[2008.08.30] 美印核交易:当断则断

America’s nuclear deal with India

Time to decide

Aug 28th 2008
From The Economist print edition

There should be no exemption for India from the world’s nuclear rules

IN A dangerous and unstable world, isn’t cementing friendship with an up-and-coming power such as India worth breaking a few rules for? That is the reasoning behind the Bush administration’s championing of a controversial civilian nuclear deal with India, which George Bush and India’s Manmohan Singh struck in 2005. To take effect it now needs only an India-sized hole to be punched next week in the global rules on nuclear trade and then a final nod from America’s Congress.

The trade restrictions of the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) are supposed to apply to countries that, like India, have built bombs rather than sign up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In return for exempting India from these restrictions, the Bush administration hopes India will be a bulwark against China. Doubters in Congress and opponents abroad have also been lectured on the supposed benefits of bringing India into the “non-proliferation mainstream”.

The deal is being mis-sold on both counts. Some see it as a Nixon-to-China moment: Nixon opened diplomatic relations with Communist China to balance the Soviet Union; doing nuclear favours for India now will help balance a rising China. But India has no intention of picking America’s fights with China. The pending deal has, it is true, persuaded India to back without enthusiasm demands at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear guardian, for Iran to suspend suspect nuclear work. But Indian contacts with Iran, and other unsavoury regimes, remain unhelpfully close. The high-water mark of India’s helpfulness, such as it was, is passing.

As for India contributing to non-proliferation, the opposite is happening: the anti-proliferation consensus is being ruptured. For India, an exemption from NSG restrictions on nuclear trade would be an answer to its nuclear prayers: but its military ones, not its civilian ones. India is short of usable uranium. If it could buy foreign fuel for its civilian reactors, it could devote more of the stuff it makes at home to bomb-building. That alone ought to give pause to any government that takes seriously its obligation under the NPT’s Article 1: not to help others in any way with weapons-building.

Unlike members of the NSG, India has not only failed to sign the NPT, it has not signed the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty either. It claims to support a treaty to cut off the production of fissile material for bombs, knowing full well that negotiations on that treaty have been stuck for years. And unlike America, Russia, Britain, France and China, the five official nuclear powers, it refuses to cap uranium and plutonium production for military uses. India has agreed to put more civilian reactors under IAEA safeguards-but on the unilateral insistence it can take “special measures” (like tossing inspectors out) if its other demands are not met. These include the uninterrupted supply of foreign uranium fuel and help in building up a strategic fuel reserve.

India’s purpose is clear. It wants to leave itself the option of more bomb tests in future, while being able to ride out any sanctions-including from America, whose laws would require them-that would follow. Congress may not have noticed, but American officials have been coaching India in avoidance tactics: buy your uranium fuel from others, not us, they suggest, and you’re in the clear.

Just say no

The NSG was set up precisely to stop countries doing what India did to get a start in the bomb business: abusing technology and skills provided for civilian purposes. The group’s ban on trade with countries that break the non-proliferation rules has been the chief underpinning of the NPT regime. Waive the ban and the NSG will have little point. It should refuse to make an exception for India. And so should America’s Congress.

译者:Tidehunter    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13757&extra=page%3D1


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