Paterfamilias Monty 先父蒙蒂

British military history

Paterfamilias Monty


Oct 22nd 2009
From The Economist print edition

Where the Hell Have You Been? Monty, Italy and One Man’s Incredible Escape. By Tom Carver. Short Books; 356 pages; £16.99. Buy from

    《你到底去了哪里?意大利、蒙蒂及其惊奇逃亡》。汤姆•卡弗著。肖特出版社。 356页。售价:16.99英镑。购买请登录

WHEN General Montgomery’s stepson Richard Carver was captured by the Afrika Korps two days after the battle of El Alamein in November 1942, he had every reason to be worried. If the Germans had established the family connection, he would have been sent to Colditz, with other prominent allied prisoners. Yet they never discovered the link, so instead he was sent to a prison camp in northern Italy, from where he and 600 other allied prisoners were released, minutes before the Wehrmacht arrived, by the commandant when Italy left the axis in September 1943.


Richard Carver’s gruelling three-month journey of over 400 miles (650km) on foot, from the prison north of Parma to the allied lines south of the Sangro river, forms the meat of this book written by his son, Tom, a former BBC correspondent. He had to dodge German pursuers, sleep in caves, rely on the hospitality (and courage) of Italian villagers, go hungry for days, sleep rough and trust his home-made compass to get him back to safety. When he was reunited with his stepfather over a year after he had gone missing, Monty’s first words were “Where the hell have you been?”


Yet this book is more than an adventure story: it is also a moving detective story about finding the locals who had helped and a poignant memoir of a taciturn war-hero father. Who would have guessed that the favourite limerick of that flinty, austere field-marshal would have been:


There was an old soldier from Lyme
Who married three wives at a time
When asked why the third
He said, one’s absurd
And bigamy, sir, is a crime.


“Radiate confidence,” Montgomery would tell his staff. “That’s the first duty of a top commander.” Yet it is evident that in private he could feel sadness, loneliness and worry. The letter he wrote his stepson after the death of his wife (and Richard’s mother) is raw in its pain.


Mr Carver has an arresting turn of phrase. He writes of a fellow prisoner “who had been the last man to make out of the [submarine’s] emergency hatch, leaving his companions to drown in the dark, oily water that sluiced greedily through the opening.” On the next page he notes how: “Occasionally, a prisoner would receive a letter from someone who was dead, like the light from a distant star that has since vanished.” The closest equivalent are the works of Eric Newby, who was held in the same prisoner-of-war camp as Richard Carver had been. Though the book is short, it is wonderfully readable.
    卡弗先生有一段意味深长的话。他写信给一位难友“最后一人打开[潜水艇]紧急舱门,让他的同伴离开黑暗,含油污水汹涌进舱门。”下一页写到:“偶尔,难友渴望收到一封已故的[那最后一人]的来信。那信就恍若是来自已经消亡的遥远恒星的星光”。同为战俘营难友的埃里克•纽比的经历与理查德•卡弗等量齐观。本书虽短,而可读性尤佳。  (这一节翻译得有点云里雾里,呵呵,等待高人取笑我)

“Paterfamilias Monty 先父蒙蒂”的6个回复

  1. 整篇文章翻译得都不好,那首诗尤其差。

    There was an old soldier from Lyme
    Who married three wives at a time
    When asked why the third
    He said, one’s absurd
    And bigamy, sir, is a crime.



  2. When asked why the third
    He said, one’s absurd
    And bigamy, sir, is a crime.这句的理解不准确。别人问他为什么娶三个老婆,他的回答是“娶一个老婆很可笑,娶两个又是犯了重婚罪,所以娶三个。”

  3. 本文译者文笔不错,但似乎对原文理解不准确,最后一段我试着翻译一下:

  4. 那首打油诗并不是出自这位曾经做过英国军队最高统帅的理查德•卡佛之手,而是他最喜爱的一首打油诗。

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