[2008.06.14] High-speed escape 古巴偷渡热潮


High-speed escape

Jun 12th 2008 | MIAMI
From The Economist print edition

Greater optimism at home has not stopped the exodus to the United States

WITH Fidel Castro formally out of office and some signs of greater optimism among Cuba’s citizens about the possibility of social and economic change, you might expect fewer people to risk their lives by seeking to escape the island by sea.

Not so, apparently. The number of Cubans trying to smuggle their way into America is the highest it has been for more than a decade. The United States Coast Guard says that over the past eight months 3,846 Cubans have made the trip-a 7.5% increase on last year’s already high figure for the same period. Of these, around 40% (1,577) were intercepted at sea, an increase of more than a quarter. In the whole of the last (American) financial year, ending in September, 7,693 sought to flee to the United States, more than half of whom managed to avoid detection. But 3,197 were intercepted at sea, the highest number since the “rafter crisis” of 1994, when 37,000 were caught.
然而,现实显然并非如此。设法逃往美国的古巴人数量创十多年新高。美国海岸警卫队表示:在过去八个月中,有3846位古巴人偷渡美国–在去年同期已很高的数字基础上又增加了7.5%。其中约有40% 的偷渡人员(1577人)在海上被拦截,比上年增长了25%以上。在上一(美国)财政年度(截至9月)中,有7693人试图偷渡到美国。其中半数以上未被察觉,但仍有3197人在海上被拦截,这是美国自1994年”筏夫危机”–当时有3.7万人被捕–以来抓获偷渡人员数量最多的年度。

“There is sort of a silent exodus taking place from Cuba,” says Ramón Saul Sánchez, leader of Democracy Movement, a Miami-based Cuban advocacy group. Despite the transition of power from Fidel Castro to his brother, Raúl, many Cubans have little expectation of big changes on the island. American restrictions on travel and remittances to Cuba have added to their sense of desperation.
“大批偷渡人员似乎正在俏无声息地从古巴逃出,”民主运动(迈阿密的一个古巴促进会)的领导人Ramón Saul Sánchez说道。尽管古巴政权从菲德尔•卡斯特罗顺利过渡给其兄弟劳尔•卡斯特罗,许多古巴人对国内将会发生巨大变革并不抱有希望。美国对前往古巴旅行和汇款等事宜都有严格限制,此举更是加深了古巴民众的绝望之感。

Yet the spike in the number of Cubans seeking to leave may have as much to do with an increase in organised smuggling as with economic despair. In the past, Cubans made the crossing-just over 100 miles (160km) between Havana and Key West-in home-made rafts. These days, they travel in speed boats hired in Miami by relatives paying up to $10,000 a head for the trip.

Cubans have also discovered a new route to freedom, crossing the sea to Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, then making their way overland to the border with the United States. Under American law, these so-called “wet-foot, dry-foot” Cubans are allowed to stay if they make it to their objective. Those picked up at sea are nearly always repatriated.

Until recently, the trafficking of people was virtually ignored by American officials. But prosecutors in Miami have now begun to get tough. Over the past two months, 41 Cuban-Americans have been charged with attempting to smuggle hundreds of Cubans into Florida by boat. Investigators started to pay greater attention after several drownings cast an ugly spotlight on the trade. The Coast Guard says that 36 Cubans died at sea in April alone. In one incident last November, as many as 40 people from a single village in Cuba, including a dozen children, are believed to have died. Rear-Admiral David Kunkel, the Coast Guard’s district commander, recently appealed to Cuban exiles to “put the criminals who engage in human smuggling out of business by not using them”.
近来,美国官员事实上忽视了人口交易的非法活动。不过,迈阿密的检察官现在已开始采取强硬手段。在过去二个月中,有41位古巴裔美国人因用船偷运数百名古巴人进入佛罗里达未遂遭到起诉。在数起偷渡人员惨遭淹死事件幕后肮脏的交易被曝光之后,调查人员开始给予了极大关注。海岸警卫队表示仅在4月份就有36名古巴人死于海上。在去年11月份的一次事故中,从古巴一个小村庄偷渡的40多人(包括10来名小孩)据信已死。海岸警卫队的区司令员海军少将大卫•昆柯尔(David Kunkel)最近向那些背井离乡的古巴人竭力呼吁,”不要雇佣参与偷运事务的罪犯,让他们失业”。

In an attempt to stem the flow, America’s State Department has accelerated its visa procedures for Cubans seeking to be reunited legally with their families in the United States. But the escalation in smuggling has had one positive outcome: American and Cuban coast-guard officials are now co-operating to try to stop the trade-one of the very few areas where the two countries do work together. “It really is in no one’s interest to let this continue,” said one American official.

译者:captain21   http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12164&pid=76113&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid76113


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