Football clubs
We won, so let’s make it worse
May 22nd 2008
From The Economist print edition
A tale of globalisation and its malcontents
ENGLISH hearts, you would think, are swelling with pride. In Moscow on May 21st for the first time two English teams faced each other in the final of the Champions League, a football competition that pits 32 of the best teams across Europe against each other. Manchester United prevailed over Chelsea, as the rest of the continent looked on.

Ronaldo: not English, but great
This was no one-off fluke but the latest indicator of the growing dominance of England’s Premier League, once a poor cousin of Spain’s La Liga, Italy’s Serie A and Germany’s Bundesliga. Each of its big four clubs—Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United—has reached at least one Champions League final in the past four years.
英国球队双双杀进决赛并不是一时的巧合,而是近年来英格兰超级联赛逐渐领跑于欧洲的标志。曾几何时,英超只是西甲、意甲与德甲的小弟弟;而最近四年中,英超中的四支劲旅(阿森纳,切尔西,利物浦和曼联)都曾至少一次跻身欧冠的决赛赛场。 继续阅读“[2008.05.22] We won, so let’s make it worse 赢得了冠军,输了啥?”