Carrots dressed as sticks 披着大棒外衣的胡萝卜政策

Designing rewards
Carrots dressed as sticks
Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition
An experiment on economic incentives
PEOPLE are contrary creatures. A man may say he would not pay more than $5 for a coffee mug. But if he is told that the mug is his, and asked immediately afterwards how much he would be willing to sell it for, he typically holds out for more. Possession, it appears, lends things an added allure.

This makes little sense in the world of standard economic theory, where the value of something depends on what it is. But it can be explained by behavioural models in which the value people attach to objects is affected by what they already have, and people abhor losses more than they like equivalent gains.

In a new paper Tanjim Hossain of the University of Toronto and John List of the University of Chicago explore a real-world use of these insights. The economists worked with the managers of a Chinese electronics factory, who were interested in exploring ways to make their employee-bonus scheme more effective. Most might have recommended changes to the amounts of money on offer. But Mr Hossain and Mr List chose instead to concentrate on the wording of the letter informing workers of the details of the bonus scheme.

At the beginning of the week, some groups of workers were told that they would receive a bonus of 80 yuan ($12) at the end of the week if they met a given production target. Other groups were told that they had “provisionally” been awarded the same bonus, also due at the end of the week, but that they would “lose” it if their productivity fell short of the same threshold.

Objectively these are two ways of describing the same scheme. But under a theory of loss aversion, the second way of presenting the bonus should work better. Workers would think of the provisional bonus as theirs, and work harder to prevent it from being taken away.

This is just what the economists found. The fear of loss was a better motivator than the prospect of gain (which worked too, but less well). And the difference persisted over time: the results were not simply a consequence of workers’ misunderstanding of the system. Economists have always been advocates of using carrots and sticks. But they may not have emphasised appearances enough. Carrots, this research suggests, may work better if they can somehow be made to look like sticks.

Bahrain’s labour market巴林的劳动力市场

Bahrain’s labour market 巴林的劳动力市场

Bridging the gulf

Jan 14th 2010 | MANAMA
From The Economist print edition
One country in the Gulf tries to wean itself off foreign workers

THE newly opened Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, is a monument to Dubai’s audacity. It is also a stark illustration of its dependence on foreign labour. Designed by an American, overseen by a New Zealander and built by mostly South Asian labourers, the 200-storey tower was the work of more than 100 nationalities. Indeed, 90% of the workforce in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is foreign. In neighbouring Qatar and Kuwait, the figure is over 80%. Even in Saudi Arabia, which has more than 22m locals, foreigners fill almost half the country’s jobs.


Policymakers in the region fret about citizens who cannot find a government job and will not settle for private employment at the low wages foreigners accept. One observer likens the chasm in wages between Gulf nationals and poor migrants to the Mariana Trench. Rather than restrict expatriate hiring, governments typically respond by prodding companies to hire locals, imposing “Emiratisation” or “Saudisation” quotas. During the downturn the UAE and Saudi authorities instructed firms to fire foreigners first.


Gulf officials are therefore paying close attention to an experiment in Bahrain, an island kingdom where expatriates hold 80% of private-sector jobs. Since July 2008 the government has charged firms 200 Bahraini dinars ($530) for a work visa and ten dinars a month for every foreign employee on their payroll. Since August 2009 it has also allowed foreigners to quit their sponsoring employer, giving them four weeks to find a new job before they must leave Bahrain.


Since the levy came in the chasm in labour costs has begun to close, but at a geological pace at best (see chart). The gap narrowed from 252 dinars a month in the second quarter of 2008 to 225 in the third quarter of 2009. In September 159 workers switched employers; another 140 moved the next month, earning an extra 69 dinars a month on average. But these foreigners were already paid more than most.


Bahrain’s businessmen, some of whom double as policymakers, could not stop the levy but they did succeed in limiting it to a paltry ten dinars. In paying the tax, businessmen hoped to buy the freedom to hire foreigners as they saw fit. But because the levy is so low, the authorities cannot rely on it to stem the influx of foreign labour. So some businessmen complain that requests for visas are still subject to bureaucratic humming and hawing.


As well as making foreigners more expensive, the government is trying to make locals more employable. Of the roughly 90m dinars the levy raises in a year, 80% goes to Tamkeen, an agency dedicated to improving the productivity of Bahraini firms and workers, partly through cheap loans and training. It hopes to equip 19,000 lower-paid Bahrainis for better positions, training receptionists to also perform data-entry tasks, for example. Tamkeen will even pay a wage increment for local employees for the first year. Thanks to these sweeteners, one Bahraini publisher says he can now persuade his countrymen to do jobs previously confined to foreigners, such as delivering newspapers to subscribers (but only by car; motorbikes are still strictly for immigrants).


