Trouble at the National Archives

Pricing the past

Sep 17th 2009
From The Economist print edition

A row over budget cuts is pitting academics against amateurs

Coming soon to a computer screen near you

IN A grey concrete fortress, glowering at an otherwise leafy Kew over a moat-like pond, the National Archives guards Britain’s official records, reflecting almost 1,000 years of history. In one reading room academics and students pore silently over crumbling old documents; in another chatty amateur researchers from all over the world study census and family records in search of local history and their long-lost ancestors.

英国国家档案馆(the National Archives)坐落在一幢堡垒式灰色混凝土建筑中,守卫着记录英国近千年历史的官方文献,除档案馆外,基尤(Kew)别处都是枝繁叶茂,档案馆隔着护城河般的池塘倔然而立。一间阅览室中,学者们与学生们在静静地研究着破碎的旧文献;另一间阅览室中,健谈的业余研究者们来自世界各地,为了探究地方史志、追寻年久遗失的祖籍在翻阅着人口调查和家族历史的记录。

This summer, however, the archive’s bosses succeeded in upsetting all their user groups. They want to lower running costs by 10%, anticipating a squeeze in public funding. Their proposals include cutting opening hours by 16% and reducing staff and access to documents, some of which will be stored in a Cheshire salt mine. The expensive process of digitising the archive’s treasures will continue, but only for documents that lots of people are likely to pay to see. Folk are being nudged away from viewing original material at the archive, free of charge and advised by specialists, toward its pay-per-view website.


Many fellows of the Royal Historical Society, Britain’s largest grouping of academic historians and researchers, fret that their interests are being disregarded. Academic advisory groups at the archive have withered away in recent years and, to cap it all, consultation on the proposed cuts closed on September 12th, just as many researchers were returning from working holidays abroad. But it isn’t only academics spluttering over their tea; some local and family history buffs are unhappy with the cuts too, particularly the reduced hours during which expert assistance will be available at Kew.

皇家历史学会(the Royal Historical Society)是英国汇集从事学术工作的历史学家和研究人员最多的机构,其中许多学者都很苦恼,因为他们的学术兴趣遭到了漠视。近些年档案馆的学术指导小组也已萎缩,而最糟糕的是,成本削减提案咨询会在9月12日就结束了,而那时刚好是许多到国外度假的研究者回国的时候。不只是学者们一边喝茶一边义愤难平;地方志及家族史爱好者们也对削减方案不满,尤其对基尤专家指导时间缩短这件事。

Britain’s archivists have traditionally provided an exceptional public service, especially compared with their counterparts abroad. At America’s national archive, for example, which has a budget more than four times its British cousin’s, fewer documents are fetched for readers.


They are right, too, to take the budgetary initiative in these straitened times. But the perennial tough choice between supporting often rarefied research and attracting the masses has got tougher, and solutions are proving elusive. The archive has hoped that putting more material online would cut the numbers trekking to Kew. In vain, it seems: document downloads were up by nearly 13% this August from the same month a year earlier, yet at least as many visitors showed up in person. The archive is, in a sense, the victim of its own success.


Other scholarly institutions face similar choices these days. At the Darwin Centre in London’s Natural History Museum, which opened on September 15th, this gulf has been uneasily bridged. Visitors can watch researchers at work behind glass and even ask questions over an intercom, treating them rather like the specimens they are working on.

近来,其它学术机构也面临相似抉择。9月15日开放的伦敦自然博物馆达尔文中心(the Darwin Centre in London’s Natural History Museum),这一难题也不好解决。游客可以在玻璃窗外看着研究人员工作,甚至可以通过对讲机向他们提问,而研究人员则像是游客正在制作的标本。



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