[2008.06.07] Summer of discontent 韩国牛肉风波

South Korea

Summer of discontent

Jun 5th 2008 | SEOUL
From The Economist print edition
2008年6月5日 首尔

President Lee Myung-bak’s first 100 days have not gone according to plan

THERE was little to celebrate as South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak, marked his hundredth day in office this week. The president’s approval rating is 21%, a fall of 31 points since his inauguration, according to Gallup, a pollster. Month-long protests against a decision to resume imports of American beef have grown in size and intensity. Many of the tens of thousands of people who gather nightly outside Seoul’s City Hall call for Mr Lee’s resignation.
在本周韩国总统李明博就职百天纪念日中,几乎没有任何事情值得庆 祝。根据民意测验机构Gallup的调查显示,总统当前的支持率是21%,自就职以来下降了31个百分点。对李明博政府恢复美国牛肉进口的决定,民众长达 一月的抗议活动在规模和强度上都已有所增长。成千上万的示威者每夜聚集在首尔市政厅外部要求总统辞职。

The president’s aides and his own right-wing Grand National Party confess they are worried about rising public discontent. Dong A, a conservative newspaper, marked Mr Lee’s 100 days in office with a picture of summer storm-clouds louring over the Blue House, the office and residence of the president.
李明博总统的助手和其领导的右翼大国家党(Grand National Party)坦言,对民众日渐上升的不满活动深表忧虑。保守报纸《东亚日报》(Dong A)以一张夏季暴风密云笼罩青瓦台的图片纪念总统就职百天。青瓦台是总统的办公场所和官邸。

Mr Lee has only himself to blame for his abrupt fall from grace. Since his landslide victory in December, he has adopted an imperial style of leadership reminiscent of his days as chief executive of various arms of Hyundai, a conglomerate. Ignoring calls from many in South Korea for a more conciliatory style, he has pushed a controversial scheme to construct a system of canals. He has alienated civil servants by publicly berating them and threatening to cull their numbers in the interests of efficiency. And he has told state-run corporations they will be privatised, replacing many of their bosses with his loyalists.
李 明博总统的意外“失宠”要归结于其本人的自作自受。自12月以压倒之势赢得胜利后,李明博采取了帝王式的领导风范管理国家,这令人想起他在担任现代集团 (Hyundai)的行政总裁,掌管各部各门的岁月。对韩国多数民众的呼吁置之不理,李明博总统已在敦促实施一份争议不断的修建大运河的方案。通过公开批 评公务人员,李明博疏远了他们。为提高行政效率,李明博威胁裁减公务人员数量。此外,他还告诉国营企业将被私有化,用忠诚可靠的跟班来替换多家国营企业老 板。

In an effort to repair frayed ties with America, Mr Lee agreed in April to lift a ban on imports of American beef, which were suspended in 2003 after the discovery of mad-cow disease among cattle. South Koreans reacted furiously to the move. Housewives, pensioners, businessmen and students took to the streets in protest. Mr Lee was initially dismissive. His police chief warned protesters they needed a permit and would be arrested. That served only to fuel public anger.
在 发现美国疯牛病病例后,韩国曾于2003年暂停从美国进口牛肉。为改善同美国的紧张关系,李明博总统在4月份同意解除了限制进口美国牛肉的禁令。韩国民众 对此做出了愤怒反应。主妇、退休人员、商人和学生上街游行示威。李明博总统最初不以为然。总统的警察局长警告示威者需要持有许可证并可能被逮捕。这一表态 更是激起民愤。

This week a contrite Mr Lee said he would listen to the public’s concerns. The Blue House has dropped hints of a cabinet shuffle. Among those expected to be replaced is the agriculture minister. Even Mr Lee’s own party wants his decision-making to become more transparent. But none of South Korea’s political parties seems to be trusted by a public concerned about rising prices and the uncertain economic outlook. The main opposition United Democratic Party has yet to recover electoral support after suffering devastating losses in April’s parliamentary elections. Even a UDP spokesman puts the party’s approval rating at less than 20%.
本周,深表懊悔的李明博总统表示将会听取民众所关心的问题。青瓦台改组内阁 的迹象已不复存在。在内阁成员中,预计将要替换的官员是农业部长。即便是李明博总统领导的政党想要他本人的决策变得更为透明。不过,由于担忧日渐上涨的物 价水平和尚不明朗的经济前景,公众对韩国多数政党似乎并不信任。主要反对党统合民主党(United Democratic Party)自4月份在议会选举中遭受惨重损失后,尚未重获选民的支持。连统合民主党的一位发言人都认为该党的支持率不到20%。

Meanwhile America is expressing frustration at what it sees as its ally’s unfounded fear of its beef. This week South Korea’s government said it wanted to renegotiate the beef-import agreement. A Gallup poll found that 81% of Koreans support for this. But Mr Lee has much else to do to reclaim confidence in his leadership, and dispel the clouds gathering over the Blue House.
与此同时,在看到韩国盟友对进口美国牛肉显露出毫无理由的恐惧时,美国正表示失望。韩国政府本周表 示想要重新商定牛肉进口协议。民意测验机构Gallup调查发现,有81%的韩国民众对此表示支持。不过,要重获民众对其领导能力的信心和驱散青瓦台上空 的密布阴云,李明博总统需要做的事情还很多,需要走的路还很长。

译者:captain21 http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11934&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.06.07] Summer of discontent 韩国牛肉风波”的5个回复

  1. 好好的汉字为什么都要弄成粗体呢?

  2. 嗯 我说的就是正文的汉字 三号字体会不会有点大 。。。
    ps:非常喜欢这个网站,继续努力 🙂

  3. 反正我都按自己喜欢的字体和大小重新打印下来看。。。
    有了这个网,省得我查字典啦,现在连书都不愿意买了= =省得老把书注得一塌糊涂

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