“Cheap labour is preventing investment in training and technology,” says Majeed Al Alawi, the minister for labour. “Therefore productivity is low, pay is low, and the private sector is not attractive to Bahrainis.” Bahrain hopes to build, storey by storey, a workforce that is worth the higher wages locals expect. As one policymaker told his Dubai counterpart: “It’s not how tall your building is; it’s what goes inside it that matters.”


A strand apart 双链分离

Cancer and stem cells

A strand apart

Jan 14th 2010 | SAN FRANCISCO
From The Economist print edition

More evidence that tumours, like healthy organs, grow from stem cells

THE notion that tumours are chaotic masses of anarchic cells has been falling by the wayside recently. Many researchers now think, by contrast, that cancers actually resemble normal, well-regulated organs in several important ways. One of these is that they are believed to have a small population of stem cells which keep them going when other cells die or are killed off. The existence of such cancer stem cells is still a matter of debate. But this week the discussion may have taken an important turn. Brid Ryan, Sharon Pine and Curtis Harris, of America’s National Cancer Institute, reported that some lung-cancer cells do, indeed, seem to behave like stem cells during the process of cell division.


Unlike normal cells, stem cells can divide in two different ways. They may do so symmetrically, thereby producing identical daughter cells, each of which resembles the mother cell. Or they may do so asymmetrically, and give rise to two very different daughters. In such cases, one of the daughters is identical to the original stem cell, while the other takes on new characteristics and can then differentiate into whatever cell type the tissue it inhabits requires.


During asymmetrical divisions, some stem cells take an extra step to preserve the integrity of their DNA. Part of the process of cell division involves the duplication of a cell’s chromosomes, so that each daughter can have a full set of these strands of DNA. Instead of sending old and new chromosomes into the daughter cells at random, the dividing stem cell carefully shuttles all of its old chromosomes into the daughter that remains a stem cell. The newly synthesised DNA, which may contain errors, is put into the daughter that is destined to differentiate. That way, any mutations which have arisen during DNA replication will not affect the all-important stem cell population.


Until now, the main evidence supporting the cancer-stem-cell hypothesis has been the observation that many different types of tumour contain a small group of cells, identifiable by special types of protein found on their surfaces, that can form new tumours with high efficiency. (By contrast, the cells that comprise the bulk of most tumours lack these surface proteins and are poor at creating new tumours.)


Dr Ryan, Dr Pine and Dr Harris reasoned that if such cells really are stem cells then they should be able to undergo both symmetrical and asymmetrical divisions, just like the stem cells in healthy tissue. They looked in samples taken directly from patients with lung cancer, and also in lung-cancer cells from laboratory cultures. In both cases, when they grew the cells in the presence of a chemical that infiltrates newly synthesised DNA, they could see that the unlabelled template strands of DNA went into one daughter cell and the new strands went to the other. Moreover, the daughter that retained the old DNA also retained the cell-surface proteins that mark the putative cancer stem cells.


The team, who presented their results at a joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer in Coronado, California, this week, are now investigating whether their putative cancer stem cells are more resistant than run-of-the-mill cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiation, as research on other putative stem cells has suggested. What they do know is that when they grow these cells in culture, they can push them toward either asymmetrical or symmetrical division by controlling the density of cells and the amount of oxygen available. If they can find a similar way to control the cells’ fate in patients’ tumours, they may have opened a new avenue for cancer therapy.


The rarefied world of Chinese export porcelain

Eastern eyes

The rarefied world of Chinese export porcelain
Jan 13th 2010


THE West’s trade with China has been at the forefront of globalisation since the days of Marco Polo. Pieces of eight, minted out of South American silver, crossed the Pacific and were used up and down the coast of Asia. Indeed, interruptions in this silver trade ultimately helped bring on the collapse of the Ming dynasty in China in the early 17th century. Later exchanges of tea, spices and then opium served to enrich Western merchants, particularly from Britain.
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Tsutomu Yamaguchi 山口疆 经历过广岛、长崎两次原子核爆的幸存者


Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition

Tsutomu Yamaguchi, a double nuclear survivor, died on January 6th, aged 93


WHEN he had stopped crying, Tsutomu Yamaguchi would tell you why he called his book of poems “The Human Raft”. It had to do with the day he forgot to take his personal name-stamp to work, and had to get off the bus. Much was on his mind that morning. He had to pack his bags to leave Hiroshima after a three-month assignment as an engineer in the Mitsubishi shipyard; there were goodbyes to say at the office, then a 200-mile train journey back to Nagasaki to his wife Hisako and Katsutoshi, his baby son. He was slightly stressed when he got to his stop, still with half-an-hour’s walk ahead of him on a track that led through featureless potato fields. But it was a beautiful August day; the sky was clear, his spirits high. And then—readers will feel a tremor, but he felt none—he noticed an aircraft circling, and two parachutes dropping down.


The next thing he knew was a blaze of white magnesium light, and a huge ball of fire. He dived to the ground. The fireball, roaring upwards, sucked him up again and threw him, blinded, face-down into the mud of the potato field. He was two miles from the epicentre of the blast, in a rain of flaming scraps of paper and clothes. His upper body and half his face were badly burned, his hair gone and his eardrums ruptured. In this state, he made his way back to the devastated city to try to do what he had meant to do that day: catch the train. The river bridges were down. But one river was full of carbonised naked bodies of men, women, children, floating face-down “like blocks of wood”, and on these—part treading, part paddling—he got to the other side. His human raft.


At this point in his story he would weep uncontrollably. It was by no means the end of it. When he reached Nagasaki, barely pausing to get his burns dressed, he reported for work. His boss was sceptical: how could a single bomb have destroyed Hiroshima? Then the same white magnesium light blazed in the window, and Mr Yamaguchi was tossed to the ground again. A reinforced-steel stairwell saved him. His bandages were blown off, and he spent the next weeks curled round his raw wounds in a shelter, close to death. His house was destroyed, his wife and son saved for no reason he could see. But when schoolchildren later asked him, in awed respect, “What was the most terrible thing?”, his answer was not the dangling tongues and eyeballs, not the skin that hung off the bodies of the living “like giant gloves”—but the bridge of bodies on which he had crossed the river.


He talked about all this to Charles Pellegrino, an American writer, and Richard Lloyd Parry of the London Times. He told them that he hated the atom bomb because of “what it does to the dignity of human beings”. Walking into Hiroshima, he noticed that the bewildered crowds on the streets were mostly naked, limping children. They made no sound; indeed, no one made a sound. They were reduced—like him, as he was flung into the furrows of the potato field—to the level of mute sticks or leaves, tossed in the wind and burned, or used as floats.


Painting the Buddhas


Some argued that he was lucky. A deaf left ear and weak legs were the only after-effects until, late on, stomach cancer appeared. He worked as a translator, then a teacher, and eventually returned to Mitsubishi. But, as he wrote in 1969, he was not so sanguine inside.


Thinking of myself as a phoenix,
I cling on until now.
But how painful they have been,
those twenty-four years past.


His emotions mostly emerged in these tanka, or 31-syllable poems. He wrote hundreds, each one an ordeal. When he composed them, he would dream of the dead lying on the ground. One by one, they would get up and walk past him.


Carbonised bodies face-down in the nuclear wasteland
all the Buddhas died,
and never heard what killed them.


He published these poems himself in 2002, and they might have been his only testimony. But in 2005 his son Katsutoshi died of cancer at 59, killed by the radiation he had received as a baby. Mr Yamaguchi began to feel that fate had spared him to speak out against the horrors of nuclear weapons: in schools, in a documentary, in a letter to Barack Obama and even, at 90, on his first trip abroad, in front of a committee of the United Nations in New York.


If there exists a GOD who protects
nuclear-free eternal peace
the blue earth won’t perish


At his insistence, his status was recognised by the Japanese government: he became officially (though there had been more than 100 others) the only nijyuu hibakusha, or twice-victim of the atom bomb.

在他的坚持下,他的位置得到了日本政府的承认:他成为官方认定(尽管还有另外100多人)唯一一名“原子弹双重受害者(nijyuu hibakusha)”。

He began to be comforted by three things. One was a set of drawings of the 88 Buddhas of the Shikoku pilgrimage, whose outlines—robes, haloes, calm hands—he devoutly painted in. The carbonised, face-down Buddhas of his tanka found peace again. The second comfort was in “simple acts of kindness”. And the third was an image of his life as a baton, passed on every time anyone heard or read his testimony. All these batons might form, together, another human raft.



