[2008.09.20] 美国总统大选:美国并不在理想状态

The presidential election

America not quite at its best

Sep 18th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The election has taken a nasty turn. This is mainly the Republicans’ fault

AS RECENTLY as a few months ago, it seemed possible to hope that this year’s presidential election would be a civilised affair. Barack Obama and John McCain both represent much that is best about their respective parties. Mr Obama is intelligent, inspiring and appears by instinct to be a consensus-seeking pragmatist. John McCain has always stood for limited, principled government, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism. An intelligent debate about issues of the utmost importance-how America should rebuild its standing in the world, how more Americans could share in the proceeds of growth-seemed an attainable proposition.

It doesn’t seem so now. In the past two weeks, while banks have tottered and markets reeled, the contending Democrats and Republicans have squabbled and lied rather than debated. Mr McCain’s team has been nastier, accusing Mr Obama of sexism for calling the Republican vice-presidential candidate a pig, when he clearly did no such thing. Much nastier has been the assertion that Mr Obama once backed a bill that would give kindergarten children comprehensive sex education. Again, this was a distortion: the bill Mr Obama backed provided for age-appropriate sex education, and was intended to protect children from sex offenders.

These kinds of slurs seem much more personal, and therefore unpleasant, than the more routine distortions seen on both sides. Team McCain accuses Mr Obama of planning to raise taxes for middle-income Americans (in fact, the Democrat’s plan raises them only for those earning more than $250,000); Mr Obama claims Mr McCain wants to fight in Iraq for 100 years (when the Republican merely agreed that he would gladly keep bases there for that long to help preserve the peace, as in Germany) and caricatures him far too readily as a Bush toady (when Mr McCain’s record as an independent senator has been anything but that).

An issue of life and life

The decision to descend into tactics such as the kindergarten slur shows that America is back in the territory of the “culture wars”, where the battle will be less about policy than about values and moral character. That is partly because Mr Obama’s campaign, perhaps foolishly, chose to make such a big deal of the virtues of their candidate’s character. Most people are more concerned about the alarming state of the economy than anything else; yet the Democrats spent far more time in Denver talking about Mr Obama’s family than his economic policy. The Republicans leapt in, partly because they have a candidate with a still more heroic life story; partly because economics is not Mr McCain’s strongest suit and his fiscal plan is pretty similar to Mr Bush’s; but mostly because painting Mr Obama as an arrogant, elitist, east-coast liberal is an easy way of revving up the Republican Party’s base and what Richard Nixon called the “silent majority” .

The decision to play this election, like that of 2004, as a fresh instalment of the culture wars is disappointing to those who thought Mr McCain was more principled than that. By choosing Sarah Palin as his running-mate he made a cynical tryst with a party base that he has never much liked and that has never much liked him. Mr McCain’s whole candidacy rests on his assertion that these are perilous times that require a strong and experienced commander-in-chief; but he has chosen, as the person who may be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency, someone who demonstrably knows very little about international affairs or the economy.

What Mrs Palin does do, as a committed pro-lifer, is to ensure that the evangelical wing of the Republican party will turn out in their multitudes. Mr McCain has thus placed abortion, the most divisive cultural issue in America, at the centre of his campaign. His defenders claim that it is too big an issue to be ignored, that he has always opposed abortion, that culture wars are an inevitable part of American elections, and that it was only when he appointed Mrs Palin that the American public started to listen to him. All this is true: but the old Mr McCain, who derided the religious right as “agents of intolerance”, would not have stooped to that.

译者:xsj191   http://www.ecocn.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=14170&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.09.20] 美国总统大选:美国并不在理想状态”的9个回复

  1. 哭死了,我是论坛的小小猫啊,不能登录论坛了,因为论坛现在除了帐号和密码还加了个图片认证,但是好像是由于微软漏洞的问题,我的三台电脑都不显示图片,无法注册,用了网上提供的多种解决办法也不能解决!为什么除了帐号密码还要加个图片呢,大哭啊,有什么办法可以解决一下吗???

  2. 嗯……谢谢,我就是用的火狐……看不到图片……该死的微软,我恨你!!!弄个什么SP3也没用,还是好多论坛的注册图片都看不到!!!

  3. 美国的总统候选人太在意赢得胜利了,他们不应该只是滔滔不绝的讲述所谓的美好计划,应该做点实际的事

  4. 麦凯恩在这个时候当然不会再宣扬什么经济政策,共和党一贯的就是小政府主义,现在金融危机闹大了美国共和党政府也坐不住了抛开理念开始干预金融市场了等于是已经在搬石头砸自己的脚,现在如果老麦再宣扬什么“我们管好我们自己,美圆会自己照顾好自己”岂不是再煽自己耳光。至于民主党为什么大肆宣传他们的候选人的优点美德,把更多的时间用在讲述奥巴马的家庭故事上,而不是宣传大部分民众更加关心的经济政策,我就不知道了,不过人家也不蠢,大约是现在金融危机闹的那么大已经是一荣具荣一损具损了吧

  5. 译文可能还需要注意一下细节

    … revving up the Republican Party’s base and what Richard Nixon called the “silent majority”
    这句的译文有一个问题:rev up后面跟了两个宾语,一个是republican party’s base,还有一个是what引导的从句,rev up the Republican Party’s base翻译成稳固共和党基础不妥,可草译为:活跃了共和党大本营,唤醒了理查德尼克松所称的“沉默大众”。

    The decision to play this election, like that of 2004, as a fresh instalment of the culture wars is disappointing to those who thought Mr McCain was more principled than that
    用“今年的大选”做该句译文的主语似乎有些不妥,The decision to play this election…这里是指共和党在选战中采取的决策,在译文中稍微明确一下这点可能会让读者更容易理解。
    另外fresh instalment of the culture wars的译文(大打“文化”牌)也不太妥当,fresh instalment显示是说与过去文化战中不同的地方,用“大打文化牌”与原文是有很大出入的。
    还有一点,Mr McCain was more principled than that中的that用来直接指布什似乎有些不妥,个人感觉是指2004年共和党所采取的竞选决策。也就是暗指相较之于04年的竞选决策,麦凯恩会采取more principled

    as the person who may be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency,
    关于这句话中的a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency个人觉得应该是指离总统之位有着咫尺距离的72岁老人,而不是说麦凯恩是一个远离政治的72岁老人。

    1.I can’t allow Tom Zarek to be one heartbeat away from the presidency, Wally.
    我不能给汤姆-泽瑞克有一丝当总统的机会 华莱士

    2.What did Bush like most about being a heartbeat away from the presidcy, Bush was asked by a fourthgrader. ” I like going to the White House, ” he answered.

    3.The US House of Represtatives Speaker sometimes stood only a heartbeat away from Presidency.


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