[2006.11.23]Face value:The universal diarist风靡全球的日记作者

The universal diarist

Nov 23rd 2006
From The Economist print edition

Mena Trott of Six Apart is at the forefront of the shift from mass media to “intimate media”
Six Apart公司的Mena Trott正在引领大众传媒走向“私人传媒”。

IT ALL began five years ago with a blog entry about a banjo. Mena Trott had recently graduated as an English major from college and, at 23, was living as an under-employed designer with her husband Ben in San Francisco, passing her time by keeping a personal online diary. Called Dollarshort, it was a blog about her childhood, her pets and that sort of thing. One day, on a girly whim, she wrote that she wanted to buy a banjo but that her husband, ever the “tyrant”, wouldn’t let her. Mena’s friends and family, knowing that “Ben is the sweetest guy in the world”, recognised the humour, says Ms Trott. But all sorts of strangers suddenly blogged back with angry feminist advice, advising her to get a separate bank account, to tell off her bullying husband, and even to leave him. Ms Trott was livid. “Why can’t people take a joke, and who are these people anyway?” she wondered.
故事要从五年前一篇关于班卓琴的博客文章说起。当时Mena Trott刚从大学英语专业毕业,与她的丈夫Ben一起住在旧金山。她的职业是一名设计师,但没多少活可干,就靠在网上写日记打发时光。那个名叫Dollarshort的博客记载了她的童年,她的宠物,等等不一而足。有一天,她突然萌生了一个孩子气的念头,就在日记中说她想买一把班卓琴,可她那位素来“专制”的丈夫不让她买。Trott女士说,她的亲朋好友都知道“Ben是世界上最可爱的小伙子”,所以一眼就看出来她这是在开玩笑。但是形形色色的陌生人却纷纷在她的博客中留言,愤怒地表示男女应该平等,有的建议她单独设立一个银行账户,有的让她教训一下她那横行霸道的丈夫,还有的甚至劝她离婚。Trott女士气不打一处来。她心想:“为什么人们看不出来这是玩笑呢?这都是些什么人呢?”

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[2007.6.14]Wealthy women: Sex and money

Wealthy women

Sex and money
Jun 14th 2007
From The Economist print edition

By 2020 over half of Britain’s millionaires may be female. Why?

IN APRIL this year, 92 females graced the Sunday Times Rich List, an annual round-up of Britain’s 1,000 wealthiest people. Ten years ago there were 64. And rich women are getting richer, too: over the decade the average worth of female millionaires has grown by more than half. Today Britain’s wealthiest woman has £4.9 billion ($9.6 billion) to her name, compared with the paltry £1.5 billion her counterpart had in 1997. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) reckons female millionaires will outnumber male ones by 2020, and by 2025 women will control 60% of the nation’s private wealth. They do better at school and in higher education, and they live longer. Girl power, it seems, never had it so good.
今年4月,92名女性登上《星期日泰晤士报》富豪排行榜,令这一汇集了英国1000名有钱人的年度排行熠熠生辉。十年前,上榜的女性有64位,而且有钱的女人也越来越有钱:十年来,女性富豪的平均财产增幅超过50%。如今英国最富有的女人名下拥有价值49亿英镑(96亿美元)的财产,而1997年最富有的女人仅有15亿英镑。据经济和商业研究中心(Centre for Economics and Business Research, CEBR)估测,到2020年女富豪人数将超越男富豪,而到2025年女富豪将控有全国私有财产的60%。这些女富豪上中、小学和大学期间表现都比较优秀,而且都是高寿。“女生们”的力量似乎从未如今天这般强大。

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[2008.02.21]In a fix 进退两难

In a fix

Feb 21st 2008 | HONG KONG
From The Economist print edition

Putting caps on prices is only a short-term solution

ACROSS Asia inflation is rising, largely because of higher food and energy prices. China’s inflation rate surged to an 11-year high of 7.1% in January and looks set to climb further this month, after some severe snow storms. India, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore all have inflation rates above 4%.

继续阅读“[2008.02.21]In a fix 进退两难”

[2007.12.22][Christmas Specials]Downstairs Upstairs

Christmas Specials


Downstairs Upstairs

Dec 19th 2007

Women have not escaped the kitchen; it has come after them


THESE days, nobody needs to cook. Families graze on cholesterol-sodden take-aways and microwaved ready-meals. Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs. Which makes it odd that, at the same time, the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house: what the great hall was to the medieval castle and the parlour was to the Victorian terrace, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.

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[2008.01.17] Snow place like home 冰天雪地 宾至如归

Antarctic science

Snow place like home
冰天雪地 宾至如归

Jan 17th 2008 | THE SOUTH POLE
From The Economist print edition

America’s new research station at the South Pole is officially opened

MOVING house is always traumatic, and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America’s old base at the South Pole. It was handed from person to person along a line of scientists and support staff like an egg being passed between penguins. Slowly, it made its way past the marker that represents the exact point of the Pole, and then on to its new staff outside the third incarnation of the Amundsen-Scott station that is the home of America’s scientific effort at the Pole. This new station, which formally opened for business on January 12th, took almost 20 years to design and build, and cost $174m. It will house researchers from fields as diverse as neutrino astronomy, cosmology, seismology and atmospheric physics.

