[2008.08.23] 东南亚儿童性旅游:不速之客

Child-sex tourism in South-East Asia

Unwanted visitors

Aug 21st 2008 | BANGKOK
From The Economist print edition

The law catches up with travelling paedophiles

IN THE 1970s he was one of Britain’s most popular entertainers. Now Paul Gadd, alias the glam-rocker Gary Glitter, is among its most reviled figures. On August 19th Vietnam expelled Mr Gadd after he had served almost three years in prison for indecency with two girls aged 11. Four days earlier another high-profile paedophile, Christopher Neil, a Canadian teacher (pictured), was jailed by a Thai court for 39 months for molesting a 14-year-old boy. Interpol had launched a worldwide hunt for Mr Neil after photographs of him having sex with boys were found on another paedophile’s computer, with his face blurred in a swirling pattern.
上个世纪70年代,他还是英国最受欢迎的歌手之一,而现在保罗·盖德(化名魅力摇滚歌手加利·格里特)则变成人们唾弃的对象。盖德因为对两名11岁的小姑娘进行猥亵而入狱三年,8月19日越南政府将其驱逐出境。四天前另一个倍受瞩目的恋童癖者加拿大教师Christopher Neil被泰国法庭判入狱39个月,罪名是骚扰一名14岁男孩。在他和这一男孩性行为照片曝光之后,国际刑警组织已经开始在世界范围内展开对Neil的搜捕工作。这张照片是在另一个恋童癖者的电脑中发现的,照片中Neil脸部被处理地模糊不清。

South-East Asia has many of the world’s most popular tourist attractions, and some large populations of Western expatriates. But it also has weak law enforcement, a large sex industry and much poverty. So it has become a favoured destination for paedophiles. Mr Gadd, who has spent time in a British prison for possessing child pornography, was expelled by Cambodia in 2002 after allegations of importuning for sex. He later turned up in Vietnam, and was arrested in 2005. Mr Neil travelled Asia as a language teacher while seeking boys to molest.。

In March a United Nations envoy on children’s rights, Juan Miguel Petit, accused Cambodia, along with Thailand and India, of doing too little to curb child-sex tourism, for fear of damaging tourism revenues. But there are signs that the authorities are starting to take action and that it is having results. Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE), a charity, notes that Cambodia prosecuted 17 paedophilia cases last year, a sharp rise on previous years. Samleang Seila, APLE’s chief in Cambodia, says police are increasingly prepared to act when presented with evidence but are constrained by limited manpower.
3月,联合国儿童权利特使Juan Miguel Petit谴责柬埔寨、泰国、和印度在制止儿童‘性’旅游方面做的太少,唯恐影响到旅游收入。但是有迹象表明,政府正开始采取相关措施,并且已经取得一些效果、慈善团体Action Pour Les Enfants表示,柬埔寨政府去年指控了17名恋童癖者,相比以前有极大提高。APLE在柬埔寨的负责人Samleang Seila说,警察正在积极准备着,当证据被提供时他们好采取行动。但是有限的人员限制了警察的作用。

Tom Steinfatt of the University of Miami, who studies the trafficking of women and children in South-East Asia, says under-age prostitution has declined sharply in Cambodia. It is now a “very small” part of the sex industry there. His studies suggest that the number of child prostitutes in Cambodia is far below earlier estimates of 15,000.
研究东南亚妇女和儿童交易的迈阿密大学的Tom Steinfatt表示,未成年人卖淫的数量在柬埔寨正急剧下降。现在它只占那里色情业很小的一部分。Tom的研究还表明,如今在柬埔寨卖淫儿童的数量远低于早期估计的15,000人。

Mr Samleang says some countries are trying harder than others to stop their nationals going abroad to molest children. America and Germany, he says, are leading the way in issuing warnings about suspected paedophiles travelling to Cambodia. By contrast, in the recent prosecution of a Russian man for abusing boys, the judge said a Russian embassy employee had paid the man’s fines. Richer Asian countries, such as Japan, whose paedophiles travel to Cambodia, are also responding inadequately, says APLE’s Mr Samleang. Matthew Friedman, who runs a United Nations project to curb the trafficking of women and children, says such countries would not want to be seen as protecting their paedophiles: a bit of “peer pressure” from the more conscientious countries would easily persuade them to take a tougher line.
Samleang先生说一些国家正在非常努力地阻止本国居民去国外对儿童进行性骚扰。美国和德国在这方面走在了前面,他们对那些到柬埔寨旅游的可疑恋童癖者发出警告。相比之下,在最近一起对俄罗斯男子虐待男童的指控中,法官说一名俄罗斯大使馆的雇员为这名男子支付了罚金。亚洲的一些富国,如日本,他们中到柬埔寨旅游的恋童癖者并没有充分地被反映出来了,APLE的Samleang先生表示。Matthew Friedman负责联合国一项关于制止妇女和儿童交易的项目,他表示这些国家并不想被认为他们保护本国的恋童癖者:一点点来自那些更负责任国家的”趋同心理”会很容易劝说他们采取更加严厉的措施。

Some countries now have laws to prosecute nationals who molest children abroad and to curb paedophiles’ foreign travel. Britain this week announced a toughening of its laws, to allow for travel bans of up to five years on convicted paedophiles. But children’s charities criticise the government for making insufficient use of the existing law.

Catching foreign child-sex tourists is only part of the problem. Mr Friedman notes that South-East Asian governments still sometimes talk as if there were no home-grown paedophiles. Often, as used to be the case in the West, the powerful are used to being above the law, and children who complain of abuse are disbelieved. But again, things seem to be changing. Last year a former deputy speaker of the Thai senate was jailed for molesting under-age girls. In another case two Bangkok schoolteachers were accused of molesting pupils. Their school campaigned in their defence but their prosecution went ahead and they were each given 50 years’ jail.

译者:jyjnl   http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13569&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.08.23] 东南亚儿童性旅游:不速之客”的2个回复

  1. 他们中到柬埔寨旅游的恋童癖者并没有充分地被反映出来了
    这句有点问题,are also responding inadequately,是说日本作出的反应不够。

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