Upheaval at Porsche

Exit Wiedeking

Jul 23rd 2009
From The Economist print edition

The predictable end of a long battle


Wiedeking and Härter, in happier times

IN THE morning of July 23rd, Porsche announced the departure of its chief executive, Wendelin Wiedeking, and its chief financial officer, Holger Härter. The German maker of sports cars thus succumbed to what had appeared inevitable since May, when it called off its improbable attempt to take over Volkswagen, a carmaker 15 times its size.

保时捷(Porsche)在7月23号的早上宣布了其首席执行官文德林•魏德金(Wendelin Wiedeking)和首席财务官霍格尔•黑特(Holger Härter)已经离职的消息。自今年五月意图收购大众汽车(Volkswagen,一个规模为保时捷15倍的汽车制造商)失败以来,这家德国跑车制造商终于屈从于这个似乎不可避免的结局。

The departures of both men will pave the way for a merger, but one very much on VW’s terms. Porsche, which under Mr Wiedeking became the highest-margin producer in the car industry, will now be fully integrated into the VW Group, joining seven other car brands: VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti. As The Economist went to press, a meeting of VW’s supervisory board was expected to confirm the commitment to bring Porsche into the fold.


For VW’s chairman, 72-year-old Ferdinand Piëch, who is also a major shareholder in Porsche, it will have been a moment to savour. As recently as late last year, Mr Wiedeking appeared on course to oust Mr Piëch and complete the acquisition of VW, the fruition of an audacious plan conceived by Mr Härter as long ago as 2005. The hard-charging Mr Wiedeking had come to see Mr Piëch as an obstacle in his path and the arch-representative of the old ways of doing things at VW. These included cosy relationships with the unions and the state of Lower Saxony, which has a veto on important decisions thanks to a 20% stake and the archaic “VW Law”.

对于大众的主席,72岁的费迪南德•皮耶希(Ferdinand Piech)来说这是一个值得庆贺的时刻。他同时也是保时捷的主要股东之一。直到去年年底前,魏德金一直按孤立皮耶希、完成收购大众的路线实行。为了实现这一大胆的计划,早在2005年,黑特就已经开始谋划。在积极推进这一计划的魏德金看来,皮耶希是行进路线上的绊脚石和大众老派作风的总代表——总是迁就工会与下萨克森州政府。由于古老的“大众公司法”和20%的股权,下萨克森州政府对大众汽车的重要决策拥有否决权。

Last October Porsche triggered a sensational squeeze on short-sellers when it was slow to admit that it had raised its stake in VW voting shares to 42.6% while acquiring a further 31.5% in the form of secured options. For a time, VW was the most valuable company in the world. A month later Mr Wiedeking unveiled profits that exceeded revenue thanks to the appreciation of euro6.8 billion ($8.7 billion) in the value of its stake in VW. He declared that with the help of a euro10 billion credit line to realise its options, Porsche would press for “dominant control” of the larger firm.


That proved to be the high point of Mr Wiedeking’s vaulting ambition. Although Porsche increased its holding in VW to 50.8% in January, it could only do so by almost tripling its net debt to euro9 billion—at just the moment when its car sales were going into free fall and the credit markets were shutting up shop.


Perhaps if Porsche had managed to get the VW Law overturned, everything might still have worked out for Mr Wiedeking. He would then have been able to exploit Porsche’s anticipated 75% stake in VW to pay down the debt with the help of the bigger company’s euro11 billion cash pile. But at the prompting of Christian Wolff, Lower Saxony’s premier and a fellow Christian Democrat, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, risked the wrath of the European Commission by refusing to end the state’s blocking minority.

如果保时捷能够设法废除大众公司法,对于魏德金来说,也许这一切仍有挽回的余地——他可以利用保时捷在大众汽车中所预期持有75%的股份,从而动用大众汽车110亿欧元的现金资产来偿付保时捷的债务。但是,在下萨克森州州长克里斯蒂安·沃尔夫(Christian Wolff)和基督教民主党员,德国总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)的推动下,德国拒绝执行欧盟委员会的裁决,仍继续沿用少数否决制的大众公司法。

On May 6th the warring Porsche and Piëch families, which own all the voting stock of the holding company that controls Porsche, agreed to find a way of merging the two carmakers. The game was all but up. As Mr Piëch gloated, Mr Wiedeking and Mr Härter made a last desperate attempt to salvage something from the wreckage of their plans. Their hopes rested on selling a substantial stake in Porsche to a Qatari sovereign-wealth fund and then negotiating with VW from a position of greater strength. However, the Qataris were reluctant to become involved in the feud between the families and had their eye on a substantial shareholding in the merged group. They insisted that they would invest only once the parties had come to terms.


For Mr Wiedeking and Mr Härter that meant one thing: a dignified exit. A statement from Porsche said that they saw their departure “as a significant contribution to the appeasement of the situation and to support the forming of an integrated car manufacturing company.” Not too many tears should be shed for the pair, who last year earned more than euro100m between them. But for Porsche, it is a sad end to 78 years of proud independence.



  1. 蛇吞象究竟还是成了泡影,可惜的是保时捷的独立的品牌,尊严,其公司上上下下的自尊心,已是一去不复返了。

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