[2008.05.10]Economics focus: A tale of two worlds 冰火两重天

Economics focus

A tale of two worlds


May 8th 2008
From The Economist print edition

If emerging economies diverge from America’s, monetary policy also needs to break free

POLICYMAKERS in Washington and London have been losing sleep over the risks of financial meltdown and recession. In sharp contrast, the biggest worry in Beijing, Moscow and other emerging-market capitals is rising inflation. China’s inflation rate has jumped to 8.3% from 2.2% in early 2007; Russia’s is running at 13.3% (see left-hand chart). HSBC forecasts that the average inflation rate in emerging economies will rise to 6.6% this year, its highest in ten years.
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[2007.2.8]Private equity:The uneasy crown 私募股本:不安的国王

 Private equity

The uneasy crown

From The Economist print edition

The buy-out business is booming, but capitalism’s new kings are attracting growing criticism

HEROD was not the monarch this newspaper had in mind when in 2004 it proclaimed the leaders of the private-equity industry the “new kings of capitalism”. It was Louis XIV perhaps—the sort of ruler whose kingdom grew rapidly in size, power and reputation, just as private-equity firms have done.

继续阅读“[2007.2.8]Private equity:The uneasy crown 私募股本:不安的国王”

[2007.03.22]Buttonwood-What’s it all about, Alpha ?是阿尔法么?

What’s it all about, alpha?
Mar 22nd 2007
From The Economist print edition

Demystifying fund managers’ returns

TOO many notes. That’s what Emperor Joseph II famously said to Mozart on seeing his opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. But surely to think of a musical work as just a series of notes is to miss the magic.
约瑟二世看完<费加罗德婚礼>后赞道”实在太多音符了”-他把音乐巨作当作一堆音符来欣赏。Could the same be said about fund management? It is the fashion these days to separate beta (the systematic return delivered by the market) from alpha (the manager’s skill). Investors are happy to pay high fees for the skill, but regard the market return as a commodity. Distinguishing the two is, however, difficult.

继续阅读“[2007.03.22]Buttonwood-What’s it all about, Alpha ?是阿尔法么?”

[2007.01.25]Hedge funds-Lifting the lid 对冲基金-揭开面纱

Hedge funds

Lifting the lid揭开面纱

Jan 25th 2007
From The Economist print edition

A battle is on for the spoils as secretive funds go public

BACK in the 17th and 18th centuries, Britain and the Netherlands fought for control of trade routes across the high seas. Today a more genteel contest is taking place across the English Channel, but the potential booty is also lucrative. Stock exchanges are vying to attract public listings from alternative investment funds, including private-equity and hedge funds. Hitherto these were accessible mostly to very rich individuals and institutions. Now anyone can take a punt.

十七、十八世纪英国和荷兰争夺公海贸易航线控制权,今天海峡两岸进行着一场文明的竞争,战利品依旧诱人。证券交易所争相吸引包括私募股本以及对冲基金在内的另类投资基金挂牌。以前这些投资只有超级富翁和机构投资者才能参与,而现在任何人都可以玩上一把了。 继续阅读“[2007.01.25]Hedge funds-Lifting the lid 对冲基金-揭开面纱”

[2008.02.21]In a fix 进退两难

In a fix

Feb 21st 2008 | HONG KONG
From The Economist print edition

Putting caps on prices is only a short-term solution

ACROSS Asia inflation is rising, largely because of higher food and energy prices. China’s inflation rate surged to an 11-year high of 7.1% in January and looks set to climb further this month, after some severe snow storms. India, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore all have inflation rates above 4%.

继续阅读“[2008.02.21]In a fix 进退两难”

[2008.01.31]China’s fear of inflation闻“胀”色变

China’s fear of inflation
Jan  31st 2008
From the Economist Intelligence Unit ViewsWire

Efforts to cool the economy may undo crucial reforms进退维谷!

Faced with rising consumer prices and signs of runaway growth, the Chinese Communist Party in November issued a strongly worded statement vowing to stem inflation and slow investment. At the time market players paid scant attention to it. But as the State Council’s increasingly stringent policies show no signs of letting up even in the face of global financial turmoil, players in China’s property and equity markets are at last waking up to the harsher reality. In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally exuberant highs. Chinese policymakers, however, should be careful of what they wish for. Falling asset prices could bring back an old problem that many thought had been conquered: bad debts in the banking system. Meanwhile, inflation is reviving throwback elements of state economic planning.

继续阅读“[2008.01.31]China’s fear of inflation闻“胀”色变”