[2009.01.22] Selling Scotland by the verse 诗词动人传百载,吸引游客尚未足

Robert Burns 罗伯特.彭斯

Selling Scotland by the verse
Jan 22nd 2009 | EDINBURGH
From The Economist print edition

Testing the poet’s pulling power

IN THIS especially bleak midwinter, what better excuse to have a drink and a knees-up than commemorating the birth of Robert Burns, the Scottish ploughman whose demotic verse was perhaps the first dialect version of English to achieve world literary and popular acclaim? The celebrations on January 25th this year will be particularly vigorous for they mark the 250th anniversary of the arrival of Rabbie, as Scotland’s bard is known in his homeland.

Even in an off year, Burns suppers require much whisky-quaffing. Also compulsory is the eating of haggis, a concoction of minced offal, fat and oatmeal stuffed into a sheep’s stomach (a BBC recipe’s final instruction is “eat and then belch loudly or throw up”). Haggis-makers report record sales this year.

Inspired by the anniversary, VisitScotland, the national tourist agency, has set up a website inviting anyone holding a Burns supper to register it. Surprisingly, almost 1,200 are being held in England, more, it seems—as The Economist goes to press—than Scotland’s roughly 1,000. The French, prepared to contemplate eating almost anything, report 33 Burns feasts. North Americans claim to be holding about 385 suppers, and there are several hundred more in countries including Russia, whose folk are no mean quaffers themselves, Jordan and Congo. The poet’s soppy romanticism, flinty egalitarianism and ridicule of pomposity have universal appeal.

This all falls softly on the ears of Scotland’s first minister, Alex Salmond. His devolved government has designated 2009 the “Year of Homecoming”, and is spending £5m ($7m) on events and advertising to lure anyone with Scottish ancestry, or just a vague interest in the country, to pay a visit. He hopes an extra 100,000 tourists will spend some £40m.

Sadly, a survey published on January 20th by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce found that just 2% of tourist businesses expect an increase in demand this year and 76% foresee decline. Rabbie’s lines may move people, but not enough to travel, it seems.


译者:rhineyuan   http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16799&page=1&extra=

“[2009.01.22] Selling Scotland by the verse 诗词动人传百载,吸引游客尚未足”的6个回复

  1. 请教作者:
    第三段:—as The Economist goes to press—(如果按照《经济学人》的统计),是不是可以翻为:“截止到《经济学人》发稿前”?
    第四段:or just a vague interest in the country(以及喜爱苏格兰的所有人)Vague的含义没有翻译出来呀。建议换为:“以及对苏格兰抱有模糊的兴趣的人”

  2. vague interest?
    个人认为: 朦胧兴趣 未知兴趣 以及 不确定兴趣 更恰当

  3. “BBC在某次介绍这种食物做法的时候,最后一步是“入口后响亮地打个嗝,或者马上去呕吐”譬如血肠~~~


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