari would then inherit the swollen powers Mr Musharraf grabbed for the office, allowing him to appoint provincial governors and service chiefs and to dissolve parliament on a whim. He might also inherit Mr Musharraf’s political backers, the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) party. An opportunistic lot, cannibalised by the then-General Musharraf from Mr Sharif’s party, they came a distant third in a general election in February, but would give the government a solid majority.

A famous playboy, Mr Zardari was known in the days of Miss Bhutto’s governments as “Mr 10%”. He was imprisoned, but not convicted, by both Mr Sharif and Mr Musharraf, on charges including murder and corruption. He has been investigated for money-laundering and other crimes in Spain and Switzerland. A British newspaper, the Financial Times, reported this week that Mr Zardari’s lawyers submitted medical records to a British court last year, claiming he was suffering from dementia and severe depression, and so was unable to appear there on corruption charges. That was one of several cases against Mr Zardari that ran into the sands last year when Pakistan’s government withdrew support. At the time, Mr Musharraf was negotiating with Miss Bhutto about a possible alliance. She and Mr Zardari also received an amnesty from corruption charges in Pakistan.

Whatever Mr Zardari’s past reputation, optimists hope that the gathering of power in his hands as president might, just possibly, bring a little more political stability to Pakistan. At the least, it would make the PPP accountable for its handling of the country’s twin crises: a plunging economy and spiralling Taliban insurgency, which on August 21st saw a suicide attack outside a munitions factory in the town of Wah that killed 67 people. Hitherto, the government has seemed too absorbed in bickering between the PPP and PML (N) to give much thought to these problems. Indeed, it has had no permanent finance minister since May, when Mr Sharif withdrew his nine ministers from the government.

His complaint was Mr Zardari’s failure to honour a promise to restore some 60 judges. They were sacked by Mr Musharraf last November, to prevent challenges to his re-election. Mr Sharif needs some grateful judges, to overturn a ban on his own eligibility for election, and made this one of his two main political demands. But Mr Zardari, who fears that one or two of these aggrieved judges, including their leader, Iftikhar Chaudhry, might review his legal amnesty, was reluctant. In private negotiations with Mr Sharif, he therefore offered to restore all the judges except these possible spoilers. But Mr Sharif, who showed little regard for the rule of law during his own two riotous spells in power, refused to compromise.

In a televised address, Mr Zardari implored Mr Sharif to return to the government. But this is unlikely for now. In a society addicted to the notion of “honour”, Mr Sharif’s trenchant stance has made him popular. In opposition he may become even more loved: not least because he will now be free to castigate the army’s counter-insurgency efforts in the north-west, which are as unpopular as they have so far been hapless. Moreover, with such grievous problems to address, and an untested leader in Mr Zardari, the PPP-led government may well fail; this would be a further boost for Mr Sharif.

But Mr Zardari will also have ways to clip his rival’s ambitions. For a start, the PPP might consider leaving the coalition government that Mr Sharif’s party leads in Punjab, Pakistan’s richest province, leaving it in a minority there. In the 1990s, when Mr Sharif and Miss Bhutto alternated in power, such manoeuvring, viciously pursued, made Pakistan almost as unstable as it is now. Ultimately, this led to the army’s takeover, as, in Pakistan’s history, political instability always does.
但是扎尔达里也有办法击碎对手的野心。首先,人民党会考虑退出旁遮普省的执政联盟,使之成为少数派。该省是巴基斯坦最富裕的省份,由谢里派的政党执政。在 1990年代谢里夫和贝布托轮流执政时,这种手段被恶意使用,造成当时的巴基斯坦局面如现在般混乱。这最终导致了军队介入,接管了国家政权,政局不稳常常会有这种结果,这已经为巴基斯坦的历史所揭示。

译者:dgrkl   http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13670&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid85224


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