William Safire 威廉•赛菲尔

William Safire

Oct 1st 2009
From The Economist print edition

William Safire, pundit and lexicographer, died on September 27th, aged 79

HAD William Safire written his own obituary, he would have laid down a few simple rules. First, use the active, not the passive voice, no matter how inert the corpse. Second, taking the bull by the hand, nix those mixed metaphors. Third, kill all sentences starting with conjunctions, or ending in “by”, “with”, or “on”. De mortuis nil nisi bonum? Preferably not; swaydo-intellectual Latinisms cut no ice with him, unless he allowed himself a silkily Catulline ave atque vale.

如果让威廉•赛菲尔写自己的讣告,他会立下几条简单的规矩。首先,要用主动而非被动语态,甭管死者的躯体如何僵硬不动。其次,类似“降牛要抓手”[注1] 这样的混杂隐喻要不得。第三,毙掉所有用连词开头或是用“by”、“with” 或“on”结尾的句子。那能不能用用拉丁文,比如“对于死者唯有赞美”(De mortuis nil nisi bonum”)?最好别;他对被人拉来伪装智识的拉丁文词句不以为然[注2],除非他愿意用拉丁文为自己写一首像卡图卢斯的“敬礼和道别”那样珠圆玉润的 悼亡诗[注3]。
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Time to get tough 刚毅此其时

The Obama presidency, one year on


Time to get tough


Jan 14th 2010
From The Economist print edition

Barack Obama’s first year has been good, but not great—and things are going to get a lot harder


HOW far away it seems, that bitingly cold, crystal-clear morning when almost 2m people filled the Mall from Capitol Hill to the Washington Monument to hear the new president talk of the victory of hope over fear, of unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Recalling the dark days of the war of independence, he pledged, like George Washington, that in the face of common danger Americans under his leadership would come forth to meet it. One year on, how well has he done?

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Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重



Mad, bad and dangerous to know


Jan 14th 2010

From The Economist print edition

Monetary folly is the latest affliction visited on North Korea’s people by the world’s worst government


JUST over a month ago North Korea announced a currency reform. All notes and coins in circulation were replaced by a new currency that lopped a couple of zeros from the old North Korean won. New currencies for old, as Ghana and others have shown, can send a strong signal from governments breaking with an inflationary past and putting sound money back into citizens’ pockets. In North Korea things are different. As Nicholas Eberstadt, a scholar of the country, puts it, the state has “a deep philosophical problem” with money in anyone’s pockets but its own.

就在一个月前,朝鲜宣布进行货币改革。所有流通中的纸币和硬币都被新货币所取代,新朝鲜圆的面值是旧币的100倍。根据加纳和其他地方的经验显示,货币的更新换代是政府发出的强烈信号,即打破过往的通货膨胀,使得公民再次拥有健全货币。而朝鲜的情况则恰恰相反。就像朝鲜问题学者Nicholas Eberstadt指出的那样,朝鲜政权不放心把钱放在任何人的口袋里,除了自己本身,这是个“深刻的哲学问题”。

继续阅读“Mad, bad and dangerous to know 疯狂,糟糕,危险重重”

Prince of the absurd 荒诞之王

Albert Camus, 50 years on

Prince of the absurd

Jan 7th 2010
From The Economist print edition

In search of the real Camus

Albert Camus: Solitaire et Solidaire. By Catherine Camus. Michel Lafon; 206 pages; 39.90. Buy from 《阿尔贝•加缪:隐居者》卡特琳娜•加缪。米歇尔拉封出版社;206业;定价39.9欧元

Les Derniers Jours de la Vie d’Albert Camus. By José Lenzini. Actes Sud; 144 pages; 16.50. Buy from 《阿尔贝•加缪一生的最后岁月》若斯•伦兹尼;144页;定价16.5欧元

Albert Camus, Fils d’Alger. By Alain Vircondelet. Fayard; 396 pages; 19.90. Buy from 《阿尔贝•加缪,阿尔及利亚之子》阿兰•威孔德莱特,费亚荷出版社;396页;定价19.9欧元

Albert Camus. By Virgil Tanase. Gallimard; 416 pages; 8.10. Buy from《阿尔贝•加缪》维吉尔•塔纳斯;416页;定价8.10欧元
继续阅读“Prince of the absurd 荒诞之王”