[2008.12.20] 经济聚焦:格林斯潘署名文章

Economics focus

Banks need more capital

Dec 18th 2008
From The Economist print edition

In a guest article, Alan Greenspan says banks will need much thicker capital cushions than they had before the bust

Greenspan Associates Alan Greenspan was the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1987 to 2006. He is now president of Greenspan Associates
格林斯潘联合会 艾伦·格林斯潘曾于1987至2006年间担任美国联邦储备委员会主席,现在则是格林斯潘联合会的总裁。

GLOBAL financial intermediation is broken. That intricate and interdependent system directing the world’s saving into productive capital investment was severely weakened in August 2007. The disclosure that highly leveraged financial institutions were holding toxic securitised American subprime mortgages shocked market participants. For a year, banks struggled to respond to investor demands for larger capital cushions. But the effort fell short and in the wake of the Lehman Brothers default on September 15th 2008, the system cracked. Banks, fearful of their own solvency, all but stopped lending. Issuance of corporate bonds, commercial paper and a wide variety of other financial products largely ceased. Credit-financed economic activity was brought to a virtual standstill. The world faced a major financial crisis.


For decades, holders of the liabilities of banks in the United States had felt secure with the protection of a modest equity-capital cushion, allowing banks to lend freely. As recently as the summer of 2006, with average book capital at 10%, a federal agency noted that “more than 99% of all insured institutions met or exceeded the requirements of the highest regulatory capital standards.”


Today, fearful investors clearly require a far larger capital cushion to lend, unsecured, to any financial intermediary. When bank book capital finally adjusts to current market imperatives, it may well reach its highest levels in 75 years, at least temporarily (see chart). It is not a stretch to infer that these heightened levels will be the basis of a new regulatory system.


The three-month LIBOR/Overnight Index Swap (OIS) spread, a measure of market perceptions of potential bank insolvency and thus of extra capital needs, rose from a long-standing ten basis points in the summer of 2007 to 90 points by that autumn. Though elevated, the LIBOR/OIS spread appeared range-bound for about a year up to mid-September 2008. The Lehman default, however, drove LIBOR/OIS up markedly. It reached a riveting 364 basis points on October 10th.


The passage by Congress of the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Programme (TARP) on October 3rd eased, but did not erase, the post-Lehman surge in LIBOR/OIS. The spread apparently stalled in mid-November and remains worryingly high.


How much extra capital, both private and sovereign, will investors require of banks and other intermediaries to conclude that they are not at significant risk in holding financial institutions’ deposits or debt, a precondition to solving the crisis?


The insertion, last month, of $250 billion of equity into American banks through TARP (a two-percentage-point addition to capital-asset ratios) halved the post-Lehman surge of the LIBOR/OIS spread. Assuming modest further write-offs, simple linear extrapolation would suggest that another $250 billion would bring the spread back to near its pre-crisis norm. This arithmetic would imply that investors now require 14% capital rather than the 10% of mid-2006. Such linear calculations, of course, can only be very rough approximations. But recent data do suggest that, while helpful, the Treasury’s $250 billion goes only partway towards the levels required to support renewed lending.


Government credit has in effect acted as counterparty to a large segment of the financial intermediary system. But for reasons that go beyond the scope of this note, I strongly believe that the use of government credit must be temporary. What, then, will be the source of the new private capital that allows sovereign lending to be withdrawn? Eventually, the most credible source is a partial restoration of the $30 trillion of global stockmarket value wiped out this year, which would enable banks to raise the needed equity. Markets are being suppressed by a degree of fear not experienced since the early 20th century (1907 and 1932 come to mind). Human nature being what it is, we can count on a market reversal, hopefully, within six months to a year. Click here to find out more!


Though capital gains cannot finance physical investment, they can replenish balance-sheets. This can best be seen in the context of the consolidated balance-sheet of the world economy. All debt and derivative claims are offset in global accounting consolidation, but capital is not. This leaves the market value of the world’s real physical and intellectual assets reflected as capital. Obviously, higher global stock prices will enlarge the pool of equity that can facilitate the recapitalisation of financial institutions. Lower stock prices can impede the process. A higher level of equity, of course, makes it easier to issue debt.


Another critical price for the return of global financial stability is that of American homes. Those prices are likely to stabilise next year and with them the levels of home equity-the ultimate collateral for global holdings of American mortgage-backed securities, some toxic. Home-price stabilisation will help clarify the market value of financial institutions’ assets and therefore more closely equate the size of their book capital with the realities of market pricing. That should help stabilise their stock prices. The eventual partial recovery of global equities, as fear inevitably dissipates, should do the rest. Temporary public capital injections into banks would facilitate this process and arguably provide far more benefit per dollar than conventional fiscal stimulus.


Even before the market linkages among banks, other financial institutions and non-financial businesses are fully re-established, we will need to start unwinding the massive sovereign credit and guarantees put in place during the crisis, now estimated at $7 trillion. The economics of such a course are fairly clear. The politics of draining off that much credit support in a timely way is quite another matter.

For a discussion of this article, see www.economist.com/freeexchange


[1] 这篇文章翻得很别扭,凸现自己水平低劣。格林斯潘的文章让我想起市场对他老人家的一度评价:”废话大师”–话怎么难懂,怎么讲!

[2] LIBOR/OIS 是格林斯潘十分钟爱的一个指标。隔夜指数掉期(OIS),是一种将隔夜利率交换成为若干固定利率的利率掉期。它是衡量市场对于中央银行利率预期的指标。国际清算银行在今年3月表示,”在正常的市场情况下”,隔夜指数掉期往往低于Libor(英国银行间同业拆借利率)。Libor往往也是衡量银行融资成本的一个重要指标。看看下面两个图表,对比一下,可以知道他们之间的利差在过去一年发生了怎样的变化。

[3] 熟悉会计的同学知道,集团性企业都要制作合并的财务报表,就是把下面子公司的报表整合在一起。这里将假设整个集团是一家企业,所以子公司与子公司之间的交易产生的负债和债权就会一一抵消–因为你不能成为自己的债主或者欠债人。这里的道理也是一样,把整个世界经济想象成一个大公司。那么里面所有的金融产品的求偿权在合并时就可以抵消,不会对整个蛋糕的大小产生任何影响,资本水平也不会升高。有意思的是,格林斯潘这样等于承认这些金融产品不过是零和游戏,没有任何生产性价值。
[4] 也就是住房价格与相应贷款金额的差额。

译者:弓长贝恩  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=16157&extra=&page=1

“[2008.12.20] 经济聚焦:格林斯潘署名文章”的9个回复

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