Unemployment in Spain
Not working

May 7th 2009 | MADRID
From The Economist print edition

Spain is experiencing Europe’s worst unemployment problem

THE huge signs are up in town squares, city parks and myriad spots where men in overalls dig holes, lay pavements or spruce up public facilities. They proclaim that the work is being paid for by Plan E, the stimulus package pushed through by Spain’s Socialist prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. This included euro 8 billion ($11 billion) for immediate spending by town halls.

大批的西班牙人在市中心广场、城市公园和形形色色的类似场所找到了自己的“用武之地”,在那些地方,人们都在挖坑、铺路,或是“妆扮”公共设施。所有的这些工作的薪金据称都是由E计划来支付的。E计划是由西班牙社会主义者总理José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero所大力推崇并通过的经济刺激方案,其中包括各个市政厅8百万欧元的即时开销。


Scotland’s Muslims

Islam in tartan

May 7th 2009 | GLASGOW
From The Economist print edition

Changing identity and nationalism north of the border

MUSLIMS in Scotland have historically given their allegiance to the Labour Party, long seen as the champion of the underdog. That may now be changing. Last month the Scottish National Party (SNP) picked a Muslim activist to fight the Westminster constituency of Glasgow Central. Osama Saeed, a former spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, which is ideologically close to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, is not everyone’s cup of tea. But his selection says much about Scottish Muslims’ evolving identity.

Dachshund racing

Dogs in a hurry

Apr 30th 2009 | BUDA, TEXAS
From The Economist print edition

Stubby-legged racers take off

Illustration by Claudio Munoz

ROSCOE, a piebald dachshund, was the runt of his litter. No one wanted to buy him. So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world. Fresh from victory in Lubbock, Texas, Roscoe was a potential winner as he prepared this week for the semi-final of the Wiener Dog Races in Buda.

Roscoe是一只长满花斑的达克斯狗,他是窝中的小侏儒,没有人愿意买他,所以饲养员把他送给了Jeremy Dingle。Jeremy Dingle很快就发现,他得到了一只特别的小狗,现在是达克斯狗赛[1]界的佼佼者。经过数周的准备后,Roscoe在美国得克萨斯州的卢博克市初战告捷,并有望在布达(Buda)的腊肠狗赛的半决赛中一举胜出。


[2009.04.30] Canada home and dry 加拿大,家在那儿

The Roma in eastern Europe

Canada home and dry

Apr 30th 2009 | PRAGUE
From The Economist print edition

How Roma fleeing persecution win asylum in Canada


Looking over the fence to Canada

EMIGRATION to Canada was a well-trodden road for dissidents after the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. It is 20 years since the country’s leaden communist regime perished in the velvet revolution. The Czech Republic is a regional success story. Yet rising numbers of Roma (gypsy) citizens are making the same journey to the same faraway country, because life at home is intolerable.

继续阅读“[2009.04.30] Canada home and dry 加拿大,家在那儿”

[2009.3.26] Judgment days 审判的日子

Germany’s Constitutional Court

Judgment days

Mar 26th 2009 | KARLSRUHE
From The Economist print edition

The little-known judges on Germany’s Constitutional Court exert real influence, not only at home but also abroad

Illustration by Peter Schrank

继续阅读“[2009.3.26] Judgment days 审判的日子”

[2008.12.13] 小学教育:对不起,老师,什么是历史?

Primary schooling

Please, sir, what’s history?

Dec 11th 2008
From The Economist print edition

A missed chance to make hard choices about what children should learn

继续阅读“[2008.12.13] 小学教育:对不起,老师,什么是历史?”