Chinese history

The man who lost China

May 7th 2009
From The Economist print edition

History may have judged Chiang Kai-shek too severely


IN IMPERIAL China, overthrown rulers were ill-treated in the official histories written by the dynasty that succeeded them. They were blamed for all the evils that justified the transfer of the mandate of heaven. Today, not all Chinese history is written by its latest winners, the Chinese Communist Party. But its victory certainly colours views of the Republican period that preceded the revolution.


One casualty of this has been the reputation of the Republic’s leader, Chiang Kai-shek. During the second world war, he was a hero in the West, feted in Cairo in 1943 by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt as the free world’s great hope against Japan and the Communists in China. But, after the war, as the armies of his Kuomintang (KMT) government crumbled in the face of Mao Zedong’s Communists, Chiang’s standing likewise disintegrated.


The KMT was a dictatorial regime that had risen to power partly through exploiting its links with Shanghai gangsters. It was monstrously corrupt and mismanaged the economy into hyperinflation. It collapsed, largely, it seemed, under the weight of its own fecklessness and cruelty, and ended up ruling just Taiwan, from where Chiang dreamed ever more forlornly of recovering the mainland. Alliance with the dictatorship he brutally established there seemed one of those embarrassing right-wing entanglements the cold war foisted on America. Chiang himself, with his glamorous wife, Soong Mayling, his cool, austere manner and his comic-book title, “the Generalissimo”, seemed somewhere on the spectrum between joke and monster.


This enthralling book by Jay Taylor of Harvard University shows that these conventional views of both Chiang and the Chinese civil war are caricatures. It is the first biography to make full use of the Chiang family archive. This includes Chiang’s own diary, in which he wrote at least a page of classical Chinese daily from 1918 to 1972. The picture that emerges is of a far more subtle and prescient thinker than the man America’s General Joseph Stilwell used to refer to as “peanut”, and Britain’s chief of staff, Field-Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, dismissed in Cairo as “a cross between a pine marten and a ferret”.


In the 1930s Chiang soon realised that his flirtation with Italian-style fascism and a corps of Chinese “blue shirts” was a mistake, asking “how would I differ from the Communists?” He foresaw that the Japanese occupation would never be defeated until America joined the war. Personally incorruptible, Mr Taylor believes, he also understood the damage that graft did to the KMT. Indeed, he seemed to know that the better-disciplined, more fiercely motivated Communists would win one day.


Yet they need not have done. Mr Taylor recounts one of the pivotal moments in China’s civil war. This was the Xi’an incident of 1936, when Chiang was kidnapped by a warlord and pressed to form a united front with the Communists against the Japanese. Freed, Chiang had the chance of “an all-out military solution to the Communist problem”. But when an aide suggested finishing off the Communists, he “bent his head and did not answer. He had given his word.” How Mao must have laughed.


Other allies proved as fickle as Mao. In 1971, as Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger prepared their opening to China, and consequent ditching of Taiwan, their plans reached Chiang not from Washington, DC, but from Zhou Enlai, China’s premier. Mr Taylor assumes he passed on a chilling exchange in which the author claims Mr Kissinger seemed to “tolerate a military takeover of the island by the Chinese”.


By then, however, Chiang had come to think that the loss of the mainland might have been “providential”. It had allowed him to achieve “true progress” in developing Taiwan, impossible on the mainland because of “subversion” and civil war. But Taiwan was also an unpleasantly repressive place. Its impressive strides towards democracy, which have seen the KMT both lose power and regain it, came long after his death in 1975. It was his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, who will be remembered for ushering in political reform.


Under the elder Chiang, the KMT remained what it had become in the 1920s, when, during its first united front with the Communists, it was, like them, built with Soviet advice on Leninist lines. Chiang Kai-shek’s Taiwan was in effect a one-party dictatorship presiding over a capitalist economy, pursuing hell-for-leather growth. Rather like present-day China, in fact. In this sense, Mr Taylor concludes, Chiang was not such a loser after all.


Book details

The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China
By Jay Taylor

Harvard University Press; 722 pages; $35 and £25.95

《经济学人》(The Economist ( ))

译者/ premiermao:


  1. 我相信现在的教科书对民国时期的很多事情的评价都不太客观, 这书还是值得国人一看的, 现在的社会现在的时期我们要做一个明白人。

  2. “Alliance with the dictatorship he brutally established there seemed one of those embarrassing right-wing entanglements the cold war foisted on America.” z这句话该怎么理解呢?文中的翻译好像不太好懂啊

  3. 不要认为你们西方人认为好就是好的,蒋介石不是原来说的那么坏,这件事是可以理解的,但是他的失败是有其必然原因的,毛泽东能够在实力悬殊的情况下最终能够胜利这个事实就能够说明他是更好的。

