[2008.05.31] A political soap-opera, continued 乌克兰政治闹剧继续

Ukraine’s government

A political soap-opera, continued

May 29th 2008 | KIEV
From The Economist print edition

The politicians fight among themselves, and liberalising reforms cease

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[2008.05.31] The European Union and Russia 合作绝非坦途

The European Union and Russia

Uneasy partnership

May 29th 2008 | BRUSSELS
From The Economist print edition

The European Union has agreed on what it wants from Russia. But not how fast

继续阅读“[2008.05.31] The European Union and Russia 合作绝非坦途”

[2008.05.22] Whether or when to cut 德国税收热议

Germany’s tax debate

Whether or when to cut

May 22nd 2008 | BERLIN
From The Economist print edition

An argument about tax cuts causes divisions within as well as between parties

GERMANY’S grand coalition is supposedly a union of the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and their left-leaning foes, the Social Democrats (SPD). Lately, it has been more like an irascible marriage between those who wish to cut taxes fast and those who do not. Most CDU deputies in the Bundestag want tax cuts. The SPD chief, Kurt Beck, even says his party will cook up cuts of its own. But barring the way are the CDU chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the SPD finance minister, Peer Steinbrück. They want to keep a promise to balance the federal budget by 2011. Tax cuts in this parliament? “Not while I’m around,” growls Mr Steinbrück.
德国的大联合政府一般认为是中间偏右的基督教民主联盟(CDU)和他们的左派对手社会民主党(SPD)的联合。但最近,这 个政府变得更像是减税支持者和反对减税者之间暴躁的联姻。众议院的大部分CDU成员希望减税。SPD领导科特贝克甚至说要设计他们自己的减税方案。但是挡 在他们前面的是CDU成员首相安吉拉默克尔,和SPD成员财政部长施泰因布吕克。他们想在2011年之前恪守平衡联邦预算的承诺。在这届议会减税?“只要 我在就别想,”施泰因布吕克吼道。
继续阅读“[2008.05.22] Whether or when to cut 德国税收热议”

[2008.05.22]Parlez-vous SMS? 法语短信你懂吗?

Txt msgng in Frnc

Parlez-vous SMS?

May 22nd 2008 | PARIS
From The Economist print edition

A new threat to the French language

THE baccalauréat exam season approaches, and with it ritual agonising over the standard of French spelling. These days, fingers are pointed not only at progressive teaching, the decline of the dictée or the legacy of May 1968. The new culprit is text-messaging.
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[2008.05.22] We won, so let’s make it worse 赢得了冠军,输了啥?

Football clubs

We won, so let’s make it worse

May 22nd 2008
From The Economist print edition

A tale of globalisation and its malcontents

ENGLISH hearts, you would think, are swelling with pride. In Moscow on May 21st for the first time two English teams faced each other in the final of the Champions League, a football competition that pits 32 of the best teams across Europe against each other. Manchester United prevailed over Chelsea, as the rest of the continent looked on.

Ronaldo: not English, but great

This was no one-off fluke but the latest indicator of the growing dominance of England’s Premier League, once a poor cousin of Spain’s La Liga, Italy’s Serie A and Germany’s Bundesliga. Each of its big four clubs—Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United—has reached at least one Champions League final in the past four years.
继续阅读“[2008.05.22] We won, so let’s make it worse 赢得了冠军,输了啥?”

[2008.05.17]Purchasing-power disparity 购买力悬殊

France’s cost of living

Purchasing-power disparity

May 15th 2008 | PARIS
2008年05月15日 巴黎
From The Economist print edition

French shoppers want lower prices, but not more competition

THAT coffee or cornflakes are cheaper in a German supermarket than a French one is bad enough. That French-owned products, such as Danone yogurt, Vittel water or Riches Monts cheese, are too is an affront. A basket of identical items costs 30% more in France, says a study by La Tribune, a daily.
在德国超市销售的咖啡或玉米片都要比法国超市的更为便宜,这对法国人来说真是糟糕透顶。而法国自家企业生产的产品,例如达能酸奶,维特尔矿泉水或者 Riches Monts奶酪,在德国超市的销售价格也要远远便宜于国内超市,这实在令民众恼怒不堪。据《法国论坛报》的调研显示,同样一篮商品,在法国需要多花费 30%。

继续阅读“[2008.05.17]Purchasing-power disparity 购买力悬殊”

[2007.6.14]Wealthy women: Sex and money

Wealthy women

Sex and money
Jun 14th 2007
From The Economist print edition

By 2020 over half of Britain’s millionaires may be female. Why?

IN APRIL this year, 92 females graced the Sunday Times Rich List, an annual round-up of Britain’s 1,000 wealthiest people. Ten years ago there were 64. And rich women are getting richer, too: over the decade the average worth of female millionaires has grown by more than half. Today Britain’s wealthiest woman has £4.9 billion ($9.6 billion) to her name, compared with the paltry £1.5 billion her counterpart had in 1997. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) reckons female millionaires will outnumber male ones by 2020, and by 2025 women will control 60% of the nation’s private wealth. They do better at school and in higher education, and they live longer. Girl power, it seems, never had it so good.
今年4月,92名女性登上《星期日泰晤士报》富豪排行榜,令这一汇集了英国1000名有钱人的年度排行熠熠生辉。十年前,上榜的女性有64位,而且有钱的女人也越来越有钱:十年来,女性富豪的平均财产增幅超过50%。如今英国最富有的女人名下拥有价值49亿英镑(96亿美元)的财产,而1997年最富有的女人仅有15亿英镑。据经济和商业研究中心(Centre for Economics and Business Research, CEBR)估测,到2020年女富豪人数将超越男富豪,而到2025年女富豪将控有全国私有财产的60%。这些女富豪上中、小学和大学期间表现都比较优秀,而且都是高寿。“女生们”的力量似乎从未如今天这般强大。

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