Regenerative medicine
Hair today, hair tomorrow
Jun 5th 2008
From The Economist print edition
A cure for baldness
THE success of Silvio Berlusconi’s hair transplant, four years ago, relied on the fact that the septuagenarian prime minister had enough of a thatch on the back of his head to enable some of it to be transferred to his thinning top. Although hair transplants have advanced to the stage where they are virtually undetectable (no more plugs of hair), they still rely on moving hairs from one place to another. So, though hairlines such as Mr Berlusconi’s can be thickened up, or even straightened, there may well not be enough material available to lower a hairline to its former, youthful level.
四年前,西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼的头发移植获得成功,这次成 功靠的是这位古稀之年的意大利总理脑后的一块够浓密的头发,使之能移植到其稀疏的头顶上。虽然头发移植技术已经发展到使种植的毛发外观自然(与周围的头发 无区别),但该技术仍然要靠从一皮瓣到另一条皮瓣置换。因此,虽然象贝鲁斯科尼那样的发际线能变粗,甚至变直,但很可能没有足够可获移植的自体头发使得他 的发际线低到其以前年轻时的水平。

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