  4. 马克思主义说道事物发展遵循必然和偶然相结合的规律,必然就是人类社会由资本主义向共产主义过渡,偶然是中国没有经历完整的资本主义,很多条件不成熟,但中国所走的路,不仅是五千年来对自己的挑战,更是对人类未来的贡献。中国不适合资本主义,有各种各样的原因,历史已经证明。中国人凭借自己的智慧选择的道路,不是一时脑热,不是历史重复,是负责任的。蒋介石没能顺应中国国情和历史大势目光稍微滞后了些。客观公正的说,毛泽东的思想是有很大贡献的。他一个农民出身(虽然家是地主,但地不多),万分追求世人阶级平等,发动文化大革命也有此意,只不过还是 历史大势 ,毛有些性急,应先发展经济。

  5. 得民心者得天下,失民心者失天下,中国人可以接受台独统治台湾这么多年,为什么?因为大众的结论并不向西方人想的那样,这个话题就是个假命题,没什么实际意义的

  6. 原文充满了对中国的愚蠢的偏见

    只字不提共党在当时的胜利有相当一部分是赢得了民众信任 反而特别强调TG的胜利“不是必然的”是“蒋介石的沉默”导致的手下留情 用这来突出心中蒋公的“信用”这简直可笑之至

    现在的时代已经不同 人们完全从不同的渠道了解到了蒋公在某些方面的确是有成就的 不止他 还有其他一部分GD官员

    只是从这篇文中 看到了一个自以为是的西方嘴脸 拜托了 回到经济学本论里来吧 关于他国时政您队还是歇了吧

  7. 蒋氏命运多舛,1930年代赢得中国统治地位之后没多久,中日开战,抗战让共产党势力日渐坐大,加上国民党自身的腐败,最终在苏联的帮助下,共产党夺得内战的胜利,大陆人民过了悲惨的三十年的日子,才有所好转。今天共产党的腐败程度,其实与国民党在大陆时有过之而无不及,只不过是和平年代,也没有冷战背景,人民至今无力选择自己的仆人。

  8. 毛泽东的胜利是草根、平民的胜利。而这种胜利则常常出现在中国改朝换代的历史之中。蒋介石和毛泽东最大的差别是“决心”。

  9. 的确,在很多方面我们受到了“成王败寇”思想的影响,比如一楼所说,“毛泽东能够在实力悬殊的情况下最终能够胜利这个事实就能够说明他是更好的”,我觉得这种思想逻辑是十分荒谬的,如果按照这种思想,那么是否可以说日本当时能占领中国那么多的土地是因为日本“更好”?无论是中国内战还是抗战,的确人民的民心是决定性的,但这种逻辑过程不能逆推。

  10. 毛泽东能赢很大程度上是因为抗战的时候躲在后面。抗战时国民党死了将军级别的就4000多人。共 X党都干过什么了?趁抗战养精蓄锐,等别人抗完了再打自己人。

  11. “得民心者得天下,失民心者失天下,中国人可以接受台独统治台湾这么多年,为什么?因为大众的结论并不向西方人想的那样,这个话题就是个假命题,没什么实际意义的”,


  12. 老蒋和老毛都是独裁,不同的是老毛很会营销,向农民营销,向该拉拢的势力营销

  13. 政治决策往往比军事战术更能决定成败。蒋氏的失败只能说他在历史的大考中考了个不及格,成王败寇,只能说他是个失败者,不一定就是个暴君

  14. Whatever evaluations for Chiang Kai-shek ,it is just personal.Some people say he was a leader and a hero;while others insist that he was the stander of tyrannic(al) government,a loser and even a robber.We believe histroy,after all,is fair forever.

  15. 對於翻譯,一件事:Imperial China(開頭)明明是帝國中國或者中國的歷代朝廷甚麼的,我認為原文”imperial”一詞很清楚,譯成“封建”是迴避原文的意思。feudal才是封建吧。

  16. Imperial China (头一句)好像是“中国历代帝国”或者“中国历代朝廷”,不是“封建”。Feudal才是封建。

  17. 非常不好意思,我再次发表的时候原来的才出现,不知道这变网络出了什么毛病。重复不是故意的!请原谅。

  18. 一个西方学者,对民国人物有如此的研究,很不一般。其实国内也有一位学者叫杨天石也是依据蒋介石的日记(保存在 美国胡佛研究所)撰写了一本《寻找真实的蒋介石》的书。其中大部分观点与这为洋作者相似。长期以来民国的历史被歪曲了。。。。。抗战的历史被歪曲了。。。。。等等。现在大学里的政治共同课中就把“中国革命史”取消了。实际上这们课程没有多少科学性,也谈不上历史的真实了。

  19. 粗略的浏览了一下评论,总之得出的结论很让我的心悲凉,为什么有这么多的人在说共产党的不是,同时又在蒋介石的好。但首先要明白一点:蒋介石为什么失败?八年抗战蒋介石做了什么?共产党毛泽东又做了什么?为什么抗战后蒋介石兵败如山倒?还有就是不能拿现在的腐败来否定毛泽东等老一辈共产党?大家稍微想想蒋介石真如作者所说那样,为什么还是失败了?

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