[2008.08.16] 北京经济:冲刺金牌

Beijing’s economy

Going for gold

Aug 14th 2008 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

The Olympics have not brought Beijing’s businesses the boom they hoped for

YABAO ROAD in Beijing’s embassy district is normally bustling. Russian traders scour its wholesale shops for furs and boots. Hawkers throng the pavements. The street is jammed with taxis and pedicabs. But the Olympic games have begun. Yabao Road is now strangely quiet.


Only a few months ago many shopkeepers, restaurants and hotels were expecting these to be boom times as big-spending foreigners flocked in for the games. Today many businessmen in and around the capital are disgruntled. So too are other citizens who find that even some outdoor food markets have been closed as part of an Olympic spruce-up.


This should be a busy season for Yabao Road, as Russians arrive to make bulk orders of clothing for the winter and other cheap goods. But Chinese traders say the Russians, like other foreigners, have suffered from the tighter visa requirements introduced by China in the build-up to the games. They say police checkpoints ringing the city and restrictions on lorry traffic entering Beijing have made it much more difficult to bring in goods. One shipping-company manager says that demand from traders for commercial space in Yabao Road has fallen sharply.


Official predictions for foreign visitor numbers in August are vague. Figures ranging from 400,000 to 500,000 are commonly cited (in August 2007 there were 420,000 visits by foreigners). But for many months these estimates have hardly been revised, despite signs that there are far fewer arrivals from abroad than expected. In June visits to Beijing by foreigners (including citizens of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) were down by nearly 20% compared with June 2007. Figures this week showed that in July they fell by more than 30% compared with last year, to 270,000, with Russian arrivals down by 47%.


Officials say one-fifth of rooms at the city’s 120-odd designated Olympic hotels were unoccupied after the games started on August 8th (they finish on the 24th). But no figures have been published for the 700 others. Price-cutting at many hotels suggests there may be a glut of rooms. Some bars and restaurants say business is lacklustre too. The owner of one upmarket nightclub says he had been expecting a packed house “all night, every night up until dawn” during the games. But in fact business is much as usual.

官方称,在8月8日奥运开幕后(将于24后闭幕),北京120来家的奥运签约旅店,五分之一的房间空闲。还有700间并未对外发布。许多旅店纷纷降价,预示着或许房屋供过于求。一些酒吧和餐厅也表示生意一般。一位高档夜店的所有人呢表示,他曾预计奥运期间”整晚、每晚通宵” 都客满,但是实际上,生意跟往日差不了多少。

At least the police are not rigorously enforcing a threatened ban on carousing after 2am. They have, however, cracked down on prostitution, depriving many of Beijing’s seedier bars and night-shift taxi drivers of business. Olympic traffic controls and security measures, as well as the lure of sport on television, seem to be keeping people at home anyway.


Manufacturers are also suffering more than they had expected. To curb pollution during the games, the authorities have closed all construction sites in Beijing as well as dozens of factories and quarries in and around the city for two months. Others have been ordered to cut production. Some, such as the Beijing Eastern Chemical Works, are keeping workers occupied by getting them to repair machinery. But at the nearby plant of Beijing East Asia Aluminium Industry, a worker says that hundreds of employees are staying at home on basic pay. The factory has not been ordered to shut, she says, but has had to close because of transport problems caused by the games. Officials have given warning that many more factories could be closed if more drastic measures are needed to clear the (still smoggy) air.


Many economists say the disruptions are unlikely to have a lasting impact on economic growth in the city. Last year Beijing’s output grew by 12.3%. In the first six months of 2008 it grew by 11% compared with the same period a year ago. Officials say this pace is likely to be maintained for the rest of the year, in line with a slight slowing of China’s overall growth-rate. JP Morgan Chase, an investment bank, said in a recent research note that industrial and construction activity hit by the games should “rebound” after the Olympics. In the meantime, the games are not winning any medals from Beijing’s businessmen.


译者:mxrruler  http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=13323&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.08.16] 北京经济:冲刺金牌”的8个回复

  1. 我还担心 后奥运经济问题 呢,现在奥运中的 问题已经就显现了。


  2. 损害广大人民的利益举办奥运会是不可取的。我们不需要世界展示一个涂脂抹粉的中国,而是展示一个真正的中国。

  3. 我觉得现在经济的不景气,或者说由于政府管制过严而造成的损失,是为以后北京更是中国各方面发展做的铺垫!为了保证奥运的成功进行,政府的严格是能够理解的!虽然到北京的游客是比往常少了很多,但是也迎来了从未有过的世界各地的朋友。他们看到的北京,井井有条,热情好客,现代与古典相融合,发展高科技的同时也与大自然和谐的高度统一!在他们心目中,一定有了一颗东方闪亮的明珠!那么等他们回到了自己的祖国,就对中国有了一个非常好的宣传!那个时候来北京的就不仅仅是运动员,看奥运的体育迷了!我相信奥运之后,一定有更多的东方迷,中国迷来中国旅游观光投资!那时候的经济效益与一个仅十几天的奥运会带来的经济效益就是天壤之别了!奥运只是一个开始,只有在奥运会上将中国最好的一面展示在世人面前,才有吸引更多人来中国的资本!为什么有那么多人想迁居美国,不就是因为她发达吗?中国现在做的也正式要让外面的人知道,东方有条巨龙也一样有着值得他们到来的魅力!所以还是相信国家所做的安排吧!

  4. 我觉得现在的经济不谨慎就是因为对资源的滥用,所以才导致现在的消费极度上涨,但生活水平和质量却没有随着经济的上涨而增加,更重要的是当代的学生无法承受

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