[2007.07.05] Europe’s Railways – A high-speed revolution

Europe’s railways
A high-speed revolution

From The Economist print edition

European railways form an alliance to promote swifter international travel

AS THE fastest train in Europe reaches its top speed of 320kph (200mph) the glasses of wine on the bar barely wobble. Champagne country is a blur as the train tears along Europe’s newest high-speed line—the first to link France and Germany. France’s Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV) can now travel between Stuttgart and Paris in only three hours 40 minutes instead of six hours. The latest generation of Germany’s Inter-City Express (ICE) trains has similarly shrunk the journey time between Frankfurt and Paris.

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[2007.08.01]Rupert gets his trophy默多克胜了

Rupert gets his trophy

Aug 1st 2007 | NEW YORK
From Economist.com

Rupert Murdoch has won Dow Jones, demonstrating his dealmaking prowess

NEWS reports suggested that the result was in doubt right up to the end, but Rupert Murdoch’s admirers were certain that he would prevail. “Rupert doesn’t ask questions to which he doesn’t already know the answer,” says one fellow media mogul. So when Mr Murdoch’s News Corporation offered in April to buy Dow Jones, the owner of the Wall Street Journal, he was already pretty sure that the reply, which eventually came in the early hours of Wednesday August 1st, would be yes—and it was.

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[2006.12.13][business] Anti-corruption measures: Too little, too late?

Anti-corruption measures
Too little, too late?

Dec 13th 2006 | FRANKFURT
From The Economist print edition

Siemens belatedly wakes up to reputation risk

IT IS a dense, dramatic account of police raids, arrests and the investigation into allegations that at least euro200m ($265m) was siphoned out of secret bank accounts in Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland. A page-turning airport thriller? No, the 20-F filing submitted by Siemens, a German conglomerate, to the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC on December 11th. At the same time, the firm restated its earnings to take account of uncertainties over transactions being investigated by state prosecutors in at least three countries.

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[2006.11.23]Face value:The universal diarist风靡全球的日记作者

The universal diarist

Nov 23rd 2006
From The Economist print edition

Mena Trott of Six Apart is at the forefront of the shift from mass media to “intimate media”
Six Apart公司的Mena Trott正在引领大众传媒走向“私人传媒”。

IT ALL began five years ago with a blog entry about a banjo. Mena Trott had recently graduated as an English major from college and, at 23, was living as an under-employed designer with her husband Ben in San Francisco, passing her time by keeping a personal online diary. Called Dollarshort, it was a blog about her childhood, her pets and that sort of thing. One day, on a girly whim, she wrote that she wanted to buy a banjo but that her husband, ever the “tyrant”, wouldn’t let her. Mena’s friends and family, knowing that “Ben is the sweetest guy in the world”, recognised the humour, says Ms Trott. But all sorts of strangers suddenly blogged back with angry feminist advice, advising her to get a separate bank account, to tell off her bullying husband, and even to leave him. Ms Trott was livid. “Why can’t people take a joke, and who are these people anyway?” she wondered.
故事要从五年前一篇关于班卓琴的博客文章说起。当时Mena Trott刚从大学英语专业毕业,与她的丈夫Ben一起住在旧金山。她的职业是一名设计师,但没多少活可干,就靠在网上写日记打发时光。那个名叫Dollarshort的博客记载了她的童年,她的宠物,等等不一而足。有一天,她突然萌生了一个孩子气的念头,就在日记中说她想买一把班卓琴,可她那位素来“专制”的丈夫不让她买。Trott女士说,她的亲朋好友都知道“Ben是世界上最可爱的小伙子”,所以一眼就看出来她这是在开玩笑。但是形形色色的陌生人却纷纷在她的博客中留言,愤怒地表示男女应该平等,有的建议她单独设立一个银行账户,有的让她教训一下她那横行霸道的丈夫,还有的甚至劝她离婚。Trott女士气不打一处来。她心想:“为什么人们看不出来这是玩笑呢?这都是些什么人呢?”

继续阅读“[2006.11.23]Face value:The universal diarist风靡全球的日记作者”

[2006.09.21][China]Face value: China’s pied piper中国网络先锋

Face value

China’s pied piper
Sep 21st 2006
From The Economist print edition

Jack Ma is attracting a following among entrepreneurs in China and internet companies worldwide

ON A rainy weekend this month 10,000 businessmen, hobby traders and “netheads” gathered in Hangzhou, a pretty Chinese city near Shanghai, to talk about e-commerce. Most went to meet and swap tips with other online traders. All came to the “Alifest” to sit at the feet of Jack Ma, a pixie-sized, boyish 42-year-old who is the founder of Alibaba, an e-commerce firm, and is regarded as the godfather of the internet in China. In a country where businessmen are viewed with suspicion, his popularity is unusual. When he was invited recently to speak in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, Mr Ma needed six bodyguards to escape a mob of online traders waiting outside to give him a hug.
继续阅读“[2006.09.21][China]Face value: China’s pied piper中国网络先锋”

[2006.09.09] Fear of flying:Welcome aboard

Fear of flying飞行恐惧

Welcome aboard
Sep 7th 2006
From The Economist print edition

In-flight announcements are not entirely truthful. What might an honest one sound like? 


“GOOD morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are delighted to welcome you aboard Veritas Airways, the airline that tells it like it is. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your tray-table is stowed. At Veritas Airways, your safety is our first priority. Actually, that is not quite true: if it were, our seats would be rear-facing, like those in military aircraft, since they are safer in the event of an emergency landing. But then hardly anybody would buy our tickets and we would go bust.


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