[2008.05.17] Blood in the Pink City 喋血粉红城

Indian bombs

Blood in the Pink City

May 15th 2008 | JAIPUR
From The Economist print edition

Terrorists strike one of India’s tourist capitals

Less lovely Jaipur

BICYCLES carry some extraordinary loads in India—bulging sacks of rice, grain, even coal. But the humble push-bike is earning a reputation as a terrorist’s packhorse. On May 13th seven bombs exploded inside the old walled quarter of Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, and an eighth wreaked havoc outside a Hindu temple nearby. The blasts killed over 60 people and injured over 200 others. According to the Times of India, citing the state’s police chief, several of the bombs were stowed on new Avon bicycles.
在印度,自行车用途甚广,比方说驮运成袋的大米,谷物,甚至是煤。但是小小的自行车如今却落得恐怖分子驮马 的名声。5月13日,拉贾斯坦邦首府斋普尔的老城区接连发生七起炸弹爆炸袭击,第八次发泄怒火的袭击发生在印度庙附近。爆炸造成超过60人死亡,逾200 人受伤。根据《印度时报》援引拉贾斯坦邦警察总长的报道,一些炸弹就安放在崭新的Avon自行车上。

Jaipur, where buildings are washed salmon pink, the colour of hospitality, is a stranger to terrorism. It is the gateway to a state of amber forts and lake palaces that attracts about 10% of India’s foreign tourists. But if terrorism is new to Jaipur, it has become depressingly familiar to India. Similar attacks struck other parts of the country in May, August, October and November last year.
这座城市的建筑都被粉刷成热情好客的粉红色,它是前往琥珀城堡 和湖边宫殿的大门,吸引了印度10%的外国游客。斋普尔此前从未发生过恐怖主义袭击,虽说这个城市还不熟悉类似事件,但可悲的是,印度已成了恐怖主义袭击 的常客。去年5月,8月,10月和12月,这个国家的其他地方发生多起类似袭击。

These outrages are routinely blamed on jihadist groups such as Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, tied to Bangladeshi militants, or Lashkar-e-Taiba, whose spiritual leader sermonises from Pakistan. But according to Wilson John of the Observer Research Foundation, an Indian think-tank, India now has “a cocktail of terrorist groups, without any tag.” One called the Indian Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the attacks and released a of the unexploded bike bombs.
这些暴行通常都要算在伊斯兰圣战组织头上,比如与孟加拉好战组织有联系的Harkat-ul- Jihad-al-Islami,或是
精神领袖在巴基斯坦布道的Lashkar-e-Taiba。但是根据来自印度智库——观察家研究基金会的 Wilson John的说法,印度的“恐怖主义组织形式繁多,难以辨认。”一个叫作印度伊斯兰圣战者的组织声称对此次袭击负责,而且公布了一盘未爆炸的自行车炸弹的录 像带。

Regardless of origin, the jihadists share a common aim: “to balkanise India,” as Mr John puts it. By attacking religious sites and festivals, they hope to provoke a backlash, which will in turn radicalise India’s 150m Muslims, half a million of whom live in Jaipur district.

So far they have enjoyed little success. The day after the blast, the walled city was under curfew until 6pm. Boys played cricket on rooftops; old men played draughts or chess; hogs enjoyed an uninterrupted nose through the rubbish. The police had little to do: one examined a handful of ball bearings, which a bomb had turned into bullets. At 6pm, as the signal was given and the ropes were lifted, Hindus and Muslims alike reclaimed the streets to gawk at the damage and get back to business.
但是至今恐怖主义分子没有享受到多少胜利果实。爆炸发生的第二天,这座古城的宵禁持续到下午 6点。男孩们在屋顶上打板球,老人们在玩国际跳棋或是国际象棋,就连肥猪也在垃圾堆里享受美餐。警察们没有太多的事可做:一个警察在检查大量的轴承滚珠, 炸弹把这些滚珠变成了子弹。下午六点,当解禁信号发出后,绳索撤除了,印度教徒和穆斯林又回到街道上做生意,他们呆呆的看着损毁场景,好像什么事也没发生 过.

译者:jason      http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=11458&extra=page%3D1


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