[2008.07.26] 新美国小说:黑夜里的老狗

New American fiction

A dog in the night-time

Jul 24th 2008
From The Economist print edition

PAUL AUSTER’S new novel is a curious jeu d’esprit-though the jeu isn’t much fun and the esprit is pretty gloomy. “I am alone in the dark,” it begins, “turning the world around in my head as I struggle through another bout of insomnia, another white night in the great American wilderness.” The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya. Brill is kept awake by the memory of his loving but troubled marriage to Sonia, who is now dead. The girls in the house have troubles of their own, too, particularly Katya, whose boyfriend was recently killed in Iraq.

Brill and Katya spend all day watching films. At night, to keep his mind off Sonia, Brill tells himself stories-or rather, one tale in particular, which he develops in several instalments. This second storyline opens up a parallel world. It concerns a young man, Owen Brick, who wakes up one day to find his familiar world strangely unfamiliar and his formerly peaceful country in the middle of a bloody civil war. Brick is able to distinguish between his two worlds, and to move between them. Against his will, he is recruited to assassinate the man responsible for the conflict: an elderly book reviewer living in Vermont who tells himself a war story at night when he can’t sleep. Brill puts an end to this slightly goofy parallel-worlds device when he abruptly kills off Brick before Brick does for him.

Meanwhile, the conversations between Brill and Katya turn from films to the ups and downs of Brill’s marriage to Sonia. “You’re one tough cookie, kid,” Katya tells him. “No, I’m not,” he replies. “I’m a big soft jelly doughnut.” The novel is a bit of a tough-cookie/jelly-doughnut hybrid too. Unfortunately, the author’s big political themes-the self-consciously “timely” meditation on an America at odds with itself, and the madness of war-lack crunch, while his family dramas are, as Brill puts it, “all ooze and mush”. Mr Auster is a fine writer, but this is not his best work.
同时,布瑞尔和卡蒂亚交谈的主题也从电影转移到了他和索尼亚的婚姻转折点上。卡蒂亚对他说:”大男孩,你肯定是天底下最难啃的窝窝头。””不,我不是,” 他回答说,”我是个又大又松软的果冻甜甜圈。”这本小说也有点硬窝窝头和软甜甜圈搀杂的味道。遗憾的是,当家庭戏”熬成一锅粥”时(布瑞尔这么形容),作者重大的政治主题–适时地反思造成美国内部冲突的原因,思索战争的疯狂–却显得缺乏挖掘。奥斯特尔是个出色的作家,但这本书不是他最好的作品。

Book details:

Man in the Dark
By Paul Auster

Henry Holt; 192 pages; $23. Faber and Faber; £14.99

译者:tiannale   http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12930&extra=page%3D1

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