[2008.07.26] 中俄边界:雄鸡削冠

The Sino-Russian border

The cockerel’s cropped crest

Jul 24th 2008 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

Nearly 40 years after fighting flared, a border deal is reached

AFTER decades of dispute, China and Russia have at last reached agreement on where the entire length of their common border lies. On July 21st the two countries signed an accord on the last small stretch that had yet to be formally settled, putting an end to a quarrel that once came close to war. In both countries, a nationalist fringe will be nettled.


With their “strategic partnership”, a shared resentment of Western dominance and friendly military ties, China and Russia have long put behind them the acrimony that erupted into cross-border skirmishes in 1969. In recent years they have been tidying up the remaining odds and ends along their 4,300km (2,670 mile) frontier. The latest agreement, signed in Beijing by the two countries’ foreign ministers, resolves the niggling matter of a couple of islands at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers near the city of Khabarovsk in Russia’s Far East.


The two countries reached an initial accord on this problem in 2004. The deal was that Russia would hand over one of the islands, Tarabarov (Yinlong, as China calls it), and half of Bolshoi Ussuriysky island (Heixiazi or Bear island). The Chinese and Russian parliaments endorsed the plan the following year and work got under way on staking out the new border. Now the Chinese can move in.


The outcome is a compromise. Since the 1960s China had been demanding the islands in their entirety. They had been illegally taken over, they insisted, by the then Soviet Union in 1929. The Russians, who had settled on Bolshoi Ussuriysky, did not want to abandon it. Now, the Chinese have got the all-but uninhabited parts, where, according to rumours in the Chinese media, officials are examining the potential for tourism.


Nationalists in both Russia and China have expressed unease about the arrangement. In Khabarovsk some have complained about giving up what they see as Russian territory. Their counterparts in China, who describe the islands as the missing detail on the crest of the cockerel that China’s map vaguely resembles, naturally want more. But Chinese and Russian officials are delighted. A Chinese scholar quoted by a Beijing newspaper said the experience could be useful for solving some of the country’s other border disputes. The Japanese, Vietnamese and Indians, among others, would concur that these still have a long way to run.


译者:rushor    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12854&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.07.26] 中俄边界:雄鸡削冠”的9个回复

  1. 我们80后不承认清康熙之后国家领导人与俄罗斯签订的任何不平等条约!我们领土图形不是雄鸡,最起码是个大海棠叶。

  2. 领土是一个国家的荣誉,从现实层面讲具有无可估量的开发价值.还记得阿拉斯加么?祖先留给我们,我们便不能为了蝇头小利而失去!

  3. 哎,非我等小民能决定之,如果恢复到元朝版图不是更好?!

  4. 我想着贝加尔仍是我们的北海,我想着东洋岛国才是我们的南海群岛,想象因为没有了分裂而没有“蛮”恶心的台湾国语,

  5. 最先谈判的是江泽民. 有人说他卖国.具体事项比较保密, 我们老百姓不得而知.


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