[2008.11.01] 世界经济:下一道防线财政政策

The economy

The next front is fiscal

Oct 30th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Interest-rate cuts are welcome; but as a global recession looms, the case for fiscal stimulus grows


THE good news is that the world seems to have dodged a catastrophic banking collapse. It is too early to know for sure-some emerging markets are in trouble and stockmarkets are behaving violently (see article). But interbank and commercial-paper markets suggest that the blind panic is abating.

The bad news is that the world economy is weakening fast. Across the globe falling asset prices, tighter credit and declining confidence have left firms and consumers unable or unwilling to spend and invest. In America consumer confidence has collapsed to its lowest-ever reading (see article). In Germany the Ifo index, a gauge of business confidence, has sunk to a five-year trough. Because the downturn is now global, it is harder for exports to make up for weak domestic demand. The odds of a long, nasty recession are growing. So, too, is the case for more government action to counter weak private demand.

The usual mechanism is through interest rates. Economic orthodoxy looks to central bankers to smooth demand, because short-term interest rates are easier to calibrate than tax and spending and are controlled by technocrats rather than politicians. America’s Federal Reserve cut its policy rate by a further half point, to 1%, on October 29th. Held back by fears of inflation, Europe’s central banks have cut much less-a timidity that ought to be abandoned now that the risk of inflation is evaporating: both the European Central Bank and the Bank of England should cut rates boldly at their meetings next week.
利率调控是常用的机制。经济正统学说指望央行来消除需求障碍,因为较之税收和财政支出,短期利率更易调控,且利率杠杆掌握在技术专家官员而非政客手中。10月29日,美联储将基准利率进一步下调0.5%,降至1% 。欧洲银行担心通货膨胀,因此削减利率的幅度要小很多;现在这种胆怯行为应被抛弃,因为通胀的风险正在消失。欧洲央行和英格兰银行应该在下周会晤时大胆削减利率。

But it would be a mistake to expect too much from rate cuts. The financial system’s stresses have made them less effective, as banks hoard cash and scale back lending. And in America, at least, short-term rates have little room to fall further. So the next policy front should be fiscal (see article).

When credit markets are dysfunctional, private demand is fading and confidence weak, a fiscal jolt is a good option. Cutting taxes puts extra cash straight into people’s pockets. By stepping up their own spending, governments can directly boost demand and employment. True, stimulus increases short-term government deficits-but the fiscal damage from a prolonged slump would be greater still, as Japan showed in the 1990s. With the private sector unwilling to spend and nervous investors clamouring for safe government bonds, there is little risk of crowding out private investment.
当信贷市场功能失常、私人需求日益缩小、公众信心不足之时,财政政策的突然改变不失为一个很好的选择。减税会直接让民众的收入增加。通过增加财政支出,政府可以直接推动需求和就业。诚然,财政刺激短期内会增加政府财政赤字,不过长期经济衰退所带来的财政损失巨大,正如90 年代的日本那样。私营部门不愿支出,同时紧张的投资者正在高声呼吁更为安全的政府债券,在这种情况下,私人投资被淘汰出局的风险并不高。

Some countries have more scope for fiscal stimulus than others. Many governments in emerging markets, especially those with big external deficits, will be limited by investors’ unwillingness to hold their debt. That is why Hungary tightened its budget this week. At the other extreme lies China-with huge foreign-exchange reserves, and a current-account and budget surplus. Within the rich world, countries such as Italy, with ageing populations and high debt burdens, have less room. So, too, do those with smaller, less liquid debt markets.

America has the greatest scope for short-term stimulus, despite running the world’s biggest current-account deficit. That is because dollars and Treasuries rank as safe havens nowadays. Also, because its taxes are lower and social-safety nets less generous, America has fewer “automatic stabilisers” than Europe, where spending on unemployment benefits automatically rises further in a downturn. America’s fiscal federalism tilts in the opposite direction: most states must run balanced budgets and so cut spending in hard times. It has already had a boost worth $168 billion or just over 1% of GDP (mainly through tax rebates). Sensibly, Congress is planning another, of 1-2% of GDP, soon after the election.
尽管经常项目下的赤字水平居于世界第一,但短期刺激政策在美国的作用余地仍然最大。因为美元和美国国库是当今世人公认的避风港。同时由于美国的税收较低、社会保障体系并不是那么慷慨大方,所以较之欧洲国家,他更缺乏”自动稳定器”;欧洲国家为失业人口提供的福利支出在经济处于停滞期的时候会进一步升高。美国的财政联邦制倾向相反的方向:大部分的州必须保持预算平衡,因此在困难时期需要削减开支。美国已经得到了价值1680亿美元的支持,这相当于略多于GDP的 1%(主要是通过退税获得)。美国国会很明智,正计划在大选之后将该支持提高到GDP的1%-2%。

Europe, too, may need a fiscal stimulus before long. Spain already has a package; Germany is considering one. Britain’s Chancellor, Alistair Darling, paved the way on October 29th by scrapping the government’s old fiscal rules (see article). The next day, Japan unveiled a ¥5 trillion ($51 billion) package, much of it supposed to go directly to families and small firms.

Let’s get fiscal

A stimulus should be timely, targeted and ideally contain credible plans for long-term fiscal health. But there are no magic recipes. Tax cuts get cash to consumers, but people may choose to save the money or spend it on imports. Government spending, say on infrastructure, might have lasting benefits, but it has a long lead time and is often wasted. Help for particular groups, such as homeowners or car firms, has political appeal and, for over-indebted homeowners, an economic logic. But, in general, helping a specific industry is a bad idea.

The scale and mix of a stimulus will differ by country. In America federal aid to the states makes a lot of sense. In Europe a cut in value-added taxes would be good. China should boost social spending. So far, governments have courageously fended off financial catastrophe. The darkening outlook means that they may soon have to show fiscal courage too.

译者:Tidehunter   http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15172&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.11.01] 世界经济:下一道防线财政政策”的5个回复

  1. China should spend more money for the high education student,for example:postgraduate,doctor;
    The contry should not let a doctor is broken ,when his peers has home and child;
    Wish the leaders pay more attention on us!

  2. 楼上的估计是位不得志的博士生,或者医生?



  3. China should spend more money on social security and science and research.To boost social security can stable the society,making people less worried
    about their future,spend more on life needs and enthusiasm.And to boost science and research spending is the way to update the structure of
    our economy,which can benefits our comprehensive national strength.
    Sadly,now people especially internet users have less and less confidence about the future of their motherland and themselves’.Hu and Wen are doing
    something,and they have more to do.

  4. It’s not sensible that every time the growth productivity seems to down,the government begin to
    stimulus the economy by large investment.what matters is that people are willing to consume. So
    why goverment donot try to establish social-safty system,pension funds,educational system,medical
    system ……


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