继续阅读“[2008.01.17] Snow place like home 冰天雪地 宾至如归”

[2007.12.19]Birth, death and shopping 生死与“购”


Birth, death and shopping

Dec 19th 2007

The rise and fall of the shopping mall

THE Southdale shopping centre in Minnesota has an atrium, a food court, fountains and acres of parking. Its shops include a Dairy Queen, a Victoria’s Secret and a purveyor of comic T-shirts. It may not seem like a landmark, as important to architectural history as the Louvre or New York’s Woolworth Building. But it is. “Ohmigod!” chimes a group of teenage girls, on learning that they are standing in the world’s first true shopping mall. “That is the coolest thing anybody has said to us all day.”
坐落于明尼苏达州的南谷购物中心,拥有大型的核心店、美食广场、喷泉和宽广的停车场。其中点缀着诸如奶品皇后、维多利亚的秘密和无厘头风格T恤衫代理等品牌店面。它看上去不像是一座具有里程碑意义的历史性建筑,与卢浮宫和伍尔沃斯大厦比较更是相形见绌。但是,如果让一群妙龄少女得知矗立在她们面前的就是世界上首家正宗购物商城的话,她们不但会尖语“Oh,My God!”,而且还会告诉你“这是我们今天听到的最酷的事情!”

继续阅读“[2007.12.19]Birth, death and shopping 生死与“购””

[2008.01.03] How to live forever 长生不老 青春永驻

Abolishing ageing 阻止衰老

How to live forever
长生不老 青春永驻
Jan 3rd 2008 写于2008年1月3日
From The Economist print edition 译自:《经济学家》印刷版

It looks unlikely that medical science will abolish the process of ageing. But it no longer looks impossible     医学阻止衰老进程似乎是不太可能。但也看到了一丝希望。
Stephen Jeffrey斯蒂芬•杰佛里(图)

“IN THE long run,” as John Maynard Keynes observed, “we are all dead.” True. But can the short run be elongated in a way that makes the long run longer? And if so, how, and at what cost? People have dreamt of immortality since time immemorial. They have sought it since the first alchemist put an elixir of life on the same shopping list as a way to turn lead into gold. They have written about it in fiction, from Rider Haggard’s “She” to Frank Herbert’s “Dune”. And now, with the growth of biological knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within reach.

继续阅读“[2008.01.03] How to live forever 长生不老 青春永驻”

[2008.01.24]Salty shepherds 海上守护者



Salty shepherds


Jan 24th 2008 | SYDNEY
From The Economist print edition

A row between Australia and Japan



THE Southern Ocean is usually one of the world’s loneliest shipping lanes.This month it has turned into an unseemly battleground over a bid byAustralia’s government and various environmental groups to stop Japan huntingand slaughtering whales. Japan aims to kill more than 900 minke and 50 finwhales from a region bordering Antarctica by mid-April. It claims the hunt isfor scientific research; its critics say this is a brazen front for acommercial whale-meat harvest. As images of the protesters’ antics inflameanti-Japanese feeling in Australia, the clash is also threatening the stabilityof one of Australia’s strongest regional ties.


继续阅读“[2008.01.24]Salty shepherds 海上守护者”

[2006.09.21][China]Face value: China’s pied piper中国网络先锋

Face value

China’s pied piper
Sep 21st 2006
From The Economist print edition

Jack Ma is attracting a following among entrepreneurs in China and internet companies worldwide

ON A rainy weekend this month 10,000 businessmen, hobby traders and “netheads” gathered in Hangzhou, a pretty Chinese city near Shanghai, to talk about e-commerce. Most went to meet and swap tips with other online traders. All came to the “Alifest” to sit at the feet of Jack Ma, a pixie-sized, boyish 42-year-old who is the founder of Alibaba, an e-commerce firm, and is regarded as the godfather of the internet in China. In a country where businessmen are viewed with suspicion, his popularity is unusual. When he was invited recently to speak in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Mr Ma needed six bodyguards to escape a mob of online traders waiting outside to give him a hug.
继续阅读“[2006.09.21][China]Face value: China’s pied piper中国网络先锋”

[2007.3.8]Cancer screening: Seeing is not always relieving

Seeing is not always relieving

Mar 8th 2007
From The Economist print edition
Screening for lung cancer may do more harm than good

SOMETIMES you can know too much. The aim of screening healthy people for cancer is to discover tumours when they are small and treatable. It sounds laudable and often it is. But it sometimes leads to unnecessary treatment. The body has a battery of mechanisms for stopping small tumours from becoming large ones. Treating those that would have been suppressed anyway does no good and can often be harmful.

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