[2008.11.08] 美国大选:无限期望

America’s election

Great expectations

Nov 6th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Barack Obama has won a famous victory. Now he must use it wisely

NO ONE should doubt the magnitude of what Barack Obama achieved this week. When the president-elect was born, in 1961, many states, and not just in the South, had laws on their books that enforced segregation, banned mixed-race unions like that of his parents and restricted voting rights. This week America can claim more credibly than any other western country to have at last become politically colour-blind. Other milestones along the road to civil rights have been passed amid bitterness and bloodshed. This one was marked by joy, white as well as black (see article).

Mr Obama lost the white vote, it is true, by 43-55%; but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry. And he won heavily among younger white voters. America will now have a president with half-brothers in Kenya, old schoolmates in Indonesia and a view of the world that seems to be based on respect rather than confrontation.
奥巴马对白人选票的争夺以43%-55%失利,这是不争的事实;但他与过去三位白人民主党候选人–克林顿、戈尔和克里–得到的白人选票几乎相同。同时, 他在年轻一代的白人选民中取得了重大胜利。这位新总统有一个同父异母的兄弟在肯尼亚,有老同学在印尼,他的世界观似乎建立在尊重而不是对抗的基础之上。

That matters. Under George Bush America’s international standing has sunk to awful lows. This week Americans voted in record-smashing numbers for many reasons, but one of them was an abhorrence of how their shining city’s reputation has been tarnished. Their country will now be easier for its friends to like and harder for its foes to hate.

In its own way the election illustrates this redeeming effect. For the past eight years the debacle in Florida in 2000 has been cited (not always fairly) as an example of shabby American politics. Yet here was a clear victory delivered by millions of volunteers-and by the intelligent use of technology to ride a wave of excitement that is all too rare in most democracies. Mr Obama showed that, with the right message, a candidate with no money or machine behind him can build his own.

Hard times and a bleak House

With such a great victory come unreasonably great expectations. Many of Mr Obama’s more ardent supporters will be let down-and in some cases they deserve to be. For those who voted for him with their eyes wide open to his limitations, everything now depends on how he governs. Abroad, this 21st-century president will have to grapple with the sort of great-power rivalries last seen in the 19th century (see article). At home, he must try to unite his country, tackling its economic ills while avoiding the pitfalls of one-party rule. Rhetoric and symbolism will still be useful in this; but now is the turn of detail and dedication.

Mr Obama begins with several advantages. At 47, he is too young to have been involved in the bitter cultural wars about Vietnam. And by winning support from a big majority of independents, and even from a fair few Republicans, he makes it possible to imagine a return to a more reflective time when political opponents were not regarded as traitors and collaboration was something to be admired.

Oddly, he may be helped by the fact that, in the end, his victory was slightly disappointing. He won around 52% of the popular vote, more than Mr Bush in 2000 and 2004, but not a remarkable number; this was no Roosevelt or Reagan landslide. And though Mr Obama helped his party cement its grip on Congress, gaining around 20 seats in the House of Representatives and five in the Senate, the haul in the latter chamber falls four short of the 60 needed to break filibusters and pass controversial legislation without Republican support (though recounts may add another seat, or even two). Given how much more money Mr Obama raised, the destruction of the Republican brand under Mr Bush and the effects of the worst financial crisis for 70 years, the fact that 46% of people voted against the Democrat is a reminder of just what a conservative place America still is. Mr Obama is the first northern liberal to be elected president since John Kennedy; he must not forget how far from the political centre of the country that puts him.
与期望的有所不同,奥巴马取胜多少会有些让人失望,而这一事实反而会对他有所帮助。他在全民投票中的得票率为52%左右,比布什在2000年和2004年 取得的都要高,但并非一个不同寻常的成绩;比不上罗斯福和里根所取得的压倒性的胜利。同时,尽管奥巴马帮助他的党派加强了对国会的控制力,取得了众议院的 20个席位和参议院的5个席位;但在参议院获得的席位距离60个还差4个,一旦达到60个席位,就可以突破阻挠议事并且在没有共和党支持的情况下也可以通过争议性立法(即使验票也许会增加一个甚至是两个席位)。即使奥巴马筹集到海量的竞选资金、布什给共和党声誉带来的损毁程度、美国正遭受70年以来最严重金融危机所带来的灾害后果,还是有46%的选民向民主党投出反对票;这个事实提醒世人,美国还是一个相当保守的地方。奥巴马是肯尼迪时期以来首位被选为总统的北方自由党成员;他必须铭记自己距离力助其当选的中间立场还有遥远的距离。

