Barclays and HSBC

Happier days

Aug 3rd 2009

HSBC and Barclays battle bad debts, but their investment banks boom

WHEN the rug was pulled from under Britain’s big banks, only HSBC and Barclays remained upright, avoiding state rescue by raising capital from private sources. Now their sense of superiority is likely to be compounded by first-half results. On Monday August 3rd both banks reported big profits. By contrast, Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland, which are now state-controlled, are both forecast to make losses.

Along with most lenders at the moment, Britain’s healthy pair have been boosted by their investment banks. Barclays’ division saw profits double compared with last year, and HSBC’s unit did even better. Pent-up demand from companies to raise funds, as well as wider trading spreads and low interest rates, explain the windfall.

Since this boom in investment banking is expected to fizzle, investors ask what the likely state of bad debts may be. As in America’s diversified banks, traders cheer record profits while on the other side of firms’ Chinese walls the retail bankers are being bludgeoned. Barclays’ bad-debt charge rose by 86% from a year ago and HSBC’s remained at the very high levels seen late last year. In the first stages of the credit crisis most write downs came from securities, now rising unemployment means bad debts come from bog-standard credit cards and mortgages.

Oddly though, it is bad-debt levels that provide the most optimistic sign from the two banks’ results, specifically those in HSBC’s American consumer-credit arm. This specialised in subprime lending and was one of the first big businesses to suffer serious problems. Half-way through 2006, when the rest of the financial world still partied, delinquencies on its loan book were soaring. HSBC’s 2006 results were marred by what it called the “US mortgage issue”. Since then it has suffered $19 billion of pre-tax losses in North America.

The past three months have brought hints that the worst is over. Overall, fresh bad debts in America fell compared with the first quarter, and in mortgages in particular the bank ran down slightly its stock of bad-debt reserves, suggesting it does not see things getting worse. HSBC gives warning that credit trends can be seasonal and that a boost to the economy from the government stimulus package may wear off. Still, as a sign that things are improving, this is more reassuring than an unseemly boom in investment banking.


  1. only HSBC and Barclays remained upright, avoiding state rescue by raising capital from private sources.
    avoid 主语为HSBC and Barclays ,意思是:通过从私人资本筹集资金躲过政府营救(实际上就是,政府接管,即国有化)

  2. trading spread(第二段)貌似并非指贸易差价,应该是投行作为做市商而所从事的报价服务中的买卖价差,也就是交易价差,也就是低买高卖。第三段的trader译法也应当作出相应调整。

  3. only HSBC and Barclays remained upright, avoiding state rescue by raising capital from private sources.
    avoid 的主语是HSBC and Barclays,意思是:只有汇丰和巴克莱银行依然坚挺,通过从私人渠道筹集资本,避免了政府营救。(即,政府接管,国有化)

  4. was one of the first big businesses to suffer serious problems还赶上了危机的第一波巨浪。个人认为翻译成是其中第一大企业遭遇了严重的危机

  5. 楼上的翻译个人觉得更不妥。 one of the first big businesses to..不是第一大企业的意思。the first 是修饰后面的 to suffer…



  6. “avoiding state rescue by raising capital from private sources”

  7. wider trading spreads :贸易增多
    write downs :账面价值的降低(不知大人“减记”是否也是此意?)
    and was one of the first big businesses to suffer serious problems还是遭受重创的头一批大商行之一。

  8. traders cheer record profits while on the other side of firms’ Chinese walls the retail bankers are being bludgeoned:如同美国多元化银行,投资业务的交易人纷纷庆祝盈利创下新纪元,
    Oddly though, it is bad-debt levels that provide the most optimistic sign from the two banks’ results奇妙的是,正是从坏账率中,人们在两家银行的业绩中看到了最乐观的迹象

  9. Still, as a sign that things are improving, this is more reassuring than an unseemly boom in investment banking.(意译)不过,作为一个预示着事情正在变好的讯号,这也仅仅是让人们可以稍稍放心,但并不意味着投行业真正的复苏


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