[2008.07.19] 基地组织的全球圣战:怎样在伊斯兰世界赢得战争

Al-Qaeda’s global jihad

How to win the war within Islam

Jul 17th 2008
From The Economist print edition

In the long run, al-Qaeda will be defeated by Muslims, not foreigners. But the West can still help

AMERICA’S “global war on terrorism”, now in its seventh year, has gone on longer than the second world war. Will it ever end? Optimists believe some kind of victory is in sight: Iraq is improving; al-Qaeda has been unable to stage a big attack in the West in three years; and terrorists have shown little sign of using weapons of mass destruction. Jihadists face an ideological backlash, even from radical “brothers” who support jihad but disagree with killing Muslims.
美国的 “全球反恐战争”,现在已到了第七年,耗时超过二战。这场战争会不会永无休止?乐观主义者相信,某种意义上的胜利已经摆在眼前:伊拉克形势渐渐好转,基地在三年内都未对西方进行大规模的反攻,恐怖分子没有要使用大规模杀伤性武器的任何迹象。圣战分子面临意识形态的溃败,甚至连最极端的”哥们儿”也有了异见。这些”哥们儿”支持圣战,但是不赞同杀害穆斯林。

Welcome as al-Qaeda’s setbacks may be, the world should not be complacent. As our special report in this issue explains, the threat is likely to last for decades. One reason is that al-Qaeda, though weaker in Iraq, has created a new sanctuary in Pakistan’s tribal belt. Another is that al-Qaeda’s ideology has spread far and wide thanks to the internet and ease of travel. A third is that anti-Americanism remains powerful across the Muslim world. Only a tiny proportion of the world’s billion or so Muslims need to take up jihad to create serious trouble.

That is particularly true because al-Qaeda is so nebulous and its violence, unlike that of earlier nationalist or sectarian terrorists, is so unrestrained. The days when the Irish Republican Army telephoned warnings of its bombs, and at times apologised for killing bystanders, seem quaint in an age of human-guided bombs seeking to maximise bloodshed.

In the 19th century anarchists mainly assassinated rulers; in the 1970s terrorists typically killed tens of people; and by the 1980s and 1990s hundreds died in bombings. On September 11th 2001 al-Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people. If it had chemical, biological or radiological weapons or, less likely, nuclear ones-all big “ifs”, admittedly-it would use them.
19世纪,反政府主义者大多是暗杀统治者;20世纪70年代,恐怖分子象征性地杀害几十个人;20世纪80和90年代,几百人丧生炸弹。2001年9月 11日,将近3000人丧生于基地分子之手。他们如果有化学武器、生物武器、放射性武器,或是几率更小的核武器,种种可怕的武器,毋庸置疑,只要有,他们就会使用。

For global jihadists the reward is in paradise, so life is cheap. They do not seek realistic political gains, but dream of restoring the mythologised caliphate that was abolished by Ataturk in 1924. Al-Qaeda has woven many strands of grievance into a simple single narrative: Islam is under attack from all sides; America, the West, the Jews (along with puppet Arab leaders and treacherous Shias) are to blame; it is the duty of every Muslim to fight them; and Muslims who object are apostates. Thus is mass murder justified as a defence of Islam.

How to confront the menace? Al-Qaeda must be denied victory, denied sanctuary and denied the ability to organise attacks. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of Western intervention, America must not leave Iraq over-hastily and will need to shore up its forces in Afghanistan. In time, though, the West should draw back from combat in favour of more discreet assistance. Al-Qaeda seeks to attack the “far enemy”, America, because the “near enemy”, the region’s governments, are hard to fight. The West should seek to invert this equation. It must encourage and help weak governments, such as Pakistan’s, to extend their writ and deny the terrorists a haven. International intelligence co-operation must be strengthened.

All this will mean supping with less-than-savoury figures. But the West must not lose sight of its most compelling idea: democracy. The greater struggle against jihadists is in the realm of ideas. Al-Qaeda must be denied the claim to be defending Muslims or to speak on their behalf. Jihadists say democracy is sinful “man-made” law, but Muslims everywhere seize the right to choose their leaders when given the opportunity.

Democracy, though, is neither an instant nor complete solution. Elections can heighten sectarian tensions, and may produce weaker or more anti-Western governments. It becomes discredited if it is seen as an imposition, or if democracies use torture. Nevertheless, it offers the best hope of moderating those who use Islam as a weapon of protest. Authoritarian regimes, even if friendly, should be nudged towards reform.

In Pakistan America invested all in its military ruler, Pervez Musharraf, but his support collapsed. Islamists who are not violent, like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, should be able to contest free elections. In Turkey, secularists are wrong to try to ban the Islamist-tinged ruling party, AKP (see article). Preventing moderate Islamists from gaining power at the ballot box only encourages extreme ones to seek it by violence.

Some lump together all forms of Islamism as a deadly enemy, akin to fascism and communism. A more accurate analysis, and a better strategy, would be to disaggregate the problems. The rhetoric of the “global war” on terrorism only strengthens global jihad. As the West learns the limits of force, it is Muslims, not foreign soldiers, who will defeat al-Qaeda.

Yet foreigners do still have a role to play in what is, at its core, a violent contest within Islam. A useful move would be to make a greater effort to extinguish some of the fires of radicalism, such as the conflicts over Palestine and Kashmir. But diplomacy, like democracy, is no panacea. Muslim resentment of the West has a complex pathology, dating back to the Spanish reconquista in medieval times; that is hardly something that can be undone. Still, it is worth addressing real grievances.

Six excellent ideas

In an internet video in September 2007 Abu Yahya al-Libi, a prominent al-Qaeda leader, mockingly gave the West six tips to wage ideological warfare: highlight the views of jihadists who renounce violence; publicise stories about jihadist atrocities against Muslims; enlist Muslim religious leaders to denounce jihadists as heretics; back Islamic movements that emphasise politics over jihad; discredit and neutralise jihadist ideologues; and play up personal or doctrinal disputes among jihadists. These would indeed be good starting-points.
2007年,一个有名的基地领袖阿布•亚哈•阿立比(Abu Yahya al-Libi)在网络录像上,不无嘲讽地给了西方六条打意识形态战争的建议。第一,着重宣传放弃暴力的圣战分子的观点;第二,公布那些圣战分子对穆斯林施暴的故事;第三,团结穆斯林精神领袖,来谴责圣战分子是叛教;第四,支持那些强调政治手段胜过圣战的伊斯兰运动;第五,败坏圣战支持者的名声,并让他们传为中立;第六,挑拨圣战分子内部的个人或政见争端。这六条建议倒真不失为入门良策。

译者:Sissy    http://www.ecocn.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=12811&extra=page%3D1

“[2008.07.19] 基地组织的全球圣战:怎样在伊斯兰世界赢得战争”的4个回复

  1. “基地将千丝万缕的怨恨编织为一个简单的说法:伊斯兰四面受敌;美国、西方和犹太人,还有阿拉伯的傀儡领导和变节的什叶派,都应受到谴责;每一个穆斯林都有责任与他们作战;反对圣战的穆斯林就是背信弃义。正是如此,大肆屠杀堂而皇之地成了捍卫伊斯兰之战。”


  2. 一切都不过是利益之争,争夺时使出各种招数,阴的,阳的都有,反正敌人一定是邪恶的,正义一直在掌握在自己手里 :)

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