[2008.05.31] Goodbye to all that 尼泊尔挥别过去


Goodbye to all that

May 29th 2008 | KATHMANDU
From The Economist print edition

The abolition of the monarchy may be the easy part for Nepal’s government

Off with his crown!

AT 6.15pm the fountains were switched on. The water danced. The white-clad military band stood to attention. And waited. And waited. After 239 years of rule by the Shah royal dynasty, perhaps it was inevitable that the last few hours of waiting for the monarchy to be abolished and a republic set up should also be long and drawn-out. When the announcement came, it was greeted with cheers. Three bombs had gone off earlier in the day. Yet all things considered, the decision, momentous as it was, sparked neither bitter complaint nor intense celebration.
18 时15分,喷泉开启,水花跃舞。军乐队身着白色制服,肃立等待。时间一分一秒逝去。在经历了沙阿王朝239年的统治之后,废除王权、建立共和的最后时刻难 免会显得漫长而令人焦灼。公告发表之时,欢声雷动。此前,尼发生了三起爆炸案。尽管仪式的准备极尽周全,但这一历史性的时刻并未引发太大反响,民众既未哀 天怨地,亦未欢天喜地。

Perhaps the long period of violence and uncertainty beforehand had something to do with it. Nepal has seen a decade-long civil war; two postponed elections; a massacre of the royal family; the grabbing of absolute power by the king and the handing back of it again; and most recently, victory in elections by Maoist former guerrillas. Nepalis could be forgiven for being uncertain of what lies in store.

The country’s constituent assembly voted to abolish King Gyanendra’s house by 560 votes to 4. The king’s unpopularity, among assembly members and the ordinary Nepalis who elected them in April, was well earned. In 1990, his brother, King Birendra, bowed to popular demands and became a constitutional monarch, attaining respect and affection as a result.

When the Maoists began their insurrection in the western hills in 1996, getting rid of the crown was not on their agenda. Yet Gyanendra alienated supporters by grabbing dictatorial powers in 2005, only to be forced to hand them back again after a clumsy attempted crackdown turned peaceful protests into nationwide strikes. Most Nepalis believe—without any evidence—that Gyanendra and his unpopular playboy son, Paras, were involved in the royal massacre of 2001 when Crown Prince Dipendra killed his immediate family, several other relatives and himself.
1996年,毛派在尼西部山区起事之时,废黜王室并非其目标。然而贾南德拉在2005年独擅大权,并因此丧失了支持。此 后,贾南德拉曾试图镇压国内和平示威,却引起了全国范围的大罢工。迫于此,贾南德拉才重又交出权力。2001年尼王室发生血案,王储迪彭德拉在枪杀其父母 及多位亲属之后自杀身亡。虽无确凿证据,但尼多数民众认为贾南德拉及其浪荡子帕拉斯难脱其身。

The royal family was once revered as the reincarnation of Hindu gods. But the massacre undermined faith in the monarchy in general, and turned Nepalis against this king in particular. Before he ascended the throne, Gyanendra had been a successful businessman. He will be allowed to stay in Nepal and return to commerce. His palace will become a museum.

But for the man who engineered the king’s departure, tougher choices lie ahead. This is the leader of Nepal’s Maoists, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, better known as Prachanda, which means “awesome”. Prachanda has long said he would become the first president of a Nepalese republic. He stands on the brink of achieving that ambition. His problems start then.

The Maoists are the biggest party, but do not have a majority. Nepal is led by a fractious coalition, which the Maoists want to widen by including regional parties from the south and south-east. That may make managing the coalition trickier.

The abolition of the monarchy is a first step in a much wider reform. Laws and even customs deemed to go against the country’s status as a republic are to be repealed. Many politicians who supported Prachanda’s demand to abolish the monarchy will not necessarily back proposals for what should replace it. For example, the parties of the south and south-east want extensive regional autonomy. Prachanda seems unlikely to give it to them.

He will also have to get to grips with the aftermath of the civil war. The former royal army is 90,000-strong. Nepal also has 23,000 Maoist ex-combatants kicking their heels in temporary camps. The Maoists want to merge the two forces. The army’s high command is reluctant.

Then there are economic and social promises to fulfil. The Maoists want to push through land reform, emancipate the lower castes and seek foreign investment. With growth slowing, that would be hard enough by itself. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown—and the breast that sports a presidential sash.
译者: houyhnhnm    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11817

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