[2008.08.23] 巴基斯坦: 又一布什盟友下台


Another Bushman down

Aug 21st 2008
From The Economist print edition

Pervez Musharraf’s exit should be seen as an opportunity for his Western allies, not a setback

HE TOOK a long time going, but at last Pervez Musharraf quit this week as Pakistan’s president (see article). Most Pakistanis seem delighted to see the back of him. But, mirroring the reaction to the coup that brought him to power in 1999-condemned abroad, popular at home-he has been more mourned by his foreign friends.

Western leaders, notably George Bush, saw Mr Musharraf as a loyal ally in the “war on terror”, who had courted domestic unpopularity-and braved repeated assassination attempts-to help America rid the region of the scourge of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Better his finger on Pakistan’s nuclear button, the thinking went, than a flaky, venal civilian, perhaps followed in short order by a mad mullah.

But the notion that his departure is a victory for the extremists and a setback for their enemies is wrong. The extremists are indeed cheering; but so should Pakistan’s allies. Rather than weakening the forces of moderation, Mr Musharraf’s exit offers the chance to strengthen them.

There are three reasons to doubt the rosy view of Mr Musharraf as a valiant standard-bearer for liberal, secular decency. First, his support for the war against al-Qaeda and the Taliban was neither as freely given nor as unstinting as it is often portrayed. Far from enlisting with gusto, he maintained Pakistan’s traditional support for the Taliban right up until September 11th 2001. Even then, the choice was made for him. Any Pakistani government would have chosen to be “with” America, given what was happening to those who were “against” it.

Since then Pakistan has played a vital role in capturing al-Qaeda leaders, and has spilt more blood fighting pro-Taliban militants in its tribal areas than America and its allies have in Afghanistan, where this week the bloodletting worsened (see article). But it has never dispelled suspicions that it has played a double game. Some of its soldiers and spooks sympathise with and help the Taliban, out of both ethnic-Pushtun fellow-feeling and strategic intent. America itself is reported to have evidence that Pakistan’s intelligence services were involved in the bombing of India’s embassy in Kabul in July.

Second, as an unelected usurper of the presidency, Mr Musharraf saw the mainstream political parties as his chief political rivals. He did his best to weaken them. In the process he encouraged the growth of Islamist parties, some of whose leaders are impeccably moderate, but whose wilder fringes extend into armed extremism. In the election he rigged in 2002, these parties fared better than they ever had before. Mr Musharraf presented himself as the alternative to a political Islam that he himself did much to nurture.

With friends like these

His lack of democratic legitimacy was a third, more fundamental, handicap in the battle with extremism. Just as his support for the war tarnished him in the eyes of the Pakistani public, so, too, the war became tainted by association with an increasingly disliked leader. It was seen as a price Pakistan as a nation was paying for America’s political support for Mr Musharraf personally.

This newspaper has long argued that America was serving neither its own nor Pakistan’s interests by relying so heavily on Mr Musharraf. Its failure to do more to hasten the restoration of democracy has compounded the undoubted difficulties his departure brings. The campaign along the Afghan frontier is so unpopular that the Pakistani government elected in February has done its best to distance itself from the war’s prosecution. But it is led by two moderate parties, representing the mass of Pakistanis, of whom only a tiny fraction has any hankering for a regime of Taliban-style purity and harshness. The government has a chance to make the case for defeating extremism-not because it is beholden to America, but because when Pakistan’s people elected it, they were voting for a moderate, democratic Pakistan. It would be in the generals’ own interests to give it the support it needs, to help repair the army’s image.
长久以来,本报一直认为,美国如此倚重穆沙拉夫既不符合美国的利益,也不符合巴基斯坦的利益。穆沙拉夫未能进一步加速巴基斯坦民主进程,它带来的负面效应与他的离职所注定会产生的棘手难题混杂在了一起。与阿富汗边境接壤沿线的战争是如此的不受欢迎,以致于诞生于2月份的民选政府正竭力避免染指这场战争。但该政府由两个温和党派领导,它代表着绝大部分巴基斯坦民众,他们之中只有少数人才梦想建立一个塔利班式纯粹的严厉政府。这个政府有机会为打击极端主义正名 –不是因为它欠美国什么,而是因为它是由巴基斯坦人民选举产生的,人民选举它就是希望谛造一个温和、民主的巴基斯坦。军队将领们应给予该政府所需要的支持,帮助恢复军队的形象,这也符合将军们的利益。

Sadly, the dismal record of the two big parties and their leaders in previous governments is not encouraging. But Mr Musharraf was a busted flush, and his successors have at least one ace he never had in his hands: a democratic mandate.

译者:dgrkl    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13465&extra=page%3D1


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