Mr Obama’s victory, in fact, is almost identical in scope to that of Bill Clinton in 1992; and it took just two years for the Republicans to sweep back to power in the 1994 Gingrich revolution. Should President Obama give in to some of the wilder partisans in Congress, it is easy to imagine an ugly time ahead-and not just for the Democrats in the 2010 mid-term elections. America could fatally lapse into protectionism, or re-regulate business and finance to the point at which innovation is stifled, or “spread the wealth” (to quote the next president) to the extent that capital is prudently shifted overseas.
实际上,从取胜程度上讲,奥巴马的胜利与克林顿在1992年时几乎相同;而共和党只用了2年时间就通过1994年的金里奇革命收回了大权。如果奥巴马总统屈服于国会中的狂热党徒,那么丑陋的前景就不难想象了–不仅仅指2010年的中期选举。美国可能会陷入致命的保护贸易主义氛围中,或者过度管制金融和商业以致抑制了创新,或者 过度”分散财富”(奥巴马语)令资本谨慎的转移到了海外。

Our mutual friends

Mr Obama will not take office until January 20th, but he can use the next ten weeks well. A good start would be to announce that he will offer jobs to a few Republicans. Robert Gates, Mr Bush’s excellent defence secretary who has helped transform the position in Iraq, ought to be kept in the post for at least a while. Sadly, Richard Lugar has ruled himself out as secretary of state; but Chuck Hagel, senator for Nebraska, is another possibility for a defence or foreign-policy job. Mr Obama might even find a non-executive role for John McCain, with whom he agrees on many things, especially the need to tackle global warming and close Guantánamo. Another pragmatic move would be to announce that his new treasury secretary (ideally an experienced centrist such as Larry Summers or Tim Geithner) will start working closely with Hank Paulson, the current one, immediately.
奥巴马在1月20日之前不会就职,但他可以很好的利用未来的10周。宣布提名一些共和党员加入其内阁是一个很好的开始。布什政府中,盖茨在国防部长的职位上表现优秀,他帮助美国改变了伊拉克战区的整体形势。他至少应该继续任职一段时间。很遗憾,卢格已经不可能成为国务卿;不过内布拉斯加州议员哈格尔是国防或者外交事务工作的另一个人选。奥巴马甚至可以给麦凯恩安排一个顾问性职位,两者对许多事务持相同看法,特别在应对全球变暖和关闭关塔那摩基地这两点上。另一个务实的举措应该是向外界宣布,他的新财长(像萨默斯或者盖纳这样经验丰富的中立派出任此职九最为理想)会立即同现任财长鲍尔森联手工 作。

Whoever he appoints, Mr Obama will be constrained by the failing economy. He should not hold back from stimulus packages to help America out of recession. But he has huge promises to keep as well. He has pledged tax cuts to 95% of families. He has proposed near-universal health care-an urgent reform, as America’s population ages and companies restrict the health insurance they offer. He proposes more spending on infrastructure, both physical and human. But if he is to tackle all or any of this, he must balance his plans with other savings or new revenues if his legacy is not to be one of profligacy and debt. He has to start deciding whom to disappoint.

Non-Americans must also brace for disappointment. America will certainly change under Mr Obama; the world of extraordinary rendition and licensed torture should thankfully soon be gone. But America will, as it must, continue to put its own interests, and those of its allies, first. Withdrawing from Iraq will be harder than Mr Obama’s supporters hope; the war in Afghanistan will demand more sacrifices from Americans and Europeans than he has yet prepared them for. The problems of the Middle East will hardly be solved overnight. Getting a climate-change bill through Congress will be hard.

The next ten weeks give Mr Obama a chance to recalibrate the rest of the world’s hopes. He could use part of his transition to tour the world, certainly listening to friends and rivals alike but also gently making clear the limits of his presidency. He needs to explain that, although his America will respect human rights and pay more heed to the advice of others, it will not be a pushover: he must avoid the fate of Jimmy Carter, a moralising president who made the superpower look weak.
奥巴马可以利用未来10周时间的给让全世界调整一下对他的期望。他可以利用过渡期的部分时间周游世界,倾听朋友和对手的意见,轻缓的告诉他们自己的局限性。 奥巴马需要让大家明白,尽管他的美国尊重人权、更加留意别人的意见,但不会是一个软蛋:他必须避免重蹈卡特的旧辙,卡特是一个让超级大国显得软弱的道德主义总统。

Like most politicians, Mr Obama will surely fail more than he succeeds. But he is a man of great dignity, superior talents and high ideals. In choosing him, America has shown once again its unrivalled capacity to renew itself, and to surprise.

译者:Tidehunter  http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15268&extra=page%3D1

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